I Need input on this! ( mainly for the Gents)

Naomi4u's Avatar
Naomi, I am done with your condesending comments.
LE does read, they get blowjobs as well, imagine that.
I am not saying anything that is not well known here in Houston. Furthermore, do not begin to criticize, evaluate, judge, or correct anything I say or do, your not qualified!
I have been in the hobby as long as you have been alive.
Do you need attention, much? And, Ive been biting my tongue, well fuck it! Originally Posted by bestoralntexas
1.)You being in the hobby for as long as I have been alive is not really something to brag about. I have two more years here and I'm done. If that is something you carry around as a trophy then that is good for you.

2.) Noone is critcizing, evaluating, judging you. Uh .. Am I not here too? All I said was do NOT post hotel information. A friend of mine was busted before even checking into her hotel. There is a thread about a similar situation here. Maybe you should read it.

3.) I have been in this business for over 2 years and have never posted an alert.....Hmmm I wonder why that is. See bestoraloftexas, My prolbem is here that there are girls that are high traffic that will go to these hotels and get busted. Sure you can put a high traffic girl in a 5 star hotel but she's still going to be a high traffic girl. She's going to draw attention to herself and get herself in trouble. There is a big difference between telling people where to stay at and telling people where to stay away from. You're flat out telling people this hotel is awesome, clueless girls will flock there and hotels will take notice .. so will LE. Why give them that extra attention? That's my issue.

I am sure you have heard of hotels calling the police on girls for suspicious activity. It happens. I'm not saying that LE is going to go to a hotel because of something someone wrote on a SHMB but.... hotels will call the police on your ass in a minute. I have friends that works at hotels (I've even screwed a couple of owners) so I know what i'm talking about lol. You can screen and not get busted but I'd never got to a hotel that's been posted in public. I'm already paranoid as it is. A little paranoia will save your ass in this business.
Eccie Addict's Avatar
I don't think she was trying to be condescending. Just making a suggestion. There was a thread not too long ago on people naming intersections and the names of places, most everyone here agreed that being specific was not a smart move. Whether LE already knows or not is really not the point. There are stalkers and other things to worry about besides LE.

How is she suppose to know how long you've been doing this... Then again the only thing that really matters is how you took it not how she meant it....
Naomi4u's Avatar
I don't think she was trying to be condescending. Just making a suggestion. There was a thread not too long ago on people naming intersections and the names of places, most everyone here agreed that being specific was not a smart move. Whether LE already knows or not is really not the point. There are stalkers and other things to worry about besides LE.

How is she suppose to know how long you've been doing this... Then again the only thing that really matters is how you took it not how she meant it.... Originally Posted by Eccie Addict
The thing is I don't care how long she has been in this business. No offense but I don't. I have helped ladies that are in their 50s. Age does not equal knowledge. I've met some pretty dumb 50 year olds and very bright 23 year olds. There are 50 year old providers that still forget to brush their teeth and shave their legs for an appointment. Nuff said.

Exactly my point EA. People here take it lightly. I'm a frickin escort too. I'm no better than anyone here. I will break it down again: Traveling girls are watched all the time. Hotels take our photos off of ads and post them and tell their staff "Look out for this girl". It is not even LE that they should be worrying about. it is hotels. They are the snitches. They will go call the police on your ass in a minute. If what I am posting stops ONE person from posting incall/location info then I have done my job. Just know that I will NEVER put any girl in harm's way. If anything I have helped a lot of girls here on this site. Nuff said.
pyramider's Avatar
Wherever you go you need to scout it out. Check the traffic during the day and night. Many of the extended stay hotels that charge the weekly rates get a lot of police attention, not because of the hobby but the pharmaceutical trade.
Phil A.Cheaux's Avatar
Short term extended stay is the way to go. One thing about apartments is that all it takes is one nosy neighbor with time on their hands that notices the comings and goings at all hours of different clients and raises a red flag. With short term extended stay you move on, with an apartment that becomes more difficult.
Wakeup's Avatar
Give out any info you want...

There's nothing illegal about staying in a hotel. If you're screening good then you don't get caught doing anything illegal. People have been giving hotel advice on these boards for years...the sudden panic about LE reading this is stupid...

Again, there's nothing illegal about getting a hotel room somewhere...even if they're watching the place, as long as they're not the ones in the room with you then they have nothing to bust you for...

