Sunday 9pm -the art of the post

it previously showed on the home page (before the page redesign) but I'm not seeing it now on my phone.

II'll check later from my computer.

but clearly there is one.....not the same as your clock although the times might be very close. Originally Posted by GlobeSpotter
That is interesting to know. All true time *should* be synched with the official GMT time, though, so I am guessing that is what their clock was synched with.

I found a GMT timer that I have been using, and it seems to be working well so far. Though, I still got 4th place this week, trying for first next week!
R.M.'s Avatar
  • R.M.
  • 09-20-2017, 06:16 AM
I so miss not being able to post my usual Marie Ad in the "weekend lineup" post race each week? It's kind of like I lost my relevance.

I applaud the ladies for their posting skills and efforts. Game on. Originally Posted by Mythos
I am even dumber in person... Originally Posted by Rigor Mortis
Does R.M. stand for "rigor mortis"? At your age, that crevasse is cold and crusty.
R.M.'s Avatar
  • R.M.
  • 09-21-2017, 04:55 AM
There you are Marie. I knew you would come running with all that flab flopping. You are a easy mark. You just cant help yourself. Yes I am older but you look older with that fucked up sponged off tummy/arms. What's getting old is you worn out Ho bags and tricks with the old shit. Because this is the only thing you have on me. Lets see you love to out close friends that you have. Make note everyone that Marie AKA Yummy Marie is just another outing whore...
You need a new hobby Marie.
lol... someone's finally feeding the elephant in the room.
Who did she out? She ways seemed suspect though
Closest I ever got to recieving oral was when a man vomitted in my bleeding broken baby barn... Originally Posted by D.W.
Mythos vs Dumb Whore round 2?

Attention Dumb Whore. I am not Marie. Stop stalking me. Stop thinking putting on a costume with a bottle of booze around your thrift store furniture counts as photography. Stop liking your own post. Stop breathing in general. Please never procreate... oh wait. Nvm. That's not an option for your post menopausal cunt. (not that anyone would have ever liked, loved or desired to with you in the first place -apart from an highly inebriated one night stand or a torn rubber) Huzzah for biology!
  • pxmcc
  • 09-21-2017, 10:25 AM
Mythos you wanna grab a coffee? We can put an end to this charade real quick. Plus I'm grumpy til I get my caffeine fix.
Ty for the offer. Doing anything that would remotely out myself is not a plan.

This dumb ole whore nor the handfull of drooling retards who "know" I am a "mandle" will never give me cause to do anything stupid (beyond my own self induced stupidity)

These same dipshits first "knew" I was NaMo. Now I'm supposed to me Marie? Morons. I blame liberalism for denying Darwinism. I guess he had it all wrong. Give enough ignorant social maggot zero producers enough of a voice they have relevance to direct evolution? We need an apocalypse.
Sistine Chapel's Avatar
Ty for the offer. Doing anything that would remotely out myself is not a plan.

This dumb ole whore nor the handfull of drooling retards who "know" I am a "mandle" will never give me cause to do anything stupid (beyond my own self induced stupidity)

These same dipshits first "knew" I was NaMo. Now I'm supposed to me Marie? Morons. I blame liberalism for denying Darwinism. I guess he had it all wrong. Give enough ignorant social maggot zero producers enough of a voice they have relevance to direct evolution? We need an apocalypse. Originally Posted by Mythos
you're intetesting to me. Am I part of this drooling retard crowd you speak of?
  • pxmcc
  • 09-21-2017, 11:23 AM
^^Not unless you think he's YM.

Maybe some alliances can change? Mythos n SC new broskis, as Threshold would say. ha ha.
Grace Preston's Avatar
Broski's would require both of them to be bros first, right?

Just a curiosity question.
  • pxmcc
  • 09-21-2017, 01:15 PM
Broski's would require both of them to be bros first, right?

Just a curiosity question. Originally Posted by Grace Preston
Are you saying neither are bros? lol. Well SC is some kind of baller; he packs when shooting hoops! I shoot hoops n pack, but never simultaneously. All these crazy chicks say Mythos is a chick (specifically YM) but I think they're full of shit. Just my opinion.
TryWeakly's Avatar
Are you saying neither are bros? lol. Well SC is some kind of baller; he fudgepacks when shooting hoops! I shoot hoops n pack, but never simultaneously. All these crazy chicks say Mythos is a chick (specifically YM) but I think they're full of shit. Just my opinion. Originally Posted by pxmcc
Ty for the offer. Doing anything that would remotely out myself is not a plan.
..... Originally Posted by Mythos
But you attended the "social in the heights"