Dr. Ben Carson another Tea Party Hypocrite

JD Barleycorn's Avatar
He is a pre-Martin Luther King faux bro. He racially judges people by their skin color and not their character.
Wheretonow's Avatar
I am Pro-life and I told you I am a registered Independent- but the way Dr.Carson has talked the past years you would believe he has achieved all of his success with little to no govt assistance. I wonder how ironic it will be for a man like Dr.Carson to talk about cutting Food Stamps when in reality it was Food stamps that allowed him to eat 3 meals a day. Originally Posted by wellendowed1911
How exactly, in the Great State of Texas, do you register as an Independent? If you vote in the Democrat or Republican primaries, your Voter Registration Card is stamped either "Democrat" or "Republican". Not sure that makes you "Registered". Don't know of any "independent" primary that would get your VRC stamped...
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  • 12-08-2014, 06:10 AM
It really doesn't matter cause he won't get nominated anyway.

Jim Originally Posted by Mr MojoRisin
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  • 12-08-2014, 07:24 AM
He is a pre-Martin Luther King faux bro. He racially judges people by their skin color and not their character. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
This thread was about hypocrisy not skin color. If a white politician like say Paul Ryan parents received Federal assistance that Paul Ryan or Michelle Bachman benefited from a government program , then talked about how lazy those folks are that received them were while not disclosing that they too had benefited from those very same programs. ..then I too would call them out. Which I have in regards to those two.

boardman's Avatar

Charities better at providing for needy than the government

He railed against the government's lack of forethought to deal with the national debt. "We're not planning for the future," Carson said. "If we continue to spend ourselves into oblivion, we are going to destroy this nation." He also said the government is treating corporations "as enemies" and that corporate taxes should be lowered to encourage growth. "Corporations are not in business to be social-welfare organizations; they are there to make money," Carson said.Charities, he added, are better at providing for the needy than the government. "Nobody is starving on the streets. We've always taken care of them," Carson said. "We take care of our own; we always have. It is not the government's responsibility."
Source: 2013 Conservative Political Action Conf. in Baltimore Sun , Mar 17, 2013
Those who don't want to work? They are on their own

The issue of how to handle able-bodied individuals who simply do not want to work has three practical solutions:
  1. Tell those who don't work that they are on their own.
  2. Take from those who have something and redistribute it to the individuals who aren't working.
  3. Borrow from a 3rd party in order to take care of the nonworking individuals and leave the debt to future generations.
Logically, with solution 1, the individual who isn't working clearly either starves or finds a job. What about solution 2? In this case, those who are forcibly constrained to support the individuals who aren't working eventually lose interest in working themselves, since the fruits of their labors are being confiscated. This, in turn, leads to even more individuals who aren't working. What about solution 3? These investors are unlikely to extend credit indefinitely. Thus solution 1 is the only one that stands the test of logic and is the one upon which we should concentrate. Source: America the Beautiful, by Ben Carson, p. 88-89 , Jan 24, 2012
Government entitlements compete with private-sector charity

It is very difficult to travel to any community in our nation and not find charitable organizations specifically created to aid the indigent citizens of that community.Our government used to fully understand the role of private-sector charitable organizations in ameliorating the plight of the poor. This is why the government offered tax deductions and exemptions for churches and other charitable organizations. Today the government actually competes with many of these private-sector charities while still offering them tax deductions. How does this wasteful duplication benefit government or us, its citizens? Certainly by creating huge government entitlement programs, the size and power of the government increases dramatically. Before long, people generally depend on government for everything from health care and education, to a comfortable retirement, instead of looking to government for the basic protection of life and property, as well as providing public roads and public safety.
Source: America the Beautiful, by Ben Carson, p. 91 , Jan 24, 2012
Eradicate poverty by providing education and requiring work

The Bible makes it clear that we have a responsibility to be kind to the poor among us. [But] America did not become a great nation by encouraging people to feel sorry for themselves and seek handouts from othersIf we really want to eradicate poverty, we should allocate significant resources and personnel toward providing education and opportunity for the poor. And if we are to provide assistance to our able-bodied citizens, it should be attached to a requirement for work or acquisition of education and/or skills.
If they have to work anyway, many people will put real effort into finding the kind of job they want as opposed to collecting unemployment benefits and being assigned to work they consider undesirable. Some conservatives would say that we should leave such people on their own to sink or swim because we cannot afford to keep supporting them, while some liberals would say that these people already have enough problems and that it would be unfair to require anything of them. I reject both
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  • 12-08-2014, 09:22 AM

Those who don't want to work? They are on their own
Originally Posted by boardman
Sounds like Ben should have went to work before his Mom took Food Stamps!

