Gay Muslim Democrat Shoots 49 Americans In Orlando.

Take that up with your MASTA in the People's House! Originally Posted by LexusLover
The forum dipshit. are you just a Obie copycat?
No, he's not.

If you want to assume ownership, fine!

Not I.
Originally Posted by LexusLover
If you live here he is!!
LexusLover's Avatar
The forum dipshit. are you just a Obie copycat? Originally Posted by i'va biggen
You mean he posts in this forum? Or are you really him?
You mean he posts in this forum? Or are you really him? Originally Posted by LexusLover
LexusLover's Avatar
If you want to assume ownership, fine! Originally Posted by LexusLover
I don't. I didn't vote for him, and didn't want him as President.

Quit trying to share your responsibility for him being elected.
LexusLover's Avatar
Dum DE DUM DUM. Originally Posted by i'va biggen
Nice self-analysis on your part.
Nice self-analysis on your part. Originally Posted by LexusLover
Please put eva on ignore. I don't want to read his bullshit even when you are crushing him. He doesn't care. He's a troll who is only trying to increase his post count and your are accommodating him.
I don't. I didn't vote for him, and didn't want him as President.
I didn't either, however he is still POTUS so he is our president.
Quit trying to share your responsibility for him being elected. Originally Posted by LexusLover
Quit denying he was.
Nice self-analysis on your part. Originally Posted by LexusLover
It was your reply in a nutshell
Please put eva on ignore. I don't want to read his bullshit even when you are crushing him. He doesn't care. He's a troll who is only trying to increase his post count and your are accommodating him. Originally Posted by gnadfly
Turd fly buzzing around you lexie, do you smell like shit?
" He is the President for every AMERICAN CITIZEN ". YOUR WORDS, SUCKCLOWN !!!!!! Then why is he NOT doing his Constitutionally REQUIRED duty to secure or border and has had the largest numbers of illegals enter the U.S. ON HIS WATCH and allowed the immigration of OVER 100,000 MUZ-SLIMES into the country ? WHY is he giving " aid and comfort to OUR enemies, i.e. the Muslim Brotherhood, which is designated as a TERRORIST organization ? Mebbe YOU should offer to take a few of them INTO YOUR HOUSE, suckclown. Why are illegals getting welfare benefits and why are they NOW eligible for odummercare, when, during the preliminary talks before its passage BY THE DUMBASCRAPS, it was said that they WOULD NOT BE ELIGIBLE FOR THOSE BENEFITS ? THEY AREN'T CITIZENS !!!!
There were many signs and terroristic threats are ok for mooslems in 0zombieland...

Good Grief – In 2013 Orlando Terrorist Threatened To Kill Florida Deputy and His Family – FBI Dismissed…

Good Grief, put this in the Whiskey Tango Foxtrot file. The Orlando terrorist wasn’t just exhibiting warning flags, he was blasting off big flashy warning flares.

As an outcome of a very concerned resident meeting at PGA Village in Port St. Lucie, the location where Omar Mateen worked as a security guard, the county sheriff shared a rather disturbing revelation.

orlando 11 Omar mateenAccording to the county Sheriff, Ken Mascara, Mateen was reported to his security firm G4S and the FBI for threatening a local deputy and stating he could have al-Qaeda kill the police officer’s family. He then went on to praise Nidal Hasan the Fort Hood shooter.

(Via TC Palm) […] Frustrated residents at a resident meeting Wednesday night, which was attended by at least 200 people, bombarded Drew Levine, G4S president of secure solutions in North America, with their concerns — among them, how Mateen flew under the private security firm’s radar.

Mateen in 2007, as part of the G4S hiring screening process, underwent a standard psychological exam — named the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory — and a background check, its representatives said. The state also screened Mateen every two years in order for him to keep his private security license. Beyond that, G4S does not conduct yearly background checks of its employees; rather, 15 percent of all employees are randomly checked each year, representatives said.

Mateen’s background, however, was checked again by G4S in 2013 after the St. Lucie County Sheriff’s Office requested he be removed from the St. Lucie County Courthouse patrol after he allegedly made derogatory comments to a deputy.

A deputy at the courthouse mentioned the Middle East to Mateen, who reacted by threatening the deputy, said Sheriff Ken Mascara, who attended the Wednesday night meeting at the community’s Island Club.

“Omar became very agitated and made a comment that he could have al-Qaida kill my employee and his family,” Mascara said Wednesday. “If that wasn’t bad enough, he followed it up with very disturbing comments about women and followed it up with very disturbing comments about Jews and then went on to say that the Fort Hood shooter was justified in his actions.”
] Originally Posted by Rey Lengua
  • DSK
  • 06-17-2016, 04:52 PM
No, he's not.

If you want to assume ownership, fine!

Not I.
Originally Posted by LexusLover
Amen to that my brotha..
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Obama is not my President. He is owned by Wall Street and the major corporations. He serves ONLY them. He obeys his owners, just as GW did, and Hillary will. He doesn't give a damn about me, you, or anyone who is not in the top 1% of the top 1%. You're delusional if you think any of them care about the "people". We are just pawns to be used and then tossed aside when no longer needed.
Obama is not my President. He is owned by Wall Street and the major corporations. He serves ONLY them. He obeys his owners, just as GW did, and Hillary will. He doesn't give a damn about me, you, or anyone who is not in the top 1% of the top 1%. You're delusional if you think any of them care about the "people". We are just pawns to be used and then tossed aside when no longer needed. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Sorry your boyfriend treated you so shabby Tonto. Better luck next time.
Sorry your boyfriend treated you so shabby Tonto. Better luck next time. Originally Posted by i'va biggen
Just like YOUR boyfriend woomby did to YOU, huh EKIM !!!! Did he at least let YOU pick his dingleberries before he ran off with Big Sir ? !!!