what would you do?

Ok, I have to add my 2 cents..


Those of us who know you out side of this board, know it is not a "Race" issue..
But, at this point, I think you are catching hell because you keep responding and letting every one elses opinion get you upset. Like I did in the WU thread... The more I tried to voice my opinion, the more I was attacked...not by all, but yes, I was doing it to myself.
What ever you decided for your self...just leave it at that. What ever your reasons..so be it..just let it go.

I think you are catching hell, because your reasons for the policy were never told, nor your reasons for lifting it.. and now, going back, with no clear explination..
True..you do not owe any one any thing, but when we post it here... we have to expect to hear things we do not like.. and the confusion just keeps it all going..

Make your own decision...but just not here in the open. It may be easier for this subject.. on you.

Hope you have a great week end!!! Enjoy the water.. it's hotttt assss fuuuukkk..
I will see who I choose. Most eccie guys are good. But the ones who have no life probably not. Respectable men only. And there are a lot of men here that do not show respect. But like I say, I'm not going anywhere
You are so right Nikki. Letting this go! the mods won't close it, so fucktards have at it lol. This thread is over as far as I'm concerned!
Ok, I have to add my 2 cents..


Those of us who know you out side of this board, know it is not a "Race" issue..
But, at this point, I think you are catching hell because you keep responding and letting every one elses opinion get you upset. Like I did in the WU thread... The more I tried to voice my opinion, the more I was attacked...not by all, but yes, I was doing it to myself.
What ever you decided for your self...just leave it at that. What ever your reasons..so be it..just let it go.

I think you are catching hell, because your reasons for the policy were never told, nor your reasons for lifting it.. and now, going back, with no clear explination..
True..you do not owe any one any thing, but when we post it here... we have to expect to hear things we do not like.. and the confusion just keeps it all going..

Make your own decision...but just not here in the open. It may be easier for this subject.. on you.

Hope you have a great week end!!! Enjoy the water.. it's hotttt assss fuuuukkk.. Originally Posted by NIKKILOVE
Family day at the beach tomorrow. Its too hot!
pyramider's Avatar
What are you talking about? Its never too hot for the beach.
Mojojo's Avatar
Certain thread's might raise one's blood pressure, and its understandable that they do however folks lets please not forget to keep our emotions from capturing the best of us.

Also please remember that while the OP may request a thread be closed it will be taken into consideration however it will not be the sole factor when deciding whether or not a thread is locked.... this thread can easily be navigated back on track with the use of the RTM button. Thanks!

