Sensual Sophia's Avatar
I posted last night when tipsy... yes I AM annoyed by the general tenor of Austin co-ed discussions pretty much since Amber passed away, down through the eccie boom up to the present. (there were plenty of threads in co-ed ever since the economy went south about how ladies should lower their prices or creative pricing schemes and the like... but they were never insulting in the way they seem to often be now. And those threads actually seemed to be aimed at having an actual co-ed discussion, i.e., soliciting female input as well as male, as opposed to just a testosterone pile on.) Yes, I am NOT the only one who feels this way. Anyone else noticed the decline in local female participation in Co-ed discussions? I know most of the frequent posters in Austin think DM went off the deep end with his "out of balance" thread but he said what a lot of women (and lurkers who visit co-ed to get a sense of the women they might like to meet) have been thinking.

But, I'm not moving to Houston tomorrow. I just plan to do a lot more of my business there and elsewhere.

This morning a Houston hobbyist informed me (without revealing any details) that the Houston Men's lounge is full of anti-provider rants and frequent threads about how overpriced the Houston gals are. I guess the hobbyists there just have the good sense to keep it in the Men's lounge so it doesn't alienate the women.

Lastly, to address a couple of comments that have been made in this thread and elsewhere... If one is so good at pulling young hard bodies for free, why would they be on this board in the first place? If you have the looks, charisma, and time to get you some for cheap or free, rock on! It all goes back to voting with your dollars. If you think a gal is overpriced, by all means, don't see her. As her demand falls, she will be forced to run a special... But if a girl is charging more than what you can budget for, it's probably because someone else has the willingness and ability to pay that rate. Trust me, she wouldn't be charging it if she wasn't getting it.

I think I'm gonna change my signature line to "Why can't we all just let the invisible hand of the market work instead of having to whine about it all the time?"
I took a trip to Houston, no hint of price wars or cheap pussy there.

However you can't compare Dallas to Austin, Dallas is too big, therefore many many providers. New providers popping up everyday with new ads starting at 50 bucks. Most of those 50 bucks smash and dash usually end up in bad.

Austin in smaller, meaning you guys know the girls and research is easier to find. Meaning quality providers are within reach pretty quick. The risk for TOFTT, im assuming is limited in Austin, due to small amount of providers.

It may take you awhile to find the gems in Dallas. But they are here, however sometimes the grass is not always greener, if you have quality ladies there, appreciate them.

A shuttle bus to Dallas and Austin....im sure the men would love that, they can use the gas money they would spend on driving, toward a session with the girls.

Good honest quote pretty lady

I know I might be beating a dead horse here... but since this is brought up continually... I'll just say it again.



Every city has "Dallas Envy"...

If you exclude Dallas, Austin's prices and quality are really not that far out of wack from most other places in the continental United States. Many places have much lower quality, much higher prices, OR BOTH.

Houston is about equal to Austin in price and quality for GFE. It's a bigger city so there are more girls, but not that many relative to the population -- certainly fewer GFE providers per capita. But they do have a lot of AMPS, Spas and you can get full service in the strip clubs.

Every other community in Texas has significanly fewer providers. Check out your options in RGV, West Texas, Panhandle, East Texas, Corpus, and even San Antonio...

The one thing I'll never understand is why so many DFW providers stay there. Are they crazy? They could go ANYWHERE in America and make more money. Why they stay home and fight for scraps is beyond me. I can't imagine what it must be like for them to have to deal with that. The typical uber hot Dallas $200 girl could go to DC or NYC and make $400 - $500 -- or Austin, Houston, Corpus, West Texas, etc and make $250 - $300. Luckily for the OP, a few Dallas gals have the right idea and tour around Texas (sometimes sticking with their Dallas prices). If you like one, just send her a PM and suggest that she come and visit. It might work.

But to answer your question -- it's the Dallas prices that are out of wack with the rest of the country -- not the Austin prices, which are on the lower end nationally, especially for a city of this type, i.e. good economy, high per capita income, young, vibrant, liberal, mecca of the creative class, etc...

Someone needs to start a shuttle service that would either shuttle Austin hobbyists up to Dallas -- a discount pussy vacation -- Or shuttle Dallas providers down here.

I'm thinking of taking up permanent residence in Houston myself... The Austin environment has become so anti-provider lately that it kinda makes me sick. I like being in a place where the hobbyists don't regularly start threads about how unattractive and overpriced the local talent is. Originally Posted by Sensual Sophia
I get it that Dallas is a big city and that there are more women in the P4P world. What I don't get is, aren't there roughly the equivalent of more men in there as well? Don't the Dallas guys like to fuck? Or do they spend all their free time stuck in traffic?
You all do realize that the OP that started this thread has just this one post at this time, and registered on the same day? Doesn't pass the sockpuppet sniff test for me. Originally Posted by Joel Goodson

And he stirred the pot and hasn't been back.

