
TreeBark's Avatar
Tell us about the dude who faked his own death to get rid of you
Vivi Boyt's Avatar
Tell us about the dude who faked his own death to get rid of you Originally Posted by TreeBark
That seems like your take to tell as your the one who made it up 😂😂😂😂😂

I love a good story 😂😂😂

Tell us how obsessed you are still, hacking emails , sending emails, sending text , I swear the cloud is awesomeeeee!! 😎😎
TreeBark's Avatar
Hacking email? Right.
Texts, don't even have your number try again. Nor do I want it.
You know, he was from out west near Utica.
Vivi Boyt's Avatar
I know this is your only wat now to talk to me because I've blocked you on everything but really making a fake Twitter account now 😄😄😄😄
I'm really good on dealing with your low self esteem aka the keyboard warrior aka looking for love in hooks personality but eh you have no life or friends so who am I to judge .... Carry on 🤖
Vivi Boyt's Avatar
Hacking email? Right.
Texts, don't even have your number try again. Nor do I want it.
You know, he was from out west near Utica. Originally Posted by TreeBark
Yea ... Somewhere out there 😂😂😂😂😂 bwahahahahahaha
And yes my gmail but I know you won't admit it on public forum ... It's ok , take your vitamins and head back to bed ☺😂😂😃
TreeBark's Avatar
Fake twitter? Dude that app is junk. Don't even know how to use it.
Vivi Boyt's Avatar
Totally stoked going to the FFDP show in Jersey in October just bought my ticket.... ahhhhh!!! 🤘🤘🤘
TreeBark's Avatar
The Christmas cookies. That's right the same year I got you a full year of summers eves. Do you still have 51 of them left!
Vivi Boyt's Avatar
The Christmas cookies. That's right the same year I got you a full year of summers eves. Do you still have 51 of them left! Originally Posted by TreeBark
👏👏👏 took you 10 minutes to think of something "funny" No that was the year I got a whole SUMMER full of bull crap jealousy from an over middle aged guy who I told I didn't want as a boyfrien
Oh wait that was the year we went on the boat too and you got so piss drunk that me and my best friend had to help you get back to your car.... Notice we didn't offer to drive you , 😂😂😂😂😂😂
Vivi Boyt's Avatar
BREAKING BENJAMIN is going to be at the show too!!
Goddddd I love October
TreeBark's Avatar
Obsessed, kinda like the night me and Olivia Paige were driving home and you were calling us threatening us she was taking your business
Vivi Boyt's Avatar
You can't be serious!!! 😃😃😃😃😃😃 Wow your really off your rocker and I know we all know that but are you kidding???? The crap that comes out of your mouth !!! No I mean your fingertips my bad lol. If anyone would "threaten" my business lol it would be ALL OF THE LADIES duhhhhhh!! We are all in the same hobby. God you sound stupid

Go talk to JESUS your boring now 😂😂😂😂
TreeBark's Avatar
Hobby? For others yes. For you great resume. Hooker 2011 - present.
Vivi Boyt's Avatar
Good one buddy 👊 really tho I hope you go to day so I can deny you your phone calls ... Byeeee 😂
Randilyn's Avatar
I joined Twitter as soon as the site went down in April and pretty much survived via Twitter and established contacts over the summer.

Aside from business, I have so much fun with it. In Upstate there’s probably 20 active VP and most of us promote and support each other.

I mostly wanted Twitter to keep in cornact with established ladies and gents in my network, but I’ve been thoroughly surprised by how many amazing and quality clients have found me on that platform. Originally Posted by bustybabygirl
i follow you ... i joined in april went eveything went dark, still learning how to navigate around .. i like it, and pretty resourceful when making new "friends"