What would you do or expect if caught?

If the OP is being honest and straight in her post.. I have to insert: NOT ALL MARRIED GENTS THAT come here are cheating. Some of us are very happily married, and this is just added play to our lives.. Depending on your own values, feellings and desires, have you considered discussing the part of his life? Perhaps he feels something missing, perhaps including you in play is is greatest fantasy.. just sayin' not every is cheating just because they hire playmates here.. Originally Posted by nuglet
The difference is unlike the OP your wife enjoys being in the disease ridden cesspool along with everyone else.
sue_nami's Avatar
other thing to consider is perhaps he is seeking stuff he is too embarrassed to ask for or u to give at home like pegging, tuma, role playing, BDSM, or lord knows what fetish he wants and he is not able to ask for from the women he worships and adores at home. maybe he is filling in a gap and still loves u otherwise and you are over reacting to something that you two could reslove with more flexibility in the bedroom?
I get that he wants to do some freaky things in private but he fucked up by not covering his tracks properly. He took a vow and she (being green) was holding up her part of the bargain. While an unrealistic fairy tale type bargain IMHO he still should have been open about it or completely shut. Not in between. If he was stupid enough to get caught, he should suffer the consequences.

Keep In mind a lot of men tell on themselves. Sometimes passive aggressively and some times mindlessly. You don't know how many stupid ideas I have had to deter from guys thinking with the wrong head.

Still I think she should think long and hard about what she is going to do and really think 12 steps ahead on every action and measure out their deep dimensions.

Maybe watch some movies where women react to husbands cheating.
You can compile a strategy. It always amazed me when women could patiently wait for the perfect time to slay in those situations. Again, that's Hollywood. Bullshit Central!

Is marriage obsolete yet?
Good because I'm not done being a weirdo.
I'll say it, "she" joins two and a half weeks ago and this is first post today? I say you are being trolled. Originally Posted by SOULFLY
But at least it's a good troll.

I like this thread.
Lots of examining going on.
That's a good thing.
playingnthedark's Avatar
You are just another sad story of a husband getting caught cheating on his wife. But coming on here, you will not find the answer. The answer lies with your Husband.

IMO, you should let him know you know. Either try to work it out or divorce him and move on.

Again trolling on here is NOT the answer.
nuglet's Avatar
The difference is unlike the OP your wife enjoys being in the disease ridden cesspool along with everyone else. Originally Posted by Windinhishair
LOL Says the cheater with no live... ^^^^^^^^^^
LOL Says the cheater with no live... ^^^^^^^^^^ Originally Posted by nuglet

That wasn't a slam on your wife in the least but apparently it got past you. Reread the OP's initial comments. Reread mine and reevaluate.

I've never so much as cheated on a GF which is why I've deactivated my handle and walked away from the hobby for years at a time whenever starting a relationship.
I don't even log in to read when involved as there's never been a point.

As far as not having a life I guess you must know me for you to claim that.
Loxly's Avatar
  • Loxly
  • 07-10-2015, 01:00 PM
I realize that it's not up to me but I think it's obvious that this person doesn't belong here. I'd purge the account.

It would be different if it were a member looking for ways to redeem themselves but that doesn't seem to be the case. And I go back to my question of WYP? What are they seeking to achieve here?
Welcome to the dark side honey.
There is no light without dark.

Forgotten throes at another's lie
The heart of love is their only light
Faithless greeds consolidating
Holding down sweet charity

With western eyes
And serpent's breath
We lay our own
Conscience to rest

But I'm aching
At the view
Yes, I'm breaking
At the scenes just like you

They have values of a certain taste
The innocent they can hardly wait
To crucify invalidating
Turning to dishonesty

With western eyes
And serpent's breath
They lay their own
Conscience to rest

But then they lie
And then they dare to be
Hidden heroes candidly

So I'm aching
At the view
Yes, I'm breaking
At the scenes just like you

I feel so cold
On hookers and gin
This mess we're in
Troll or not, this got me to thinking. I wonder if most civilian woman realize how men really work sexually, or are providers just that much of a different breed? Or is it just the men in the hobby that tend to cheat? Wish we had some real statics on civilian cheating versus hobby cheating. No judgment.... Just something I ponder.
It's a double edged sword being a provider. Sometimes it's nice to know the things we do about men. Sometimes I wish I didn't know! When I first started providing, my Cinderella fantasies about monogamy and sexual behavior went out the window!!

