I B Hankering's Avatar
And you think this is the answer? Really? Originally Posted by WTF
More so than the system currently in place that proffers absolutely no surety against voter fraud.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
How many poor people do you know that don't have a car? Or don't rent an apartment? Or don't get all kinds of government assistance? How many old people aren't on SS or Medicare? You are making up facts again to support your argument in favor of not protecting our election system. Why?
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 12-15-2011, 10:41 AM
How many poor people do you know Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
how many illegals do you know how vote illegally? Talk about strawmen!
I B Hankering's Avatar
how many illegals do you know how vote illegally? Talk about strawmen! Originally Posted by WTF
Hell, the illegals are definitely a minority in perpetrating voter fraud - the primary culprits are organized Democrat and Republican politicos who with or without illegals perpetrate fraud.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
how many illegals do you know how vote illegally? Talk about strawmen! Originally Posted by WTF
You brought them up, I thought you might know something. I was wrong.

Here's a different question. What level of illegal votes is tolerable? How many illegal votes must be cast before it is a problem?

Since polling place integrity is not an issue to you, you must have an idea about how many it would take before it became an issue. Don't you?

I don't doubt that the thinking of the Democratic party is aligned with WTF; more reason to throw Obama out and replace the Democratic majority in the Senate.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 12-15-2011, 01:21 PM
Hell, the illegals are definitely a minority in perpetrating voter fraud - the primary culprits are organized Democrat and Republican politicos who with or without illegals perpetrate fraud. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
I will have to agree with ya on that. We just weren't aware of how bad it was until they started voting folks off the Island on Survivor, Season One!

You brought them up, I thought you might know something. I was wrong.
Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
CuteOldGuy, you introduce a link with the implications that there is massive voter fraud. All it basically says is that some States/Counties need to purge their voter rolls. It says nothing about actual voter fraud. They haven't purged dead folks or felons from the rolls.

We could set up a bio metric system to prevent Martian's from voting I suppose .... afterall even though there is no proof that Martians are voting, there is always the possibility that they are
http://02f8ec3.netsolhost.com/wam/index.php?option=com_content&v iew=article&id=1584:alarming-vote-fraud-statistics&catid=93:election-year-2010&Itemid=120

Here's a different question. What level of illegal votes is tolerable? How many illegal votes must be cast before it is a problem? Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Show me the problem. Show me the massive illegal voting problem. So far, you have only shown what maybe/possible/who knows/big bad wolf scenario that may happen if the Mexicans all get laptops and facebook accounts.

You do understand that all business have a number where fraud is tolerable. Nobody wants it... or to admit it but there is a formula people use to see if the cost of prevention is worth the so called pound of cure. In this case there is nothing to cure!

Since polling place integrity is not an issue to you, you must have an idea about how many it would take before it became an issue. Don't you?
Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
It is not an issue with me because you have not shown it to be. You have offered no evidence of massive voter fraud. No Chic and Chong bringing illegals to the polls and voting illegally.

What you do have is mostly Democratic efforts to bus old folks to the polls. That is what these type of measures are aimed at and you should be smart enough to see that. It is a smart move on the GOP's part. But do not be so ignorant as to fall for the iillegal aspect part of these bills. That is smoke and mirrors.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Just answer the fucking question. What level of voter fraud is acceptable? Do I need to use smaller words?
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 12-15-2011, 02:07 PM
Just answer the fucking question. What level of voter fraud is acceptable? Do I need to use smaller words? Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
smaller words won't help

I would venture to guess...a very low level. In other words, more than what we have now.

Have you COG ever heard of the “Hand Formula”? The likelihood of a harm multiplied by the magnitude of the harm is equivalent to how much you should spend to avoid it


The question in my mind is given that there is hardly any illegal voter voting fraud....is it acceptable to spend the time and resources to prevent what is a miniscule problem at best. Furthermore that wasted effort could keep legit voters from voting.

Let me tell you wtf I do know. Waiting in line at the DMV is no walk in the park. In fact my sister who happens to be pro Repub and for this stupid law before spending a day down at the DMV with her 16 year old son and once I pointed out that was the very reason it disenfranchised older voters who should not have to go through that process. She fully understood and agreed. Of course she had heard the same lie you are trying to spread ....that illegals were stealing elections. I first had to disspell that myth. There is no proof of that. Therefore this is a stupid law , if the intention is to stop illeagals from doing something they already are not doing!

If it was passed to prevent Dem's from getting some of their base to the polls...it is a great law!
Budman's Avatar
Why would it only affect only the democrats? If your claim of "it's to hard for these old people to stand in line" is true then it would affect the republicans just as much.

There is a voter fraud investigation currently underway that put Obama on several ballots for the primary in 08. I'm not sure what state it is but they have interviewed several people that claim their signatures were forged.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 12-15-2011, 02:32 PM
Why would it only affect only the democrats? If your claim of "it's to hard for these old people to stand in line" is true then it would affect the republicans just as much.
. Originally Posted by Budman
Because poor old folks, mostly vote Democratic but yes it could effect old poor GOP voters too....if there is such a thing!


There is a voter fraud investigation currently underway that put Obama on several ballots for the primary in 08. I'm not sure what state it is but they have interviewed several people that claim their signatures were forged. Originally Posted by Budman
Did illegals forge them? What about fake ID's? Should we spend the time and resources for bio metric voting because some where they find that someone voted with a fake ID?

I bought plenty of beer with one!

The problem is there is no problem...that is the problem you folks defending this law are having. You can not find any instance of massive voter fraud. That is your problem and you continue to ignore it.

COG runs around crying about big government all the fuc'n time and then sounds like chicken little on this illegal voting crap .... just so government can grow bigger and more big brotherly!
Budman's Avatar
I guess what I don't understand is why anybody would be against it. ID's are required for many things and this should be no different. It's not that difficult to get an ID. You can make the claim that these poor old people can't stand in line long enough to get one all you want but we both know that is BS. Hell, if they can't stand in line to get an ID how can they stand in line to vote?
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 12-15-2011, 03:21 PM
Why not big brother bio metrics? Just because we can do something does not mean we should. Would please find where there is this massive voter fraud. You will not be able to find it because it is not. ID is a be all end all. I do not like unnecessary government intrusion. I se no problem you guys can not find a problem yet you find fault with me for not wanting the government more in my life.
I B Hankering's Avatar
Because poor old folks, mostly vote Democratic but yes it could effect old poor GOP voters too....if there is such a thing!

Did illegals forge them? What about fake ID's? Should we spend the time and resources for bio metric voting because some where they find that someone voted with a fake ID?

I bought plenty of beer with one! Originally Posted by WTF
You're thinking small, as usual. How much did your fake ID cost? Multiply that by 100, or 1000, or even 10,000, because that is what it would take to really make an impact on an election. It would be necessary to hire someone with the technical expertise to manufacture such a quantity of quality IDs; plus, it'll making such cheating exponentially more expensive. Sure, fraud could still be perpetrated, but it would serve as one additional barrier to voter fraud.

You can not find any instance of massive voter fraud. That is your problem and you continue to ignore it. Originally Posted by WTF
How about Samuel "Boss" Tweed, Tammany Hall, Judge Leander Perez, Senator Huey P. Long, Mayor Richard Joseph Daley for starters.
Budman's Avatar
How is this more goverment in your life. If you don't want to show your ID then don't vote. If you don't have an ID and don't want to get one, then you don't get to vote. Your choice. Nobody is forcing you to to do either. You have no problem with the goverment forcing us to by insurance yet this is a huge goverment intrusion. Give me a break.