Studio X does it again! New pics of yours truly.

snarl's Avatar
  • snarl
  • 03-25-2016, 09:35 AM
Beauty is in the eye of the BEER HOLDER... Originally Posted by KittyLamour
milfy2002's Avatar

Thanks AB!

Ok it's killing me not to say this so here goes... He asked me to post some of the pics. I chose the three best, my favorite being the first one. In retrospect I see this may have done more harm for him than good.

I know some of the flack is just anti Milfy rhetoric in general but much of it is an honest critique of the images.

Heavy girls are hard to shoot. In all honesty I've not found anyone that can shoot me as well or better than I can do myself with my cell phone.

Jules Jaguar's Avatar

Thanks AB!

Ok it's killing me not to say this so here goes... He asked me to post some of the pics. I chose the three best, my favorite being the first one. In retrospect I see this may have done more harm for him than good.

I know some of the flack is just anti Milfy rhetoric in general but much of it is an honest critique of the images.

Heavy girls are hard to shoot. In all honesty I've not found anyone that can shoot me as well or better than I can do myself with my cell phone.

Originally Posted by milfy2002

I think that is the case for every woman. I struggle with my weight also and I've done "pro" shoots and I haven't even used the photos because I hated them. I have found women take better photos of other women and ourselves.

I am gonna go to bds for my next shoot, I'd rather support another providers legit business than some fucktard with a camera.

The pics were free that's the positive in all of this. It's not you milfy like I said before I haven't found any of his work particularly flattering at all.
Well, firstly, there is a huge difference between constructive criticism and malice. I think some were able to strike a balance with sharing their criticisms in respectful ways, while some of y'all were being shady and hateful.

I've seen photos taken by Studio X posted by other ladies on here and I thought many of them were super cute. I really like the ones he took of Eva, Phoenixxx, and Jessika.

Some challenges from this session seemed to be hiding or obscuring your face in ways that didn't come across as awkward or make you look headless, working with your body type, and the ambiance (settings, backdrop, props).

I think a jazzy masquerade mask, or maybe holding a bouquet of flowers or some other prop to obscure your face in a playful or cheeky manner would have been good to get more of you in some of the shots in a way where it didn't look like you were hiding. I also think elongated head to toe shots would have been useful.

A photographer who is about their craft should know how to work with a diverse range of models and their needs. Perhaps, if both of y'all would be down, a redo taking into consideration the helpful advice some have shared would be mutually beneficial.
I do videography and photography from time to time for extra money (not in the hobby). I thought the pics where just ok, your older showcase pics are better. All women are beautiful its just a matter of finding that one photographic moment that embodies the essence of you. That can be difficult sometimes.
Well, firstly, there is a huge difference between constructive criticism and malice. I think some were able to strike a balance with sharing their criticisms in respectful ways, while some of y'all were being shady and hateful.

I've seen photos taken by Studio X posted by other ladies on here and I thought many of them were super cute. I really like the ones he took of Eva, Phoenixxx, and Jessika.
Originally Posted by Lena Duvall
Thanks Lena , you doll you!

All women are beautiful its just a matter of finding that one photographic moment that embodies the essence of you. That can be difficult sometimes. Originally Posted by bobo1cg
Iaintliein's Avatar
I think these would look better in B&W with film grain added. The first thing that jumps out at me is that the color balance seems off and isn't the same on all of them.

Otherwise, a longer lens, looser crop and more directional lighting with some dodging and burning would be worth trying next time.

If the lens is wide angle the barrel distortion will make the subject look plumper, ditto for filling the entire frame with the subject. Directional lighting, dodging & burning = distinct shadows that can minimize size optically.

But then again, I'm only a fucktard with a camera.
I think these would look better in B&W with film grain added. The first thing that jumps out at me is that the color balance seems off and isn't the same on all of them. Originally Posted by Iaintliein
milfy2002's Avatar

The lighting was not flattering, trust me I even tried black and white!

I think after I go to the beach I'l have a GF take some pics that are from angles that suit me better.

maxim_232's Avatar
What was that BonJovi song? "You Give Fucktards A Bad Name".

Sorry, just popped in to my head. Not aimed at anyone.
ManSlut's Avatar
Originally Posted by Finkle
Lmao...SweaterPuppies, you still posting? Usually you're banned by now...This has to be a record for you, 58 posts without being Banned?
Always remember ladies...all the men here are studs (except me :-(. They get a 10 every time cause they have money or troll a lot. Smh. It's your body and if it's hot to you..
Go for it. That is why we pay and judge. We can all move on and find some close keepers
ManSlut's Avatar
Look, Drama Mama posted this threAD (another in a long line of many), not anyone else...If she can't handle any degree of negativity, then there is one solution - Stop posting them. No one is making her post.

If someone doesn't want to hear what other's have to say, then DON'T ASK US!!

She keeps looking for everyone to blow sunshine up her ass, but she gets fewer and fewer takers...I am starting to feel sorry for her and pity. Why? Because she seems like a very insecure individual, constantly seeking approval and never getting enough (reminds me of !VI!).

Now, my honest opinion about the photos - the subject matter is not attractive to me at all, so I am blinded as to the quality of the photographer's skill, plus I know very little about photographic technique (shit I didn't even know bsb/Adrienne Baptiste photoshops all her pics till someone else told me recently) so I offer no opinion there, either...But, I also think the Mona Lisa is a shitty piece of artwork. Why? The subject matter is not attractive TO ME.

Like I've said before, there is a reason why the OP offers Creampies - she would get little business without it...But please, let's stop with this, keep your negativity to yourself crap when anyone comes on here asking for opinions!!
ManSlut's Avatar
Well not to highjack the tread but yes you do look good and shouldn't ashame of your body!

As for the rest well i felt i was a "sort " of advertising but i don't know who took the pics and neither op wouldnt do photoshoot
The only reason i call advertsing is that every single treads going in direction of bareback she go on and claim hop much she love it..Those weared out she posted this

Not against..Good for you Milfy but i do feel its a form of advertisement and for someone that claimed to only see 3 or what(please correct me) a week you seem extremely hungry....Let alone your tread about gang bang..I will give you this that you have smart to good around...when it come to advertising
AS for the rest no..And sorry unless you are the parking lady at the hospital i do not for one minute believe you iwork in médical field with all those claims

Now i'm not stupid i know bbfs existe since i have been in the business and longer but you are the first that $ doesn't match it


P.s for those that think i troll your board i have been watchhing since i got back as i had several requests but i do not feel worth wise to deal with bbfs expecting it

VJ Originally Posted by VictoriaJolie
Would someone please translate this gibberish for me, I dropped Drunkass/Stoner Semantics 101 back in '85, so wtf did she say?
milfy2002's Avatar

Manslut, stop projecting your insecurities onto me ;-)