New Poll Shows Hillary Crushing Republitards

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  • 5T3V3
  • 05-30-2015, 07:00 AM
Is this the same poll that said the Dems were going to fuck up the republicans in the congressional races? How that work out?
Not necessarily. Either candidate who ends up being their party's representative is going to have issues. I simply can't vote for someone who isn't socially liberal. Based on Bill and how the economy went while he was in office, I can live with her financially. Is she cunty? Yes, but that's not enough of a reason for me to ever put up with any of the 8 dumbasses that conservatives have marched out there. Originally Posted by WombRaider
She will get the youth vote, the woman's vote, and probably most of the minority vote. Americans are sick and tired of the extreme right wing running the white house. The GOP party is outdated and they care nothing about the good of the whole.
I don't think the name calling really does any good.

I would have preferred the title be "New Poll Shows Hillary Clinton Crushing All Republican Candidates".

Take the high road!!
Is this the same poll that said the Dems were going to fuck up the republicans in the congressional races? How that work out? Originally Posted by 5T3V3
To my knowledge there were NO polls that asserted Democrats were going to "fuck up" Republicans. However, Republicans did better than anyone predicted.

I think there were a few reasons for this:

1) Money: Republicans were able to spend more money at the state level than Democrats

2) Republican control of Redistricting due to the recent Census:
Republicans have been very successful at the state government level, and this allowed them to use the power of gerrymandering to maximize the number of Republican districts. (The Democrats have also done this in the past).

3) A Democratic President in His Second Term:
Historically the party in power in the White House loses Congressional seats in the off-year, especially during the second term. This happened to G.W. Bush also during his second term (and Bill Clinton).
To my knowledge there were NO polls that asserted Democrats were going to "fuck up" Republicans. However, Republicans did better than anyone predicted.

I think there were a few reasons for this:

1) Money: Republicans were able to spend more money at the state level than Democrats

2) Republican control of Redistricting due to the recent Census:
Republicans have been very successful at the state government level, and this allowed them to use the power of gerrymandering to maximize the number of Republican districts. (The Democrats have also done this in the past).

3) A Democratic President in His Second Term:
Historically the party in power in the White House loses Congressional seats in the off-year, especially during the second term. This happened to G.W. Bush also during his second term (and Bill Clinton). Originally Posted by PizzaLover
4) American people are tired of Ozombie BullShit. They got off their asses and voted.
4) American people are tired of Ozombie BullShit. They got off their asses and voted. Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
Actually that is incorrect. Voter turnout in non-Presidential election years is significantly lower than in years when a President is elected.

According to some quick research, overall vote totals for 2014 dropped 42% when compared to 2012.

Here are some interesting articles:
** Voter turnout in 2014 was the lowest since WWII **

** Worst Voter Turnout in 72 Years **

Politics aside, it is a bad situation when only 39.4% of Americans vote, which is the current estimate for 2014 voter turnout. Sad.

P.S. -- Do you really have to be so disrespectful of a U.S. President? What about saying "Obama" or "President Obama". The name calling shows a lack of maturity.
Actually that is incorrect. Voter turnout in non-Presidential election years is significantly lower than in years when a President is elected.

According to some quick research, overall vote totals for 2014 dropped 42% when compared to 2012.

Here are some interesting articles:
** Voter turnout in 2014 was the lowest since WWII **

** Worst Voter Turnout in 72 Years **

Politics aside, it is a bad situation when only 39.4% of Americans vote, which is the current estimate for 2014 voter turnout. Sad.

P.S. -- Do you really have to be so disrespectful of a U.S. President? What about saying "Obama" or "President Obama". The name calling shows a lack of maturity. Originally Posted by PizzaLover
P.S.S -- Illiberal Regressive Ovomits with new handles... SlaveRaper, you are...
P.S.S -- Illiberal Regressive Ovomits with new handles... SlaveRaper, you are... Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
I see you answered my question about your maturity level.

I am hoping you are young, perhaps 18 or 19. If not, you have some serious problems.
I see you answered my question about your maturity level.

I am hoping you are young, perhaps 18 or 19. If not, you have some serious problems. Originally Posted by PizzaLover
You'll find that most on here are conservative or conspiratorial or both. As for the comment, he thinks you're me. It's a long story, but there is a guy on here named Lusty that believes I'm the reincarnation of some person that used to post on here. He's convinced of it. And because I'm one of the few liberals or people possessing common sense, he thinks that you are another creation of mine. Basically, he's crazy. Forget that you've been on here over 2 years. I guess I just created a bunch of handles to use at a later date.

As for the high road, that's tough sledding around here. You'll get called everything but late for dinner.
You'll find that most on here are conservative or conspiratorial or both. As for the comment, he thinks you're me. It's a long story, but there is a guy on here named Lusty that believes I'm the reincarnation of some person that used to post on here. He's convinced of it. And because I'm one of the few liberals or people possessing common sense, he thinks that you are another creation of mine. Basically, he's crazy. Forget that you've been on here over 2 years. I guess I just created a bunch of handles to use at a later date.

As for the high road, that's tough sledding around here. You'll get called everything but late for dinner. Originally Posted by WombRaider
Get a room, FAGS!
Get a room, FAGS! Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
See what I mean? He's terrified you might get too close and make it move.
See what I mean? He's terrified you might get too close and make it move. Originally Posted by WombRaider
You have been "NO TRESPASSED" from the truck stop. DO NOT COME ON THE PROPERTY AGAIN... LotLizzard
You have been "NO TRESPASSED" from the truck stop. DO NOT COME ON THE PROPERTY AGAIN... LotLizzard Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
It moved, didn't it.
LexusLover's Avatar
Here are some interesting articles:
** Voter turnout in 2014 was the lowest since WWII **

** Worst Voter Turnout in 72 Years **

Politics aside, it is a bad situation when only 39.4% of Americans vote, which is the current estimate for 2014 voter turnout. Sad. Originally Posted by PizzaLover
Blaming the outcome on "low voter" turnout avoids the substantive questions. One of which is why the turnout was "so low" when Obaminable hyped the elections as a referendum on his policies. It appears that folks were NOT interested in voting "for his policies" ... His "policies" and "decisions' are still not popular. Fortunately, the U.S. Federal court system is dismantling the results of his executive overreaching to create "his vision" .. one executive order at a time.
Blaming the outcome on "low voter" turnout avoids the substantive questions. One of which is why the turnout was "so low" when Obaminable hyped the elections as a referendum on his policies. It appears that folks were NOT interested in voting "for his policies" ... His "policies" and "decisions' are still not popular. Fortunately, the U.S. Federal court system is dismantling the results of his executive overreaching to create "his vision" .. one executive order at a time. Originally Posted by LexusLover
You can't desist from lying, can you. Obama has issued fewer EO's than any president in the last 100 years.