4000 Thank Yous

Wakeup's Avatar
Because I value substantive conversations more. If i value substance, then I feel I should post substance. Originally Posted by Old-T
So then why should your 4000th be any different than your 328th?
chicagoboy's Avatar
Because I value substantive conversations more. If i value substance, then I feel I should post substance. Originally Posted by Old-T
That is kinda funny, coming from someone with 1,222 posts in the Political forum.
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 07-14-2014, 10:40 PM
So then why should your 4000th be any different than your 328th? Originally Posted by Wakeup
It is different because I consciously chose to make my 4000th post substantive. Whether the 328th one was substantive, frivolous, or somewhere in between was far more happenstance.

That is kinda funny, coming from someone with 1,222 posts in the Political forum. Originally Posted by chicagoboy

Thanks for counting them for me, I don't generally keep track. I glad it amused you.
Wakeup's Avatar
Then we're back to my original question...why did you choose to make that post, any different from any other...did you place some imaginary importance on it for some reason?
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 07-15-2014, 02:51 PM
You seem intent on turning this thread into a discussion about the psychological aspects of making a decision. Suggest you will find some useful information at




That is an interesting topic, but not the point of this thread no matter how hard you want to take it there. Start a new thread on the art or science of making a decision, or whether we have the free will and ability to make a decision at all and I will gladly continue the discussion there.

Anything to contribute on the primary point of the thread?
Wakeup's Avatar
Anything to contribute on the primary point of the thread? Originally Posted by Old-T
This is my 4,000th post on here. I wasn’t paying attention, but I noticed the last one was “3999”, and I thought I should make this one a little more substantive than a quick quip or a “Great post!” I spent a half cup of coffee thinking about what is an appropriate topic... Originally Posted by Old-T
The very first thing you posted was how long and hard you ruminated about this post...how is my questioning not on topic?

My question isn't why you made the decision to post...my question is why did you think that your 4000th post needed to be more substantive than the rest of your posts?
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 07-15-2014, 05:57 PM
And I answered your question.
Wakeup's Avatar
And I answered your question. Originally Posted by Old-T
Actually, you didn't...

Because I value substantive conversations more. If i value substance, then I feel I should post substance. Originally Posted by Old-T
It is different because I consciously chose to make my 4000th post substantive. Originally Posted by Old-T
You said you value substance, and you chose to make that post substantive. You never answered why you chose to make that particular post more substantive...which was my original question.

So, why did you?
MaxiMilyen's Avatar
Actually, you didn't...

You said you value substance, and you chose to make that post substantive. You never answered why you chose to make that particular post more substantive...which was my original question.

So, why did you? Originally Posted by Wakeup
Old-T, you rock! Your patience and wisdom have been challenged. You got this, whether you dignify with another response or not!

Either way, the cheap entertainment has once again been provided, by ours truly, Wakey!!! Who wants popcorn?

Hey Wakey.... You got your notebook and pencil out? Cause ya know school will begin should Old-T take the bait. And, lesson also to be learned should he not. ijs Ask what that means later.....cause should he, you'll need to concentrate and I get how hard that could become for ya.... k?
Wakeup's Avatar
Ah...so I can't "win" and should stop posting...thanks sweetie, good advice...

Just asking a simple question...not sure why the OP won't answer, but it's his call...
MaxiMilyen's Avatar
Ah...so I can't "win" and should stop posting...thanks sweetie, good advice...

Just asking a simple question...not sure why the OP won't answer, but it's his call... Originally Posted by Wakeup
Maybe cause he already knows ya ain't worth wasting his valuable time on? '\_(**)_/' That would be the best call I imagine...not to bother with your need to perpetuate things others consider trivial and inane....ijs
Wakeup's Avatar
Not entirely sure why you decided this morning was a good time to pop in here and get frisky...this thread was nothing of the sort till you came in...why is that?
MaxiMilyen's Avatar
Not entirely sure why you decided this morning was a good time to pop in here and get frisky...this thread was nothing of the sort till you came in...why is that? Originally Posted by Wakeup
Well.....if ya must know, my daughter had emergency surgery over a week ago, was released for a couple of days and then readmitted to the hospital. She is now much better, because her Mom ain't got time for BS either, and managed to get the know it all experts to finally pay attention and be a little more sensitive to the humans they came in contact with. So, I am happy that there are those who are capable of comprehending certain things if ya teach 'em how to, and the outcome of certain situations will almost assuredly be a more pleasant one for all when we do that.

Does that help?

short version edit: daughter better, Mom happy and has time to play.....LOL
MaxiMilyen's Avatar
Originally Posted by Wakeup
Ah...so I can't "win" and should stop posting...thanks sweetie, good advice...

Just asking a simple question...not sure why the OP won't answer, but it's his call...

1. btw....your welcome, Wakey! It's the only kind I feel comfortable giving, good advice, but I didn't say that. I'm just...."observant", ya know? Well no, I imagine you wouldn't know.

2. I also asked a simple question....not sure why you won't answer, but it's your call....

Maybe you just don't have something to be as happy about as I do and ya don't want to play anymore today? Whatever the reason, I'm patient and actually have little expectations of anyone, one way or the other. In times of real need, some folks just let ya down or try to kick ya so ya stay down.....other folks act as one would think we all should, and their efforts always give me hope.....however, expectations...not my thing. I have found that it's one really great way to weed folks out that ya actually don't wanna associate with. I learned that a loooonnng time ago.

btw....the OP is a great guy. I could tell by his posts even before I had the opportunity to meet him. Great guys do great things, either by their actions or by choosing to do nothing at all....make sense? He doesn't need help from me, but again.....I'm happy, you like to play, and I felt like it. I realize I can be kinda blunt ....and honest as well, but maybe a little differently than some. Makes me unique, or so I'd like to believe. Please, allow me at least that illusion/delusion (which ever you prefer), k?

Hope your day gets better, hon. Or, you're getting a lot of work done, or whatever reason ya have for not answering....
Old-T, you are one of the most thoughtful men on this board, well, besides Pyramider's profound cries for taint of course. I know that your 5000th will be epic.