Why more Americans don't travel abroad

Naomi4u's Avatar
Well I keep a knife in my flat in London, I know it's naughty over there, but I simply don't feel safe without having something to defend myself with,( even though if I ever did have to use it, they would tote me off to jail.) Originally Posted by Valerie
Generally speaking Americans don't need passports.Remember the United States is a collection of fifty sovereign states.If each state required you to provide a passport to enter,I suspect more Americans would have a passport.Remember the continent of Europe is roughly the size of the north American continent but contains over 70 separate nations.So of course more Europeans have passports.As for some of you saying you know people who basically never leave their home towns,I have quite the opposite story.Every one I know travels on a regular basis for work or otherwise. Originally Posted by macksback
When I'm in Europe traveling from country to country( in my experience) a lot of times I've noticed they only check your passport if you're not a part of the EU...
I too am someone who has spent a considerable amount of time abroad both living and travelling and yet there is always so much more I would like to see both abroad and in the US.

But I agree - costs and as well perhaps the differences - language "barriers" and cultural differences - would probably play a role in the lack of or hesitation to travel abroad.
I love to travel and have had a passport for as long as I can remember. Only thing that really stops me is that 9-12 hour plane ride with no cigarette! Last time I had to put a patch on and take two zan bars so I could pass out lol.

It's also harder with a child. I would never feel safe taking my daughter out of the country alone, but would go if I had a man with me. I simply see too many things that are allowed to go on and it scares the hell out of me. "Hostile" comes to mind lol. Originally Posted by London Rayne
I'd offer to travel with you, but I'm afraid I would meet your definition of "man."

You girls and your pistols! Carrying one alone scares me. I'm quicker/very skilled with knives. <<<Just kidding! LOL! Originally Posted by Naomi4u
Who needs a gun (or a knife) when you've got a killer pussy???
Naomi4u's Avatar
Who needs a gun (or a knife) when you've got a killer pussy??? Originally Posted by charlestudor2005
Another one of your stupid disgusting comments. Do not comment about my parts if you have not met me ok? Thank you.
Chainsaw Anthropologist's Avatar
Generally speaking Americans don't need passports.Remember the United States is a collection of fifty sovereign states.If each state required you to provide a passport to enter,I suspect more Americans would have a passport.Remember the continent of Europe is roughly the size of the north American continent but contains over 70 separate nations.So of course more Europeans have passports.As for some of you saying you know people who basically never leave their home towns,I have quite the opposite story.Every one I know travels on a regular basis for work or otherwise. Originally Posted by macksback
Close, but no cigar for your European geography. You only missed the number of countries by (at least) 26. The correct answer is 44.

I'd offer to travel with you, but I'm afraid I would meet your definition of "man."

Who needs a gun (or a knife) when you've got a killer pussy??? Originally Posted by charlestudor2005
Charlie! You've been being nicer this week...don't f*ck it up please....I was really getting excited there for a minute!
Bluntman's Avatar
I love to travel and I am not rich, I do have a decent corporate job and I am single but I have to sacrifice in other areas to be able to travel but I would rather have an average car and get to travel overseas than drive a luxury car and never leave Texas.

I do have to say I love traveling in the US to places like NY, Vegas, or ski in Colorado but nothing compares to going to a country you have never been to and experiencing a new culture for the first time. I try to not be a stupid American and learn a few phrases and I also try and learn some of the local culture so I am not offending someone without knowing and most of the time if they see you trying they warm up to you. You should hear my Vietnamese its pretty crappy but I can ask a girl if she wants to get a drink

I still havent been to Europe but I have traveled Asia extensively and I have been to South America. I will go to Europe soon though.
I love to travel and I am not rich, I do have a decent corporate job and I am single but I have to sacrifice in other areas to be able to travel but I would rather have an average car and get to travel overseas than drive a luxury car and never leave Texas.

I do have to say I love traveling in the US to places like NY, Vegas, or ski in Colorado but nothing compares to going to a country you have never been to and experiencing a new culture for the first time. I try to not be a stupid American and learn a few phrases and I also try and learn some of the local culture so I am not offending someone without knowing and most of the time if they see you trying they warm up to you. You should hear my Vietnamese its pretty crappy but I can ask a girl if she wants to get a drink

I still havent been to Europe but I have traveled Asia extensively and I have been to South America. I will go to Europe soon though. Originally Posted by Bluntman
I'm really excited to meet you now!
The REAL reason americans dont travel abroad is airfare is too damn high.
Bluntman's Avatar
I'm really excited to meet you now! Originally Posted by Valerie
I am also excited, its too long till the 21st

After my next trip I should have enough miles for a trip to Europe or close to it. I just have so many places I want to visit in Europe that it is hard to chose where to go first.
I am also excited, its too long till the 21st

After my next trip I should have enough miles for a trip to Europe or close to it. I just have so many places I want to visit in Europe that it is hard to chose where to go first. Originally Posted by Bluntman
Well, we'll talk about that on the 21st, maybe I can be your personal tour guide
The REAL reason americans dont travel abroad is airfare is too damn high. Originally Posted by JahiaraQ

Sorry... I have to disagree...

Most Flights in and out of Dallas cost more than a round trip to Europe.. If you take into consideration the cost to check a bag.. 1 bag free for International travel.. And the length of trip and taxes

I have flown from DFW to Kiev Ukraine for 650 plus Taxes 950 round trip...
DFW to Vegas.. You can find cheaper... but normally runs close to 300.. then add in Baggage fees.. Your looking at $400 for a 2 ½ hour flight...
Yes, More expensive to Europe... But not so much to be what I'd term excessive
Naomi4u's Avatar
Sorry... I have to disagree...

Most Flights in and out of Dallas cost more than a round trip to Europe.. If you take into consideration the cost to check a bag.. 1 bag free for International travel.. And the length of trip and taxes

I have flown from DFW to Kiev Ukraine for 650 plus Taxes 950 round trip...
DFW to Vegas.. You can find cheaper... but normally runs close to 300.. then add in Baggage fees.. Your looking at $400 for a 2 ½ hour flight...
Yes, More expensive to Europe... But not so much to be what I'd term excessive Originally Posted by DFWRaven
I agree with this!
Out_of_Bounds's Avatar
Please forgive me if I come across too harsh but I'm really sick and tired of being referred to as "arrogant". Yes I'm American born. Texas born, Texas bred, and Texas dead. I, like any other average American has a love for this country more so than perhaps another person from another country. Its a great country(currently), why else are so many flocking to come here? I had a passport at one time and did some traveling in my younger days. But I just don't feel it is as safe as it used to be for Americans to travel abroad. That being said I'd rather take my fam to Disneyworld where I know its safer than have it end up like something in the movie "Hostel" or "Taken".