To the lady, if you are real.... if you have kids, think about them first before you go off and get divorced. It's best to work it out if you can. Sorry for your pain. As providers, we don't ever really know who's married or not.
If the OP is being honest and straight in her post.. I have to insert: NOT ALL MARRIED GENTS THAT come here are cheating. Some of us are very happily married, and this is just added play to our lives.. Depending on your own values, feellings and desires, have you considered discussing the part of his life? Perhaps he feels something missing, perhaps including you in play is is greatest fantasy.. just sayin' not every is cheating just because they hire playmates here.. Originally Posted by nuglet
you my friend as you know are far and few between when it comes to honesty about play for pay
tron's Avatar
  • tron
  • 07-10-2015, 03:10 PM
Good point. The more one thinks about it why would a heart broken scorned wife be initiating a thread in a disease ridden cesspool?. Originally Posted by Windinhishair
You are probably right, but people (myself included) often pound a few drinks and then post shit they wish they hadn't later. Still, if the OP was well lubricated and pissed, there probably would have been more caps and exclamations as BiancaBonVivant said.
Mr Peabody's Avatar

By your action of posting here a warning to all other philandering husbands it shows you are a caring person. Your husband was lucky to have you.

Before deciding unilateral ultimatums, slow down and consider things logically. Think of all you have been through together. Do you really think your hubby "loves" this seedy hobby more than you and his children. When you confront him and ask him why he did it, he won't be able to give a cogent answer because he does not know himself. Most likely he is suffering from some kind of mental illness.

Hate the illness, don't hate him.

Before you throw away the biggest investment of your life, you should consider couseling. Most religions contain it a fundemental tenant that people can change. There are many cases out there of people overcoming their percieved limitations and becoming whole, loving beings again; he deserves a chance.

Of course, you shouldn't trust someone here; please seek the advice regarding the counseling from a trusted authority figure in your life.

Also, before you do anything, please view the movie: "Hope Springs"

P.S. If the monger happens to be the David Douchurst character, then go ahead and cut his donkey dick off. We are all tired of the girls swooning over him.
Good point. The more one thinks about it why would a heart broken scorned wife be initiating a thread in a disease ridden cesspool?

Then on top of that why tell all of the disease ridden worthless members what her plans for revenge are?

She wouldn't do anything to compromise her case against hubby least of all jump in the pool of shit and start sharing.

Her lawyer certainly would have advised against it. She's been aware for a few months which means it's reasonable to assume she's been getting advice from a lawyer which would be "Stay the hell out of it and let the evidence speak for itself".

I think Soulfly called it right. Originally Posted by Windinhishair

Miss Valentina's Avatar
I'm not convinced this poster is genuine but I'll play along like it is.

Ah, the jilted wife, after finally seeing the gilded cage in which she confined herself, comes here to stalk and snarl. Do so, but know the snarls are misguided.

We are all addicted to that which dulls the pain of living. Even you madam. For many men it is sex, for you it may be exercise or something else entirely, but there will always be something.

Blue Pill: You have bought into and likely continue to buy into the construct of marriage. You allowed a man to buy your pussy, nay your entire life for a ring, perhaps a house, and the illusion of "respectability". Because you allowed yourself, what appears here to be a bright, intelligent woman, to be infantilized into believeing this is what "good" women do. Make no mistake, you have been bought just as much as many of the people you came here to finger wag and condescend to, only you literally donated your body, your domestic labor, your reproductive fecundity, the years of your youth, and emotional availability for pennies on the dollar. Why would you barter away all of your assets so easily madam? The joke is on you because you never saw that this arrangement is for the most part a soft slavery reinforced by legal, economic and social institutions so that you can feel superior to us "bad" girls.

Red Pill: You are neither farm animal nor domestic servant. As a woman you have all the assets, and you have all of the leverage. You always did, even before you met him and you have it still. Find a way to understand this and manifest the incredible power it gives you and go up. Female standards direct male behavior, always have, and always will. Lead yourself to a more advantageous relationship with your husband, or lead yourself to a more advantageous life out of the marriage, but own and ruthlessly apply the assets that eons of evolution gave you as a woman. But for God's sake never give them away again.