Anybody notice.......

bambino's Avatar
No one had Clinton winning in a landslide. The RealClearPolitics summary of polls showed Clinton winning the popular vote by an average of 3.3%. She won by 2.1%. They had Clinton with 203 electoral votes, Trump with 164. 171 toss-ups. Obviously Trump took the lion's share of the toss-up states.

All I'm saying is there are reasons why Trump may not be reelected. And there are reasons why he may be reelected. You have already determined that his reelection is a foregone conclusion. Just like I'm sure you thought that Republicans would maintain control of the House in the 2018 midterms. Seems like sometimes both of us are right and sometimes both of us are wrong. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
Yeah, I bet on him in 20/6 and I’m betting on him in 2020. Are you in?
Chung Tran's Avatar
I think we are right where we were at the same time period in 2015.. that is, polls saying Trump has little chance, how is he going to win XXX States?

the Democrats need to narrow their field down FAST.. 24 Candidates simply chokes opportunities for anyone to emerge. if they aren't down to 6-7 by Labor Day, the Dems are in BIG TROUBLE
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
I think we are right where we were at the same time period in 2015.. that is, polls saying Trump has little chance, how is he going to win XXX States?

the Democrats need to narrow their field down FAST.. 24 Candidates simply chokes opportunities for anyone to emerge. if they aren't down to 6-7 by Labor Day, the Dems are in BIG TROUBLE Originally Posted by Chung Tran

they already are. as i said before, the 2020 Demtard run-up is going to be a bloodbath that makes the 2016 Republican run-up look like Sunday School. led no doubt by this guy ..

the grinning jackass from Georgia...

Little Monster's Avatar
No need to start a thread, Trump doesn't stand a chance against Biden.

BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
Biden doesn't have a chance against himself.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
No need to start a thread, Trump doesn't stand a chance against Biden.

BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!! Originally Posted by Little Monster

arya .. gonna vote, son? do ya have the right to vote in the USA?

who's your mail-in vote for Prime Rib .. Minister?

is Boris yer "guy"?

do ya .. like his hair? remind ya of anyone???

Little Monster's Avatar
arya .. gonna vote, son? do ya have the right to vote in the USA?

who's your mail-in vote for Prime Rib .. Minister?

is Boris yer "guy"?

do ya .. like his hair? remind ya of anyone???

Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
Awwwwww what's the matter Wacko Girl, I really must have struck a nerve with you for you to be following me around the forum and referring to me as your son.


But to answer your question, I will be voting for whoever gets the Democratic nomination, so we can beat your asses again, just like we did in last years mid terms.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Awwwwww what's the matter Wacko Girl, I really must have struck a nerve with you for you to be following me around the forum and referring to me as your son.


But to answer your question, I will be voting for whoever gets the Democratic nomination, so we can beat your asses again, just like we did in last years mid terms. Originally Posted by Little Monster

so ayra an expat brit or arya a defector?

inquiring posters want to know!!!
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
Oh I'll bite. One simple reason he will win in those states is because the Dem's will not have a candidate that appeals to them better then Trump. Biden is not Obama. Originally Posted by Austin Ellen
And Biden is not Hillary Clinton. Assuming for the moment he is the Democratic nominee in 2020, his popularity over the years in those battleground states in the midwest is much greater than Clinton's. And considering how very close the election results were in 2016 in Michigan, Pa., and Wisconsin, it won't take much to turn the states from red to blue.
40+ percent approval after the media drubbing Trump has taken plus a witch hunt...I would think anyone else to be polling 20 % or less.
As for the polls, here's the dirty secret, we have no more than a generic democrat candidate and generic candidates always poll higher that the real thing. People tend to imagine that they are being asked to choose between a known (Trump) and the perfect opposition candidate. Wait till they are asked to cast their vote for some nitwit that six months ago was considered a joke to them. With 20+ democrats seeking the nomination there is something for everyone. You may think Biden is stable but what if you have to vote for Warren?
As for Trump's initial announcement, I was not a supporter. I did not know if this was a sales tactic for something or a publicity stunt. After he made some policy statements did I think Trump might be serious did I move him up to my third choice. Showing no fear of JEB or Hillary moved him up to number two. After a couple of debates and the personal touch I personally saw on the campaign trail moved him to the top spot.
When it came to the general and Hillary, there was absolutely no choice. Trump in 2016. Jim Webb would have the best choice for democrats but the dems fucked up and nominated (or she stole) the serpent. Originally Posted by the_real_Barleycorn
Excellent points and I too thought Trump was not a serious candidate at first but he has a tremendous amount of energy and fearlessness.

He is the perfect street fighter to oppose the forces of shitholism trying to finish conquering America.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
Yeah, I bet on him in 20/6 and I’m betting on him in 2020. Are you in? Originally Posted by bambino
No. If others want to make such a bet, fine. As I've said several times, Trump is the favorite in 2020. He has the advantage of knowing he will be the candidate. He can use his position as POTUS to promote himself. Meanwhile the Democratic contenders have to battle themselves over the next year THEN battle Trump.

All I've done is laid out the scenario under which Biden, or any other Democratic nominee, can win the 2020 election. Reverse VERY close loses in 3 states, states in which Biden is a very strong candidate, much stronger than Clinton.

So I'm not going to bet on anything until I see who the Democratic candidate is and how the race seems to be going at that time.

But there are betting parlors where you can bet on Trump if you so desire.
Bunch of loons campaigning on reparations, tax hikes, free college, Soylent Green New Deal, Open borders for anyone who wants to come in and be given free income, medical care, college, etc - at the expense of taxpayer legal immigrants, Socialized medicine, Tax hikes, debt disappearance, tax hikes, downgrade the military and protection of our country, tax hikes, wealth re-distribution, more tax hikes, etc.
Yeah - goes over well with middle America.

America is becoming split between the Prog-Socialists and the middle of the road middle America voters - example is Illinois and Washington - where the in control DPST's in Chicago /Seattle are running rough-shod over the rest of the State - and folks are agitating for division of the States to get the Socialist tax hike yokes off their backs. Originally Posted by oeb11
Great post and those DPST's in Chicago have spend years with the highest murder rate in the nation thus demonstrating their inability to govern effectively.
I think we are right where we were at the same time period in 2015.. that is, polls saying Trump has little chance, how is he going to win XXX States?

the Democrats need to narrow their field down FAST.. 24 Candidates simply chokes opportunities for anyone to emerge. if they aren't down to 6-7 by Labor Day, the Dems are in BIG TROUBLE Originally Posted by Chung Tran
Ironically I think Biden looks 10 years younger than he is!!
No need to start a thread, Trump doesn't stand a chance against Biden.

BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!! Originally Posted by Little Monster
Yeah - why didn't Hillary win by 50 points then?
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
Great post and those DPST's in Chicago have spend years with the highest murder rate in the nation thus demonstrating their inability to govern effectively. Originally Posted by friendly fred
Actually Chicago ranks somewhere in the mid-20s in the country for highest homicide rate, depending on the source used. St. Louis is #1.