Wendy Davis Stamp?

  • EZ.
  • 11-05-2014, 11:54 AM
I don't think that NO Democrat can win... but a female divorcee who admitted to have a "GASP" abortion has no chance. She had WAY too much against her to stand a chance. A femme in Texas has got to be ballsy as hell and morally clean as a whistle to stand a chance. Originally Posted by GracePreston
Trying to get a progressive elected in Texas is like pushing a square peg into a round hole. Judging by the elections, the rest of the country shares the same views. This state is right of center but she is far left. That is why she got crushed. She ain't Anne Richards and until the Democrats go to the center, they are going to continue to lose.
Grace Preston's Avatar
The Dems haven't had a good center candidate since Richards, unfortunately.

The R's really screwed the pooch and they don't even realize it yet. Had they been smart.. they wouldn't have pushed as hard for a majority... now, they have it, but nothing is going to get done. Guess who will get the blame?
Mavs fan's Avatar
Look at Stupid, She is not self made. Her ex husband put her through Harvard and right after graduation she divorced him. She also gave him custody of the children, one of which was not his biologically. He is a good person, she is not. Plus, she wants to legalize late term abortions, where the child is fully formed and can feel pain. You can't support anything you said with facts. What kind of woman gives away her children. I know several providers that do this job to support their children. These providers have more class and integrity than Wendy Davis ever will.
  • EZ.
  • 11-05-2014, 02:18 PM
The Dems haven't had a good center candidate since Richards, unfortunately.

The R's really screwed the pooch and they don't even realize it yet. Had they been smart.. they wouldn't have pushed as hard for a majority... now, they have it, but nothing is going to get done. Guess who will get the blame? Originally Posted by GracePreston
Obama will not work with Congress. They just need to pass bill after bill that are popular (Tax reform, XL pipeline or Border security) and let Obama veto them. It will show who is the party of no. They now control the purse strings with the ability squeeze departments like the EPA. Best of all, Harry Reid made use of the nuclear option but guess who has it now. Above everything else, that will make the democrats scream the most.
Grace, most of the people she talked to before running discouraged her from running. I was among those, and a number of other big donor that I know and talked to did the same. Not because we thought she wouldn't run a good campaign, so much, but because the demographics of Texas are such that NO Democrat can yet win a Statewide race. She heard that advice loud and clear. One of the dominant theories as to why she ran is that :1) she didn't enjoy being in the minority in the Texas Senate; and 2) because her district is essentially the only swing district in the Texas Senate, she was going to face a very spirited reelection challenger who would exxentialky have unlimited money (and she would be running in a hostile 6th Presidential year environment for Democrats).

Her decision was still flawed in my view because she had mo chance in the governor's race, but had probably a35 or 40% chance of winning her Senate seat. Originally Posted by TexTushHog
I agree with the opinion that her run might reasonably be viewed as ill-considered at this time, but think I might have looked at the choice a bit differently if I were in her shoes.

It seems to me that if she has enduring political ambitions, but chose not to strike now, she'd be running against an incumbent in 2018. And that's generally a rather difficult task, unless your opponent conveniently shoots himself in the foot. Also, she's been a hot, high profile item recently, while she must have realized that she had a rather tenuous hold on her senate seat. In politics, as is the case with so many other things, one often needs to strike while the iron is hot.

But I think there was an even more compelling reason for Wendy Davis to go for it now.

Even a failed gubernatorial candidate is a very high profile individual. Perhaps some law firm would lust after the opportunity to put her name in its masthead, especially since she has a Harvard law degree.

And, at 51 years of age, she probably has very little net worth, since she chose to go into public life rather than to practice law for an extended period of time. Assuming that Wendy Davis (like most of the rest of us) likes travel and a lot of other nice stuff, it's reasonable to assume that she might want to establish some financial security for her retirement years.

To that end, there are few things quite like pulling down a 7-figure annual income for a decade or so.
At the end of the day the GOP is running congress. When things continue not to get done it will hurt them more than the dems. Not sure people are gonna see the dems as being obstructionists since many people are essentially ignorant as to the law making process. The dems can no longer feasibly stop laws from being approved by congress.
  • EZ.
  • 11-05-2014, 05:19 PM
At the end of the day the GOP is running congress. When things continue not to get done it will hurt them more than the dems. Not sure people are gonna see the dems as being obstructionists since many people are essentially ignorant as to the law making process. The dems can no longer feasibly stop laws from being approved by congress. Originally Posted by tire-chucker
Harry Reid has over 200 bills sitting on his desk, many with bipartisan support, that he refused to bring for a vote. The Republicans are going to pass those bills and hope Obama vetoes them. The there are tax reform bills, the Keystone Pipeline and other very popular bills that people want passed. When this happens, it will show who the obstructionist is.
Harry Reid and the democrats chose to enact the nuclear option. That is about to bite the democrats in the ass.
I only hope that now that they control the purse strings they will start cutting and squeezing all of those bloated governmental agencies starting with the IRS and the EPA.
Batman's Avatar
Whatever happened to the discussion about wanting to bang Wendy? It was more fun than actual politics.
TexTushHog's Avatar
it's reasonable to assume that she might want to establish some financial security for her retirement years.

