Trump will sign Executive Order revoking birthright citizenship. And, of course, lies about it!

ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
I know quite a few of these educated Suburban Women, and most are rather conservative and back President Trump.

But then, East Houston ain't Austin. Originally Posted by Jackie S
Obviously, East Houston isn't Dallas.
Hi Elizabeth,

There are so many times I have been asked the question "why would you as a provider support Trump"

At first it irritated me but I find it amusing now. To me, Trump is refreshing. After working in corporate and being the boss for 27 years I got so fed up with the ridiculous P.C. crap. I was done.

I've been watching Trump since the late 80's. I read his first book and I liked it. He appeals to me. He's a common sense man ( personally I think common sense has left America) and he's bringing it back.

Also, alpha males appeal to me and Trump is alpha. Might be a dad thing since my father was an alpha male too.

The other thing is - due to Trump - I have enough money to retire next year. All my investments have paid off and I am debt free. All thanks to Trump.

I'm not ashamed to say that I love Trump. There are haters out there but I'm going to let them hate. There's nothing I can do about that.

I bed both R's and D's too - although, I find the R's to be much better in the bedroom.

Just my opinion.

QUOTE=ElisabethWhispers;106102 3582]Honestly, I simply do not understand why Yssup and others are starting topics such as this one. It's a wasted effort (and can say the same with my response, I'll admit!).

We should let the political forum die or just be fodder for the many conservatives who like to bray and pontificate. Presenting topics such as this one isn't going to change closed minds.

Thankfully, and this may sound crazy to some, it's good that we have someone such as Wakeup bringing some decorum to this forum.

It's also incredibly surprising at the rhetoric that is spouted here and in the Houston sandbox (or whatever it's called). What is MORE surprising, even alarming, is the number of sex workers who consider Trump to be the best thing since the invention of toilet paper.

One would think that females who have a wide swath of life experience would have more insight to the realities of what is actually happening in our political arena these days.

I understand being fiscally conservative. And I've voted conservative even in my 40's. This is not a regular administration. Again, this is not normal what is going on.

Oh well. Many in my family are conservative and I was in my youth. Love them just the same.

Also, I bed Republicans on a regular basis and just listen and nod. Then, grab them and go in a different direction. Works for us both.

Shaking my head.
LexusLover's Avatar
I know quite a few of these educated Suburban Women, and most are rather conservative and back President Trump. Originally Posted by Jackie S
It's sad that folks must make derogatory, stereotypical remarks about any group of people, including females, but I suppose doing so provides a certain level of security, if even based on a false narrative. For years I perceived females with large breasts as being rather "empty headed" until I started "dating" an extraordinarily large breasted (for her trim size) math major working on her master's degree. Extremely intelligent and talented.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Obviously, East Houston isn't Dallas. Originally Posted by ElisabethWhispers
Some might op”pine” that East Houston is barely Texas.
LexusLover's Avatar
East Houston is barely Texas. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
One can easily say that about 95% of Austin!

It's just the taxpayers and natural resources have to pay for all the shit that has permeated the State Capital. And if it weren't for the Texas taxpayers and natural resources Austin would be a flashing yellow light with a freeway beside "main street" to avoid having to stop!
bambino's Avatar
Yes,I readily admit that Trump has the brainless bimbo vote locked up.

I specifically said educated informed Suburban women Originally Posted by WTF
Proof? Or is that an uninformed opinion based on MSM talking points?
I agree and I live here

One can easily say that about 95% of Austin!

It's just the taxpayers and natural resources have to pay for all the shit that has permeated the State Capital. And if it weren't for the Texas taxpayers and natural resources Austin would be a flashing yellow light with a freeway beside "main street" to avoid having to stop! Originally Posted by LexusLover
Yssup Rider's Avatar
I agree and I live here Originally Posted by Austin Ellen
Well that settles it. Again!

According to this link, only two Countries, The Us and Canada, have birthright by means of simply being born on that Coutry's soil.

The others all contain some typ of Caveat that prevents what has come to be called "anchor babies".

