Erykah Badu gets naked downtown for her video:

scooterpie's Avatar
And I have no problem with a naked lady(when it's not in front of kids).

You are an open-minded person, some people are not. To some nudity of any kind in front of other people has a sexual connotation. I'm not saying that is right or wrong, just the way it is.

I don't really disagree with you, and yet I don't really agree with you either...weird, huh?

I've gone too far in to this already, I'm gonna' stop now before I come off looking like an ass(if I haven't already).

I agree to disagree
I'm not "uptight" and I'm not a prude.

Art is art, and I can appreciate that. There's also this little concept called "common decency".

I can 1,000% guarantee that if a Rosie O'Donnell look-a-like decided it was "art" to get naked and parade around a packed Cowboys game, or if an elderly breast cancer survivor who had had a double masectomy and had horrific scars covering her chest decided it was "art" to stand up and bare her disfigured chest in a packed Ranger game, these same people might have a different viewpoint.

I don't want my daughter to be subjected to the sight of Miss Badus nasty vagina and blobby ass being displayed in a very inappropriate location. If she want's to get nekkid during one of her performances for the delight of her fans, go for it.

Just don't force my daughter and I to see it when we don't want to. H

Quite a bit different then being flashed at a grimy car wash (that happened to me in my 20's and shook me up) on Ross Avenue Originally Posted by ElisabethWhispers
BUT BUT BUT what if that nice man had claimed he was just "exressing himself" artistically??

Who are you to judge that his "expression" wasn't "art"?????

[ ... ]

I think her imperfection and comfort in her own skin is more of the point; stripping herself of the superficial...vulnerable in her nudity... rather than having a 100 lb blonde, string~bean supermodel with no womanly shape walking down the street naked. I think it would kinda defeat the puropse/message of the song/video. Originally Posted by UTR ATF
I really agree with the above statement, but as someone else said, the actual words to the song really had nothing to do with the statement MsBadu claims to have been making. Would have made more of an impact on ME personally had those two points meshed.

ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
BUT BUT BUT what if that nice man had claimed he was just "exressing himself" artistically??

Who are you to judge that his "expression" wasn't "art"????? Originally Posted by Sweet Heather
He didn't tell me. And I wasn't judging. He just scared me and I was very startled.

Hey, I like you but if you wish to get into an pissing contest, I'm all for it. Besides, I need to get my mind out of the gutter while thinking of monks.

Lenny Bruce once said, "There is a difference between porn with a little art in it and art with a little bit of porn". YOUR argument, Heather, just doesn't make sense.

This lady had a film crew and was doing her thing in downtown Dallas and well, it is what it is. My guy jumped in front of me while I was washing my vehicle in a skanky part of town, scared the living crap out of me, pulled apart his coat like right out of a bad B-movie and ran away. Totally different. But if you wish to argue that what this guy did to me over twenty years ago was art? Go for it.

Personally, I believe that you're just pulling poor punches because someone questioned what you wrote and now, you're just feeling a little snippy.

Hope you feel better now.


P.S. And what in the hell difference does it make whether "art" is represented, or created, by someone who is fat, or disfigured or what? Is "art" ONLY art if presented in only a fashion that you, personally, approve of? Just curious. With a slight segue, you might find interesting the art of Robert Mapplethorpe.
I like and respect you too, Elizabeth. No need for a pissing contest, because you're smarter and I'd lose!.

But this whole thing reminds me of my summer of 2009 trip I took to Europe with my daughter. She was nine years old at the time.

We visited several beaches in both France and Italy, where many women went topless(BTW I was too!).
One of the first things Kiley asked me was why were the ladies showing their "private parts" in public. I explained to her that the breast is a beautiful thing and just another part of the female body, and that we were in another country where it was both acceptable and appropriatefor ladies to bare their breasts. I explained that there were even beaches where ladies bared their vaginas and men bared their penises.
I remember her thinking about this and she asked me "Why didn't the ladies in Hawaii(our 2008 summer trip) bare their breasts there?"
I explained that in Hawaii it was neither acceptable nor appropriate because it was a different country and the laws and customs were different.