To that end, there are few things quite like pulling down a 7-figure annual income for a decade or so. Originally Posted by CaptainMidnight
I probably should have posted in more detail. This was a competing theory going around at the time Wendy was making the rounds. And there is some support for it in that working in the Texas legislature is the equivalent to taking a vow of poverty, at least in terms of official salary ($7,200/year) and having to take up at least four months every two years, plus extra time in non-session years, special committee assignments in the summer after sessions, etc. But the flaw in that theory is that even though the part time job of a Texas legislator is time consuming, it is still part time. She can get hired by a law firm while she's in office, and frankly, is probably more valuable to them while she is in office than after. She's not going to get any real lobbying work, because she's not a friend (or in the same party) as the new highly partisan Lt. Governor, nor does anyone really need much lobbying done on the Democratic side. So if that was her calculus, it was deeply flawed, I suspect (as did many others when this was discussed).

I think that the bottom line is she was just tired of being on the losing side in the Senate. Six years of that shit gets old. I know a couple of the Senators personally, including one I've known for 25 years. And it's a very wearing job.
There is something truly unsettling about Wendy Davis.

It was bad enough that she asked for a divorce the day that her now ex-husband paid off the last of her student loans.

But, then she just gave him full custody of the kids because she apparently didn't want to be be a mother anymore. what kind of woman does that? Most women I know didn't know what to make of it.

But then the coup de grace was when I learned that the guy was her second husband and that she not only gave him custody of the kid they had together, she gave him custody of the kid she had from her first marriage. The kid is NOT even his!

Putting politics aside, there is just something "off" about the woman.

There is something truly unsettling about Wendy Davis.

It was bad enough that she asked for a divorce the day that her now ex-husband paid off the last of her student loans.

But, then she just gave him full custody of the kids because she apparently didn't want to be be a mother anymore. what kind of woman does that? Most women I know didn't know what to make of it.

But then the coup de grace was when I learned that the guy was her second husband and that she not only gave him custody of the kid they had together, she gave him custody of the kid she had from her first marriage. The kid is NOT even his!

Putting politics aside, there is just something "off" about the woman. Originally Posted by ExNYer
It is interesting to read some of the posts in this thread; they would lead you to believe that Wendy Davis is a great person and has the skills of a good politician - it just wasn't her time to run, much less win.

A more accurate picture of Wendy Davis is that she is an opportunist who doesn't have the political skills or the personality to broadly appeal to Texans. She was thrust onto the scene by out of state one-issue interests. Many who thought the "war on women" strategy would play well. She was a terrible candidate. Timing had nothing to do with her disastrous campaign and loss.
  • EZ.
  • 11-06-2014, 09:17 AM
There is something truly unsettling about Wendy Davis.

It was bad enough that she asked for a divorce the day that her now ex-husband paid off the last of her student loans.

But, then she just gave him full custody of the kids because she apparently didn't want to be be a mother anymore. what kind of woman does that? Most women I know didn't know what to make of it.

But then the coup de grace was when I learned that the guy was her second husband and that she not only gave him custody of the kid they had together, she gave him custody of the kid she had from her first marriage. The kid is NOT even his!

Putting politics aside, there is just something "off" about the woman. Originally Posted by ExNYer
Since when was family values part of the liberal agenda?

I stayed in a dead marriage for 7 years and moved out the same day that my youngest went off for college.

Barack Obama is the best thing to happen to the Republican party.
It certainly is the case that a couple of things seem a bit off-putting about this woman. (To say the least!)

But even if that perception didn't exist, I doubt that she'd be much more likely to be victorious in 2014.

Texas just isn't quite a purple (let alone blue) state yet, although according to many analysts it will be within a decade or so.

Barack Obama is the best thing to happen to the Republican party. Originally Posted by OldLRRP
True that!

It would be hard to imagine a more effective demolition job on public support of the progressive agenda and activist, big-government designs.
  • EZ.
  • 11-06-2014, 10:44 AM

Texas just isn't quite a purple (let alone blue) state yet, although according to many analysts it will be within a decade or so.

It would be hard to imagine a more effective demolition job on public support of the progressive agenda and activist, big-government designs. Originally Posted by CaptainMidnight
I watched that happen in Arizona. With all of the businesses that left California bringing their liberal employees. They went blue for awhile but people woke up. They are still left with high taxes and nothing to show for it.

The GOP got control of the Senate, more seats in the House than they have had in 80 years, more Governors but importantly, more state houses. What a difference 6 years make.

Many of the provisions of ObamaCare were pushed back beyond the midterm elections. Wait until people feel the full effects of this monstrosity.
pyramider's Avatar
There is something truly unsettling about Wendy Davis.

It was bad enough that she asked for a divorce the day that her now ex-husband paid off the last of her student loans.

But, then she just gave him full custody of the kids because she apparently didn't want to be be a mother anymore. what kind of woman does that? Most women I know didn't know what to make of it.

But then the coup de grace was when I learned that the guy was her second husband and that she not only gave him custody of the kid they had together, she gave him custody of the kid she had from her first marriage. The kid is NOT even his!

Putting politics aside, there is just something "off" about the woman. Originally Posted by ExNYer

Sounds pretty smart to me. Getting someone to payoff their loans ... pretty smart. No one knows the little heathens like their mother ... unload them on someone else ... pretty smart.