I would however like to say as someone that has TRUELY been in the background on this and many issues on the board I feel that this is something that is best left for the Men's Lounge. I understand that there are many gentleman and ladies with various statements postive and negative on this but why must this along with other specifically male related issues frequently debated here in CO-ED, without female participation or moderation? Because of the TONE. $ is not something that is discussed for a reason in this business and not only is it dangerous but it is TACKY. We are ladies! Yes, we are ladies that provide a different kind of service but we are ladies, you don't haggle. If it not your price cup of tea, then there are other options.

Now I am a old-school kind of woman so don't thinkt that I am not saying that anyone does not have the right to voice your concerns with your wallet. However from what I have seen of the Austin ladies just see where that gets you. This is a two way street and if all the reputable providers are run out of town by those that are just visiting where will that leave you on your cold lonely nights? I think just a little more respect for the the profession and the hobby as a whole is in order here!

Just my .02

And, there is a thread with probably 20x the replies dealing with the same topic....use the search button people.
rekcaSxT's Avatar
I know I might be beating a dead horse here... but since this is brought up continually... I'll just say it again.



Every city has "Dallas Envy"...

If you exclude Dallas, Austin's prices and quality are really not that far out of wack from most other places in the continental United States. Many places have much lower quality, much higher prices, OR BOTH.

Houston is about equal to Austin in price and quality for GFE. It's a bigger city so there are more girls, but not that many relative to the population -- certainly fewer GFE providers per capita. But they do have a lot of AMPS, Spas and you can get full service in the strip clubs.

Every other community in Texas has significanly fewer providers. Check out your options in RGV, West Texas, Panhandle, East Texas, Corpus, and even San Antonio...

The one thing I'll never understand is why so many DFW providers stay there. Are they crazy? They could go ANYWHERE in America and make more money. Why they stay home and fight for scraps is beyond me. I can't imagine what it must be like for them to have to deal with that. The typical uber hot Dallas $200 girl could go to DC or NYC and make $400 - $500 -- or Austin, Houston, Corpus, West Texas, etc and make $250 - $300. Luckily for the OP, a few Dallas gals have the right idea and tour around Texas (sometimes sticking with their Dallas prices). If you like one, just send her a PM and suggest that she come and visit. It might work.

But to answer your question -- it's the Dallas prices that are out of wack with the rest of the country -- not the Austin prices, which are on the lower end nationally, especially for a city of this type, i.e. good economy, high per capita income, young, vibrant, liberal, mecca of the creative class, etc...

Someone needs to start a shuttle service that would either shuttle Austin hobbyists up to Dallas -- a discount pussy vacation -- Or shuttle Dallas providers down here.

I'm thinking of taking up permanent residence in Houston myself... The Austin environment has become so anti-provider lately that it kinda makes me sick. I like being in a place where the hobbyists don't regularly start threads about how unattractive and overpriced the local talent is. Originally Posted by Sensual Sophia
The "shuttle" idea has been discussed. And as for PM'ing the Dallas ladies to visit, that is going on as we speak. There is just a LOT of talent up there. One recent visiting Dallas lady just had a VERY successful trip to Austin, and she charges $250, and doesn't speak English very well. There are definitely some gems in Austin as well, but "variety is the spice of life".

This ranks right up there with "Drive to Dallas immediately and fuck an Asian" for the next Dallas tourism slogan. Originally Posted by down41
Sophia and I could be hired to handle marketing for the city of Dallas!

"The Austin environment has become so anti-provider lately that it kinda makes me sick. I like being in a place where the hobbyists don't regularly start threads about how unattractive and overpriced the local talent is."

I imagine probably more than one of the ladies who read this web site have had similar thoughts. I’d like to thank the Attack Pack, also known as the Posting Posse and, for a while, as the TGBI Avengers, for their ceaseless, high decibel effort at making this a hostile environment for women. Yes, that is sarcasm. I don’t know about you, Fellow Commercial Sex Customer Guy, but to me what we are all about here, locating available, appealing and cooperative sex workers, requires the participation, preferable enthusiastic, of women.

Dallas is only about three hours away if you drive the big black truck in a Texas Manly manner all the way there. Assuming the national average total cost per mile (not just gasoline) that will run you about $100 each way but surely it would be worth it for Horny Guy’s Heaven on Earth. Go for it! Do post a link to your Dallas reviews so we all know how it worked out for you.