Or maybe Ben's Mom could have relied on Charity to feed that hypocritical little son of hers.

Or maybe we could have let the little SOB starve to death instead of teaching women that they can have as many kids as they like the government or charities will take care of them!

So the lil bastard took Food Stamps and now wants others to work for their Food stamps! MY my ....lil Uncle Ben don grow'd up and changed his name to Tom!

As usual, Wellendowed gets it all wrong. The Tea Party isn't against government help to the needy.

Nothing wrong with government programs that are a hand-out to get out of poverty....what the Tea Party is against is government programs as a way of life; people who are on the dole and don't work, don't go to school, don't do the right thing, don't contribute back. Multi generational welfare. Ben Carson used government help to succeed in life. Nothing wrong with that kind of assistance.

The Tea Party isn't against government help.
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Liberals don't want to see those in need succeed. It diminishes their voter base. Better to keep them on a lifetime of dependence.
What ever happened to Clinton's welfare reforms?
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  • 12-08-2014, 10:41 AM
. Ben Carson used government help to succeed in life. Nothing wrong with that kind of assistance.
. Originally Posted by Whirlaway
Awww but how close was he to being thrown in jail?

Though he has talked about it before, in his new book, Carson recalls how he was minding his own business when “a classmate came along and began to ridicule me. I had a large camping knife in my hand and without thinking,” he writes, “I lunged at him, plunging the knife into his abdomen.”
During a recent conversation,
Carson talked with me about the incident, and how it radically changed his life:
I had real anger issues. I would just fly off the handle and really become quite irrational and try to hurt people with baseball bats, hammers, whatever. In this particular case, I happened to have a large camping knife. And, you know, one of my friends angered me. And I just lunged at his abdomen with the knife. Probably would have seriously injured or killed him, but he happened to have on a large metal belt buckle under his clothing, upon which the blade broke.

Or being like Obama's son Trayvon...

He also identifies with Trayvon Martin, recalling: “I can remember times when I would be walking in a white neighborhood and in short order a police car would show up, undoubtedly summoned by a concerned onlooker.”

You Tea Cats going to vote for Obama's could be son Dr. Ben 'Trayvon' Martin!

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  • 12-08-2014, 10:49 AM
Liberals don't want to see those in need succeed. It diminishes their voter base. Better to keep them on a lifetime of dependence.
What ever happened to Clinton's welfare reforms? Originally Posted by boardman
This social liberal like's to make fun of hypocrites.

Dr Ben Carson is like a successful Solyndra. You do understand the irony to that analogy?

Obama turned Clintons welfare reform work rules over to the states if they:

On Thursday, the Department of Health and Human Services sent states a letter saying they could get a federal waiver to those rules if they proposed better ways to help recipients find permanent, well-paid jobs.
boardman's Avatar
This social liberal like's to make fun of hypocrites.

Dr Ben Carson is like a successful Solyndra. You do understand the irony to that analogy?

Obama turned Clintons welfare reform work rules over to the states if they:

On Thursday, the Department of Health and Human Services sent states a letter saying they could get a federal waiver to those rules if they proposed better ways to help recipients find permanent, well-paid jobs. Originally Posted by WTF
If he had been brought up in privilege, would he be less of a hypocrite then?

If we are going to hold Carson accountable for the choices his mother made when he was a child shouldn't we hold Obama accountable by the same standard?

If we are going to hold Carson accountable for the choices he made as a young adult doing what he needed to do to further his education shouldn't we hold Obama accountable as well?

Talk about hypocrisy!
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  • 12-08-2014, 12:49 PM
If he had been brought up in privilege, would he be less of a hypocrite then?

If we are going to hold Carson accountable for the choices his mother made when he was a child shouldn't we hold Obama accountable by the same standard?

If we are going to hold Carson accountable for the choices he made as a young adult doing what he needed to do to further his education shouldn't we hold Obama accountable as well?

Talk about hypocrisy! Originally Posted by boardman
Is Obama calling for government cuts to programs he benefited from? Do you understand wtf a hypocrite is?