I agree that Section One of the 14th Amendment is written in plain enough English to understand that an Executive Ordr will not stand up to judicial scrutiny.

But, it's good politics. Originally Posted by Jackie S

However, the 14th amendment was wrote specifically for the children of Slaves born in the US, to be given citizenship. Add to that, its the whole "SUBJECT to the jurisdiction there of, that should Not cover illegal aliens, as they are still citizens of hteir home country thus subject to that contry's jurisdiction. Not ours.

That's why for years, i've Argued for getting rid OF birth right citizenship. OR at least making it so to gain it, ONE OF THE PARENTS should be a US citizen..

Great Zues!

He can sign an executive order to make pigs fly too.

There's that first sentence in the 14th amendment. Relax.

He's just shitting from his mouth per usual. Originally Posted by grean

And how exactly does
All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof
make the 14th, apply to NON-Citizens?

I've always believed in watching other news sources to try, in good faith, to see both sides of an issue. Also, to view what others are soaking in and believing word for word
A conversation needs to get started. Perhaps the younger generation will provide us with some clarity in the future. Think the people of my generation (and older) are the ones who messed everything up.. Originally Posted by ElisabethWhispers

I've tried to do that with many a liberal, having conversations with them, to try and 'see both sides'. ALL I get back is "you are a bigot for believing X", "You are a XyZ-ist for being conservative/supporting trump". NO DESIRE what so ever, to see the other side.
LexusLover's Avatar
I agree and I live here Originally Posted by Austin Ellen
I DID also, which is why I left. The "philosophy" is much the same as the "philosophy" of people leaving their country because it's a shit hole and transporting their beliefs and habits to this country where they "yearn" to prosper! They seem to be "at home" in shit holes.

The yankee-carpetbaggers invaded Austin with their unworkable, Liberal attitudes, because Austin was such a "nice place to live." But they want it to be like the "shit hole" they left. So they are making it so. And the taxpayers are paying the tab.

It reminds me of THEIR PLAN to get rid of the weed congesting the turbines at Lake Austin Dam. Imported overgrown water rats to eat the weed. Then there was an uncontrollable colony of aggressive rodents that had no natural enemies ... even Man.

But they think they can tell the rest of us how to live.
  • grean
  • 10-30-2018, 01:37 PM
However, the 14th amendment was wrote specifically for the children of Slaves born in the US, to be given citizenship. Add to that, its the whole "SUBJECT to the jurisdiction there of, that should Not cover illegal aliens, as they are still citizens of hteir home country thus subject to that contry's jurisdiction. Not ours.

That's why for years, i've Argued for getting rid OF birth right citizenship. OR at least making it so to gain it, ONE OF THE PARENTS should be a US citizen..

And how exactly does

make the 14th, apply to NON-Citizens?
Originally Posted by garhkal
Who within our borders is not subject to the jurisdiction thereof?

Those with diplomatic immunity?

Illegal aliens most certainly will tell you they are subject to the jurisdiction of the United States when they are arrested by the border patrol.

Read James Madison.
  • grean
  • 10-30-2018, 01:44 PM
What would you use to grant citizenship ,if not birth ,in the United States?
He said we were the only country in the world that allows birthright citizenship.

Patently false. Around 30 nations do.

I copied it in bold face letters. Read. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
If 30 do, then about 165 do not allow birth rite citizenship..

We should at least require new citizens not come from shithole countries, unless they are young and pretty females and agree to work at least 5 years as a stripper or a hooker.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
If 30 do, then about 165 do not allow birth rite citizenship..

We should at least require new citizens not come from shithole countries, unless they are young and pretty females and agree to work at least 5 years as a stripper or a hooker. Originally Posted by friendly fred
Great point, ff.

Maybe you can hire a lawyer to help draft that legislation.

Know any?
Budman's Avatar
What would you use to grant citizenship ,if not birth ,in the United States? Originally Posted by grean

That's easy. Be here legally when you give birth. All others are here illegally including the new born.