Encounter: Amber is the best around

I have a hard time trusting someone else for my protection with covers. From "providers" in the news purposefully spreading stuff, or attempts at a baby trap, I'm bringing my own covers, at all times.
August Black's Avatar
Unless you have a significant other to worry about then buying your own rubbers shouldn’t be a problem. Imagine booking a girl and you show up but she only has rubbers which are super tight and you know you’re gonna tap out within a few mins….probably gonna be frustrating. Or better yet imagine booking, a chick spends time looking for rubbers &, discovers she has none. Now you gotta discuss a lower fee or limited services, plus is she adding time due to the search party…..quickest way to kill the mood. Guys have different condom preferences, sizes etc so bringing your own prevents a bunch of headaches.
My response was not to you George 1990 I appreciate you saying something and I'm with you if they have something to say DM me we can settle it
BugsySegal's Avatar
Unless you have a significant other to worry about then buying your own rubbers shouldn’t be a problem. Imagine booking a girl and you show up but she only has rubbers which are super tight and you know you’re gonna tap out within a few mins….probably gonna be frustrating. Or better yet imagine booking, a chick spends time looking for rubbers &, discovers she has none. Now you gotta discuss a lower fee or limited services, plus is she adding time due to the search party…..quickest way to kill the mood. Guys have different condom preferences, sizes etc so bringing your own prevents a bunch of headaches. Originally Posted by August Black
Soldier boy would just go bbfs
Imagine booking a girl and you show up but she only has rubbers which are super tight and you know you’re gonna tap out within a few mins….probably gonna be frustrating. Or better yet imagine booking, a chick spends time looking for rubbers &, discovers she has none. Now you gotta discuss a lower fee or limited services, plus is she adding time due to the search party…..quickest way to kill the mood. Guys have different condom preferences, sizes etc so bringing your own prevents a bunch of headaches. Originally Posted by August Black
I hear you, but I have never had these problems. Probably a combination of luck and just differing tastes and motivations.

This is another great example of us having our own expectations from the gals. So all of us need to read these reviews and recs in terms of what we want and need from a date, and reviewers should provide enough detail so that readers can make that determination. Price point, service, little details.
I try to, but don't always succeed.
I've never understood the appeal of Amber, but I met her late-ish in her career (late, so far, that is). Only met her once (in 2022), for car play, but the whole vibe of (1) being asked to buy condoms on the way to meet and (2) picking her up in an apt complex parking lot and (3) parking behind a church for the encounter made me question paying more than an SW fee.
Several months later I reached out to her to set up an incall appointment, to find out if that would be better and I would get this wonderful experience all the reviews talk about. I text her, she responds immediately, we agree to price and she can see me now, so I start to drvie to her. Within minutes I am contacted about a family matter that requires me to cancel on her so I text - I don't ns, I actually tell her sorry can't make it - and she goes ballistic. the whole text exchange was 10 minutes or less, from the initial text about availability, negotiating, getting the location, and then having to apologetically cancel. 10 minutes. She started blowing up my phone with her bitching, name calling, and demanding that I still come see her for even a few minutes. Claims she cancelled appointments to see me (wtf!) and can't believe I would do something so shitty, blah blah blah. It got so bad I had to block her.
We all have bad nights, but this is a sign of something I wanna stay far away from. Plenty of good pussy out there without having to put up with this shit. Originally Posted by Mad Mikey
Yeah, she lost her shit on me once and threatened to sic her people on me following an argument (we were both to blame, not that she'd ever admit that). Stay on her good side and she's fine, but God forbid you make a mistake or rub her the wrong way.
Dr-epg's Avatar
Gentlemen time to stop with the harassment and move on.