Trump Demands Apology From The Hildabeast.......

  • DSK
  • 12-22-2015, 06:23 PM
Trumps anti muslim bigotry plays right into the hands of Isis. Common sense. Originally Posted by southtown4488
You mean the religion of peace that interprets a video as blasphemous and attacks a US Embassy and kills Americans?
  • DSK
  • 12-22-2015, 10:19 PM
Trumps anti muslim bigotry plays right into the hands of Isis. Common sense. Originally Posted by southtown4488
The true followers of Islam probably respect Mr. Trump for proposing to keep them out, since they are going to try and turn the country into a Muslim caliphate someday, WTF's scoffing notwithstanding.
LexusLover's Avatar
The true followers of Islam probably respect Mr. Trump for proposing to keep them out, since they are going to try and turn the country into a Muslim caliphate someday, WTF's scoffing notwithstanding. Originally Posted by DSK
SouthClown will be the snitch pointing out all the Christians. He'll be just fine as long as there are Christians ....!
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 12-23-2015, 09:13 AM
SouthClown will be the snitch pointing out all the Christians. He'll be just fine as long as there are Christians ....! Originally Posted by LexusLover
When did you become so worried about Christians? Saddam had a secular Iraq where Christians lived in relative peace. The 2003 GWB led invasion of Iraq in which you fully supported has led to Christian being murdered in Iraq.

I say we do like Reagan...leave the region alone. Enjoy the benefits of low oil prices that that helps us and hurts world players such as Russia and keep our eye on the real tjreat to this country....China.
southtown4488's Avatar
The true followers of Islam probably respect Mr. Trump for proposing to keep them out, since they are going to try and turn the country into a Muslim caliphate someday, WTF's scoffing notwithstanding. Originally Posted by DSK
You, just like Trump are playing right into the hands of ISIS and making them more powerful. just too stupid to understand.
southtown4488's Avatar
SouthClown will be the snitch pointing out all the Christians. He'll be just fine as long as there are Christians ....! Originally Posted by LexusLover
I defend the right of all religions to exist as long as they leave me alone. . . there are also idiot murderous Christians but I don't wanna ban Christianity. I know this may be too complicated for ur weak mind to grasp but oh well.
LexusLover's Avatar
When did you become so worried about Christians? Originally Posted by WTF
Since about 85% of this country are "christians," I'm not "worried" about them.

Since when did you start worrying about what I "might" be "worried" about?

I've believed for most of my adult life that God will sort it all out later!!!!

Not Allah! Or do you prefer: الله?
LexusLover's Avatar
I know this may be too complicated for ur weak mind to grasp but oh well. Originally Posted by southtown4488
Just the opposite. You're so weak intellectually one must "dumb down" in an attempt to figure out what you are blabbering about. You apparently are trying to make it a religious issue, and it's not. The only possible reason why I might want to know someone's religion who set out to kill me is so that the "appropriate" burial or body disposal arrangements can be made for them. But I'm "assuming" next of kin will know about that, so it really doesn't matter, does it?

Gruber warned us about people in this country like you! He actually made fun of you, remember?
southtown4488's Avatar
Just the opposite. You're so weak intellectually one must "dumb down" in an attempt to figure out what you are blabbering about. You apparently are trying to make it a religious issue, and it's not. The only possible reason why I might want to know someone's religion who set out to kill me is so that the "appropriate" burial or body disposal arrangements can be made for them. But I'm "assuming" next of kin will know about that, so it really doesn't matter, does it?

Gruber warned us about people in this country like you! He actually made fun of you, remember? Originally Posted by LexusLover
u just dont get it, oh well.
the pentagon and everyone close to the military strategy says
- we cannot kill our way out of this problem -

the simplistic view is to think we can "carpet bomb" our way to a solution. its foolish.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 12-23-2015, 11:50 AM
Since about 85% of this country are "christians," I'm not "worried" about them.

Since when did you start worrying about what I "might" be "worried" about?

I've believed for most of my adult life that God will sort it all out later!!!!

Not Allah! Or do you prefer: الله? Originally Posted by LexusLover
I do not believe in any pie in the sky character. ..reality is what i believe in. The reality is your support of the 2003 GWB Iraq war has led to the slaughter of thousand upon thousands of Christians and Muslims too for that matter.
bambino's Avatar
Carpet bombing would be a good start. Just think of the recruiting videos.
southtown4488's Avatar
the more civilians killed and collateral damage, the more recruits ISIS gets.
LexusLover's Avatar
The reality is your support of the 2003 GWB Iraq war has led to the slaughter of thousand upon thousands of Christians and Muslims too for that matter. Originally Posted by WTF
That's "your reality" not mine. And it's also not the "reality" of a lot of people. But keep deluding yourself.
LexusLover's Avatar
the more civilians killed and collateral damage, the more recruits ISIS gets. Originally Posted by southtown4488
So say the Gruberites anyway.

civilians killed (by those other than ISIS/ISIL I "assume")
collateral damage (by those other than ISIS/ISIL I "assume")
campaign ads
_______________________ (fill in the blank)

or just anything the "other guys" do, but nothing "we" do!!!!

Hillarious was recruiting for ISIS in this last debate, BTW, using the same standard.

The Clintons are Christians, correct?
Carpet bombing would be a good start. Just think of the recruiting videos. Originally Posted by bambino
Carpet bomb them with some starving feral hog sows along with the sows babies ! Air drop them into the ISIS area and watch those muzzies unass the place then ! Those muzzies that stick around can deal with those pissed off and hungry momma sows ! It could be used as an " are denial " tool as well, just make sure that some of the piggys make it into the mosques !