By God yes hold them accountable but first learn wtf a hypocrite is.

Yes they both benefited from government largeness. ..but one seems to have forgotten that largeness. You act as if that government largeness had nothing to do with Carson ' s success.

Carson is like the newly married hooker wanting to outlaw prostitution! Cocksucker wasn't singing that same tune with a mouth full of dick and a purse full of cash.

boardman's Avatar
Is Obama calling for government cuts to programs he benefited from? No, even worse, he is denying the privilege he received and using lies and made up experiences now to appeal to a voter base he has no other way of relating to in order to get their votes. That's a hypocrite. Do you understand wtf a hypocrite is?

By God yes hold them accountable. So you would hold children accountable for the decisions and actions of their parents? Really?
Do you still hold the identical beliefs as you did when you were a teen or young man just entering the workforce? Maybe you do. I know I've learned from the school of life that there are no free lunches and adjusted my politics accordingly. Does it make me a hypocrite that I have changed my philosophy of politics over thirty years of being a working class adult? I'm not sure you understand what a hypocrite is. I know what you think it means.

Yes they both benefited from government largeness. ..but one seems to have forgotten that largeness. You act as if that government largeness had nothing to do with Carson ' s success.

That is like the newly married hooker wanting to outlaw prostitution! Only Carson is not newly married. He is a retired person that has had time to reflect on his life and how he got where he is and who and how it was paid for.
I would give a lot more credence to a long retired, long married hooker wanting to outlaw prostitution. Not that I would support her but I would be more inclined to respect her opinion if she had life experience and time for reflection to back it up.

. Originally Posted by WTF
I better understand what a hypocrite is each and every time you post.

Perhaps you should stop asking me if I understand and ask yourself.



noun 1. a person who pretends to have virtues, moral or religious beliefs, principles, etc., that he or she does not actually possess, especially a person whose actions belie stated beliefs.

2. a person who feigns some desirable or publicly approved attitude, especially one whose private life, opinions, or statements belie his or her public statements.

Using the definition above, just how is Carson now a hypocrite. Is he now saying or doing something he doesn't believe or is he saying yes he benefited from a system but he believes there is a better more efficient way?
For that matter, who do you trust more to tell you a system is fucked up? One that lived it or an elitist, liberal or conservative, who has no more interest in the system than the number of votes it earns them to say what people want to hear.

FTR, again, I'm not sure who I support. I'm just beginning the vetting process. I don't think Carson can win the Republican nomination. He's the man in the discussion now because he was the first to throw his hat in the ring. There are an estimated 24 Republicans thinking about running right now. I'd rather see Gary Johnson as President over any of them but I know that's not going to happen either.

Starting a discussion on what Carson or his mother did 40 years ago is really about as helpful in the vetting process as starting a discussion today on whether Obama faked his birth certificate.
Old-T's Avatar
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  • 12-08-2014, 01:46 PM
It is typical RWW/Tea Party "logic":

--i got mine, now don't tax me to give anyone else theirs
--cut gov't spending, but not in my district
--cut gov't programs, but not the ones I favor
--don't export jobs, but cut wages at home
--hold people accountable but gut the enforcement mechanisms to do so

Nothing new really.
blackmaleindallas's Avatar
Do you remember Herman Cain? He was doing quite well until his mistress was exposed.

So what's your remembrance of why blacks left the Republican Party in the 60s? Originally Posted by gnadfly
Blacks migrated to the Decmocratic party circa 1964 when the Republicans nominated Barry Goldwater for president, as he was anti Civil Rights Act of 1964/pro "states rights"; blacks migrated to the Democratic party and southern white "dixiecrats" migrated to Republican party since "states rights" have always kinda been a big deal in the south; see the Civil War..lol Replublicans like to ignore history and claim the Democrats were "the real racists" but don't tell the whole story about the double migration of 1964 and why it occurred.

Ben Carson has been on my radar since 1996 so he's not new to me, and I've been following Mia Love since 2009-2010; My problem with them is not that they are republicans but that they are hypocrites and promote ideas that don't stand up to the lowest level of scrutiny.

Both of them, like many successful people in America, benefited from various government programs and turned out ok. Government programs aren't evil by nature and if they were honest about this and instead talked about how to make the programs better, they'd win far more votes and be taken more seriously.