Greymouse Originally Posted by greymouse
http://eccie.net/showthread.php?t=35433 since you asked.

I think people generalize quite a bit for example Sophia i would not consider you to be overpriced at all. you are perfectly priced for what you offer and your looks in my opinion. However others who do not have your rep and looks charge alot more and screw the market. I think that is what people are complaining about.

anyway I agree we have a a good mix, not as much choice as Dallas but still a good mix and I'm happy we get providers visiting and I have the choice. Also you can't go yet Sophia as i would quite like to meet you first :P Originally Posted by Rammixp
Agree here for sure. I don't complain about prices in coed, I think it is a little tacky. I vote with my wallet, and bitch about it in private.
txtraveler07's Avatar
I think I'm gonna change my signature line to "Why can't we all just let the invisible hand of the market work instead of having to whine about it all the time?" Originally Posted by Sensual Sophia
Ahem. President Barack Obama. I reckon at least 53% of voters don't understand that concept--are you really surprised that many hobbyists don't? But hobbiests seem to want communist pussy, and they want communist pussy now. From each according to her ability, to each according to his need.
  • robtx
  • 04-11-2010, 09:32 AM
I'm thinking of taking up permanent residence in Houston myself... The Austin environment has become so anti-provider lately that it kinda makes me sick. I like being in a place where the hobbyists don't regularly start threads about how unattractive and overpriced the local talent is. Originally Posted by Sensual Sophia

Sophia I'm sure it may seem that way, but there are more guys that hobby and are good guys too. Don't let the actions of a few affect how you live and do business. If you do think it out and decide Houston is a better place for ya, I wish you all the best.
Guest062716's Avatar

And he stirred the pot and hasn't been back.
Originally Posted by KatherineJones
Interesting observation. Speaking as a mod, We seem to have a plethora of that of late.... some have even earned an all expense paid vacation away from the site for eternity for doing so.

Speaking as a proud ECCIE member, this practice of "drive by postings" by people who register the same day they post and are never heard of again, is disturbing to me, and I would think others would find it so, as well.

Seems to weaken their position and call their veracity as well as motives into question, as well as to dilute the opinions of those members here who are not hiding behind a false name and are willing to stand behind their comments.

Frankly, I enjoy reading an honest and open debate. Somehow, hiding behind what would appear to be the equivelant of a mask causes me to go hmmmm?

Respectfully submitted,

Carl's Avatar
  • Carl
  • 04-11-2010, 12:30 PM
Okay, I've been lurking for a couple of weeks since I moved here and finally decided to post. Originally Posted by royal
Mr. E. mann? Is that you?
  • Booth
  • 04-11-2010, 01:16 PM
Interesting observation. Speaking as a mod, We seem to have a plethora of that of late.... some have even earned an all expense paid vacation away from the site for eternity for doing so.

Speaking as a proud ECCIE member, this practice of "drive by postings" by people who register the same day they post and are never heard of again, is disturbing to me, and I would think others would find it so, as well.

Seems to weaken their position and call their veracity as well as motives into question, as well as to dilute the opinions of those members here who are not hiding behind a false name and are willing to stand behind their comments.

Frankly, I enjoy reading an honest and open debate. Somehow, hiding behind what would appear to be the equivelant of a mask causes me to go hmmmm?

Respectfully submitted,

OldSarge Originally Posted by OldSarge
It bothers me as well. I also wonder if everyone knows that it isn't mandatory to respond to every single thread. Some are best left to move down to page two asap. And those who point out that a thread needs to die almost 2 days after what would have been the thread's final post need to have their posting privileges taken away.
or the Mental Ward has an internet connection
ThrillBill88's Avatar
Perhaps it's time for the mods to require anyone recently moved here from California to have 3 provider OK's before being allowed to post.

compare the number of strip clubs in dallas to austin. why is only 3.00 cover charge to get into most SC in dallas, as compared to 10.00 at P10 in austin. i tell you why. its because there is plenty of them, same goes for the hobby when you compare the two cities. look how many more providers in big d that are on eccie, cl, and bp. now compare that to austin. the ladies in big d are a plenty and so they have to charge a little less, or as i say they have to compromise or else they would be out of business fast.

trust me throw in another 25 providers in the austin area in a week and watch rates drop.

finally in order for me to stick around i have had to settle for 1/2 hr sessions, or else i could not partake in the hobby. my favorite is the
$ for hh.

sixxbach's Avatar
very sorry to hear that sophia...... well i hope you stay in austin. you are a very popular austin provider. no one questions that. the cream always rises to the top and i think its safe to say you are. you earned my respect with your wit and class