Even my young daughter understood that there is a time and place for public nudity, and it is neither ACCEPTABLE nor APPROPRIATE for someone to disrobe and walk around naked at say, a place of worship. Or say, Northpark Mall or the Galleria.
Just as it is neither ACCEPTABLE nor APPROPRIATE for someone to disrobe and walk around naked at a public place such as Dealy Plaza, where there are families including young children. IMO, of course. H
ElisabethWhispers's Avatar

Too bad that you didn't wish for a pissing match, because you just won the argument! Oh well. I understand where you're coming from and I did before. I'm in a really good mood today and also, I'm being a little ornery!

It's just a difference of opinion but of course, in different environments different societal rules apply. You're right.

Take care,
Whats up with the comments, blobby ass, nasty vagina, needs to go the gym, apparently the lady feels confident enough to shoot her video in public. Last i checked this lady has made millions of dollars, can you say the same.

I just checked the video, i don't know about art, but imho she has always been on the wacky side, period, it did not surprise me at all. I am a fan of her older stuff. Anywho i cannot tell if she shot the video live, seems the reaction of some were like "whatever" didn't really seem to phase them at all which makes me believe the video was not real. I don't know.

Personally i like her ass it LOOKS MIGHTY FINE!

She was wrong to do the video in public in the nude though.

I don't know that much about art and how people express it, but naked in front of kids is a no-no, on the other hand artist performs their songs on stage live, half naked, with children present. Nice publicity stunt though.

So it seems that people would rather see a cute skinny chick rather than a bigger woman, so basically its OKAY for a skinny chick to walk around naked. Maybe i got it wrong???

Some of you jokers really crack me up.
TexTushHog's Avatar
Everybody is worried about kids seeing a naked human body and not about video games??!!
If a white singer such as Madonna or Britney Spears were to travel to the site where Martin Luther King was assasinated, strip and imitate the impact of the bullet into MLK's body there'd be cries of racism and "just like bein' lynched" from the very groups that now support this pathetic, attention-seeking skank.
Everybody is worried about kids seeing a naked human body and not about video games??!! Originally Posted by TexTushHog
Pointing to one bad thing to justify another is a bad idea, IMO.

tsrv4me's Avatar
I very much agree Heather ......Publicity at all costs is what she wanted ......There is a time and A place for nudity ...Downtown Dallas is not that place with young children viewing it ......I have been to nude Beaches in St.Maartens and others but I didnt walk downtown near those places nude.I would have been arrested she should have been ....T
Boltfan's Avatar
No, TTH, we just aren't attempting to hijack the thread as you continue to do.

For an allegedly smart guy...
Mr No Confidence's Avatar
Are you seriously trying to bring race into this bullshit? You know damn well those motherfucking "groups" don't represent "black america" .. If they support her; so what? Those few bastards don't make or set the opinions for everybody. What they can't have their annoying views on things? ... I don't know what race you are(..nor do I care), but I'm sorry to see you get offended at black people having a opinion on anything to begin with. .. I seriously doubt that all of the "black rage" will reign down on Britney Spears if she did that. It would be another moment in skanky tv history .. and we would move on.

Come on dude you know that woman wasn't going to please everyone with that shit. It's all about a naked lady with her nice sweet ass out in public. Some people got sensitive (blacks very much included) and some not as much. That's all.

If a white singer such as Madonna or Britney Spears were to travel to the site where Martin Luther King was assasinated, strip and imitate the impact of the bullet into MLK's body there'd be cries of racism and "just like bein' lynched" from the very groups that now support this pathetic, attention-seeking skank. Originally Posted by txcwby6
Gonzo DFW's Avatar
It's not art to do what she did. She merely crossed a line few others would cross. For example, I can shout "fuck" inside any church or expose myself at a girls' school and someone would call it art. As for kids seeing naked bodies, I don't think it has that much of a deleterious effect, but the same could be said of exposure at too young an age to sex. Having said that, I watched her video once, yawned, and went to bed. But I'm glad my kids didn't see it when they were eight.