You people can choose to be Chicken Little and say the LE sky is falling all over Eve if you want...but that doesn't make it true...
Naomi4u's Avatar
It's not a panic and it's not stupid. Anyone that knows me knows my stance on this issue. To each their own.
A good indicator of areas that have a lot of traffic is of all places.. BP. the ladies will post what area they are in but being one who lives on the north side and goes up in that area for various errands, I will say this:

There are so many extended stay hotels plus basic hotels that you have a very GOOD chance of not being in such hotel. Also, Naomi and i both agree that if the room has alternate entrance (side door instead of main lobby) you can keep visibility down.

I PM'ed Eve another area I know of that NOT known for ladies staying in and its on the north side.. also I think I mentioned it Eve, but new area I suggested is loaded with big companies so if the cards are played right you can have some nice "nooners" with the suit and tie guys.
Naomi4u's Avatar
Well said Spirit!
Wakeup's Avatar
No, it IS panic...

You people are acting like LE reading the board is something new...that the recent hotel busts are directly linked to LE reading this board...and you feel you have to modify everyone's behavior to suit your beliefs...

Again...just because you say it doesn't make it true...the burden of proof here isn't on me...it's on you all to prove without a doubt that LE reading any info on this board has led directly to legal action. I'll even start, the December Social. LE knew all about that social, even attended. Without being able to get in (adequate screening) or being able to discuss sex acts for money (proper discretion) they could have been there all night and got nothing. Same thing here...as long as they're not the ones in the room with you (proper screening) and you're not talking about sex acts for money in the session (proper discretion) then you're not doing anything illegal. They can sit in the room next door all day and just eat doughnuts...
Naomi4u's Avatar
Ok Wakeup. I will keep doing things like I've been doing. I just won't participate in the posting of hotels and incall info in public. Carry on.
Wakeup's Avatar
Exactly, good choice. You can modify your behavior based on your own beliefs but trying to preach a change for everyone on the board by inducing panic is rarely the way to get real change to happen...

Bring a logical argument for your beliefs next time and maybe I'll even take your side and help you out...until then, I'm going to be my signature line...
Eccie Addict's Avatar
Yes people can post whatever info they want and yes there is no proof that busts are directly related to this board. Of course we all know LE reads the board among other people as well.

I wouldn't be so worried about LE as much as I would be people that may stalk or worse. Posting specific info as to where a particular lady may be staying or looking to stay makes it all the more easier for those that exhibit this type of behavior towards women. All the proof I need that this happens is listening to ladies that it's happened to talk about it. Granted info posted here is not the only resources that these people have to find ladies but it is certainly one of them if we allow it to be.

We all know that one of the reason some of the well known, reputable, well like guys on this board don't write reviews is because LE among others read this board.
Naomi4u's Avatar
Exactly, good choice. You can modify your behavior based on your own beliefs but trying to preach a change for everyone on the board by inducing panic is rarely the way to get real change to happen...

Bring a logical argument for your beliefs next time and maybe I'll even take your side and help you out...until then, I'm going to be my signature line... Originally Posted by Wakeuр

Are you kidding me? I have been doing this for over 2 years. I was not trying to change ANYONE. I simply did not know this was common practice in Houston to post location information. Here in the Carolinas the ladies PM each other. THat's how it's always been and I have proof of that. I don't think you read what I wrote. I did not say that LE would come and bursting into a girl's room. I simply said that hotels print out photos of escorts and look out for them when they're checking in. Ever heard of an escort booking a room with her hobby phone number? It happens. Isn't that stupid? Yes it is. A very good friend of mine was busted that way. I can find the new article to that one if you want proof. Fact of the matter is some ladies are not smart and posting hotel information of places where escorts currently already flock to is only putting them in more danger. That is what I meant. We can agree to disagree.

Like I said, I have screwed a couple of hotel owners and I know this for a fact. LE is NOT the problem here.

Oh and btw I was willing to let this go.. until Wakeup posted.
Eccie Addict's Avatar
Wakeup doesn't know how to agree to disagree... lol.

Oh and Naomi if you have proof just post it don't tell him about it. Wakeup will back up his way of thinking. If you're gonna go head to head with him you have to back your's up.... Just sayin'