#22 - ECCIE Staff will go to great lengths to avoid editing, deleting, or censoring our members posts or threads...unless absolutely necessary. Forbidden topics such as underage sex, illicit drugs, bestiality, revealing personal info, medical speculation, or images not in compliance will be removed from public view. Controversial, troublesome, or objectionable posts may draw staff attention or in some cases disciplinary action, but the offending post will not be removed from the view of our membership in any but the most extreme cases. Often times you will find directions, footnotes, or other guidance from staff edited INTO posts which draw our attention. These are for the purpose of educating the readers of what is and what is not acceptable as well as informing others about how these issues have been dealt with. Members are encouraged to RTM posts which include rule infractions or objectionable material if it appears that staff has not already becomed involved with the thread or post in particular.
Note: Staff will consider a request from the original poster to remove a thread/post they have made provided it was recently posted and not replied to. As a general rule, staff will not consider such requests once a thread or post has been visible for at least 4 hours or received 2 or more replies. In these cases, a request from the OP to lock the thread is more appropriate and will receive consideration.
Out_of_Bounds's Avatar
You are so right Nikki. Letting this go! the mods won't close it, so fucktards have at it lol. This thread is over as far as I'm concerned! Originally Posted by bustyamy
This threAD should never have been started. Pure retardedness.
This threAD should never have been started. Pure retardedness. Originally Posted by Out_of_Bounds
I actually agree. Another time bustyamy puts her foot in her mouth. Isn't the first and probably not the last. But hey, I'm only human. And a hooktard lol. What do you expect lol
DEAR_JOHN's Avatar
This threAD stuff is getting old. When it first started it was kind of funny, but now it seems like any time a provider posts, and someone doesn't like her post, or wants to be cute, they throw out the threAD card.
This threAD stuff is getting old. When it first started it was kind of funny, but now it seems like any time a provider posts, and someone doesn't like her post, or wants to be cute, they throw out the threAD card. Originally Posted by DEAR_JOHN
Babe, you are so on my "to do" list darling. You are such a sweety It gets funny when the pot calls the kettle black, and judgement is huge around here. I have many great clients who don't even post here cause of the disrespect, and its sad. But as you can see my darling John, this Eccie tree is shaking and I'm not falling out lol. I'm not perfect, but I am a good person and provider, and those who know me will tell you the same. And I sleep well at night knowing I take care of what I need to I am only a family woman who fell in love with providing, as it became a fantasy of mine to provide a fantasy. I asked the thread to be closed, and my buddy mojojo will not. He is not one of my biggest fans lol. Thats why its still open
Ok, I wasn't going to say anything but as someone who is being attacked on another thread I will, we all have a choice in who we play with guys too...if a person is not your type move on...and Amy you are an awesome person inside and out I can't wait to hang out and have few margaritas...and like you I'm not going anywhere no matter what some haters may say or do..keep on rocking girl !!! And DJ you are spot on..gosh I miss the old days..luv ya..
KatieKatie's Avatar
Hooktard?! Is it ok for anyone to call someone that? Especially a "hobbyist" who visits "hooktards". Or do you only stick to the classier type? A higher up the caste type of hooktard. More of a hookesan? Get over yourself.

As a hooktard I understand Amy coming to this board and wanting to talk about her business. We hooktards can't call our mom and ask her opinion. Most of us can't even call our best friends. Even our therapists!

It doesn't matter. See whoever you want and don't see whoever you want. Some girls go to the extent of asking for pictures. Some girls won't see overweight, eastern asians or older men. Nobody is throwing their bleeding heart on the ground for them. I thought I was in Texas? Can someone around here act like it?

Whoever said about Quintin X you are hilarious!!!

Have a lovely day at the beach tomorrow, Amy. You deserve it after dodging black cock all week.
KatieKatie's Avatar
If you put it up you will get haters, if you take it down you will get haters. Like Trey said in American-French, stop posting this stuff. You are just asking for trouble. Especially when your reasons do not provide a compelling argument for or against such a policy. If you continue with this, you are going to find yourself in front of Quanell X lol Originally Posted by aavalos3078
Seriously, hilarious!
This threAD stuff is getting old. When it first started it was kind of funny, but now it seems like any time a provider posts, and someone doesn't like her post, or wants to be cute, they throw out the threAD card. Originally Posted by DEAR_JOHN

I agree, and Houston seems to be the worst at throwing that word around.....
When I have posted my ads for the week here.. and go some where else in the same week like Dallas or Beaumont.. the Mods there tell you to post in Coed that you will be visiting because..we are only allowed so many ADs in the provider section per week... and if you notice, most ladies visiting do post an threAD in our co-ed when they are going to be here..because it is encouraged by mods to do so! The only time they throw out the "threAD" crap is when they do not like the provider... Local or not, if some one is trying to ruffle feathers.. that's the FIRST thing they throw out...

I would just like to say.. for those of you guys who do not "know" as much as you portray to know here..there are other boards that we have access to.. we know how you feel about us.. no need to constantly try to aggrivate a provider every where she post... we DO have the right to post ADS..THREADS..threADs.. no matter how much you do not like us.

(DJ) the last part was not directed to you at all.
Trey's Avatar
  • Trey
  • 06-23-2012, 10:07 PM
None of you seem to get the fact that no one gave a fuck about who she saw and who she didn't. She kept bringing it up over and over, stupid ass tread after thread this girl drags it on like she opened up her own god damn underground railroad or something. You ladies still think its about her policy NO ONE GAVE A SHIT THEN, NO ONE GIVES A FUCK NOW! It's about her learning when to shut up.