ADIOS, AMERICA.............

Anecdotal. A few guys and you extrapolate that out to symbolize blacks leaving in droves. When it comes down to it, they won't vote republican. Originally Posted by WombRaider
Yeah a few guys. That's just one video of many. Here's an article. I guess this is anecdotal too.

Are you talking about Herman Caine, Michael Steele and Ben Carson???? Those 3 guys do represent Black America- please produce stats are state that you don't have facts and you are just talking out your ass. Originally Posted by wellendowed1911
NO, silly he's talking about the Oblackocrats...

Baltimore Police Chief Attempts To Hide Ineptitude By Requesting Help From Feds…

Posted on June 3, 2015 by sundance

Several media outlets have noted a press conference given today by Baltimore Police Chief Anthony Batts where he asked for “federal agents”, and “federal prosecutors” to assist Baltimore with the skyrocketing violence and murders.

[…] In a press conference Wednesday, flanked by representatives of multiple state and federal agencies, Batts said he is asking for federal prosecutors and agents to help, calling the renewed effort an “all hands on deck.”

Batts’ comments follow unrest in the city of Baltimore after the April 19 death of Freddie Gray, and the indictment of six Baltimore police officers involved. Since then, local prosecutors and Batts have come under fire by the police officers’ labor union, and theres been suspicion the rise in crime may be linked to a work “slowdown” organized by police officers. (link)

The short version is Chief Batts admitting he’s lost control. Ironic considering how quickly the police chief and mayor wanted the national guard to withdraw.

A stunning admission within a city in crisis run almost entirely by progressives. The Mayor is black, the State Attorney is black, the police chief is black, the majority of the city council is black, and almost all of the violence is black street thugs shooting and murdering black citizens.

Unable to contain the violence, the police chief does what incompetent progressives always do; reach out to the federal government for assistance begging for help.

Meanwhile their efforts are futile; because they miss the target, avoid the root causes, and try to hide the problem behind economic obfuscations and socio-economic excuses. Lawlessness doesn’t need a reason to exist, it can only be stopped with a reason to cease.

Hug-a-thug programs do not work (see Chicago). Inaction has consequences.

Remove the basic principle of crime and punishment – and the lawlessness will continue unabated.

As the rising tide of violence continues, the political factions within Baltimore will scramble to the ever shrinking higher-ground of avoidance.

It has always been thus.

Does Ann Coulter have any actual solutions?

It seems all she does is peddle hatred against opposing views.
Does Ann Coulter have any actual solutions?

It seems all she does is peddle hatred against opposing views. Originally Posted by PizzaLover
This is the modus operandi of republicans in our current political climate. They are against Obama but FOR absolutely nothing.
You should quit digging a hole you voted for the guy who can't correctly count the number of states (50 for dummies like yourself). Originally Posted by Whirlaway
Stop lying!! Obama NEVER thought the U.S. had 57 states.

He was tired, he had been campaigning 15 hours a day for over a year.

He was talking about the states he had campaigned in and said "50.....................7 states". He MEANT 47, since his campaign had been to 47 states.

I find it hilarious when idiots like you keep posting this.

President Obama is smarter than you, smarter than anyone in your family, and smarter than anyone you will ever even meet.
NO, silly he's talking about the Oblackocrats...

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Baltimore Police Chief Attempts To Hide Ineptitude By Requesting Help From Feds…
. Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
Your idiotic post has NOTHING to do with this thread.
  • shanm
  • 06-03-2015, 11:18 PM
Don't be an idiot. She obviously just misspoke.

Saying "tirllion" when you mean "billion" is just a slip of the tongue, not a real belief.

She was probably thinking of our astronomic national debt and "trillion" just naturally slipped out. Originally Posted by ExNYer
Am I the only one here who found it IN-FUCKING-SANE that anyone could confuse a trillion with a billion? When she said it I literally spit my coffee all over my desk.
If she misspoke she would've corrected herself immediately, like anyone with actual common sense would.

She either has no idea what a trillion is or she doesn't know what the earth's population is, even in round-about figures. Pick your poison.
That's really not the only piece of evidence for her being a dumb cunt. Most of the shit that comes out of her mouth is excruciatingly stupid.
Your idiotic post has NOTHING to do with this thread. Originally Posted by PizzaLover
Welcome to our world!
  • shanm
  • 06-03-2015, 11:20 PM
Your idiotic post has NOTHING to do with this thread. Originally Posted by PizzaLover
It never does buddy, it never does.....
Stop lying!! Obama NEVER thought the U.S. had 57 states.

He was tired, he had been campaigning 15 hours a day for over a year.

He was talking about the states he had campaigned in and said "50.....................7 states". He MEANT 47, since his campaign had been to 47 states.

I find it hilarious when idiots like you keep posting this.

President Obama is smarter than you, smarter than anyone in your family, and smarter than anyone you will ever even meet. Originally Posted by PizzaLover
Well President Obama is smart enough to fool you that's for sure.

lustylad's Avatar
President Obama is smarter than you, smarter than anyone in your family, and smarter than anyone you will ever even meet. Originally Posted by PizzaLover

No kidding, pizza hut? Booksmart or streetsmart? He is smart in the same way Woodrow Wilson was. The world disappoints him. Putin won't listen, ISIS is on the march, Iran is gaming him, but dammit he's the smartest guy in the room!
lustylad's Avatar
Am I the only one here who found it IN-FUCKING-SANE that anyone could confuse a trillion with a billion? Originally Posted by shanm
It happens all the time. Even seasoned economists misspeak and get billions/trillions mixed up while discussing the federal budget, the trade deficit, the national debt, the GDP, you name it. If a libtard said it, you would call it a molehill. Since Ann Coulter said it, you're trying to make a mountain out of it.
No kidding, pizza hut? Booksmart or streetsmart? He is smart in the same way Woodrow Wilson was. The world disappoints him. Putin won't listen, ISIS is on the march, Iran is gaming him, but dammit he's the smartest guy in the room! Originally Posted by lustylad
Obama is smart, period.

The world doesn't "disappoint him".

Regarding Putin, so what should be do? Attack the USSR?

Regarding ISIS and Iran, I agree with Obama's course of action, which is heavy on international diplomacy. I realize that most Conservatives simply want the U.S. to go to war with Iran, and put thousands of American troops in the Middle East to battle ISIS.
Well President Obama is smart enough to fool you that's for sure.

Jim Originally Posted by Mr MojoRisin
I explained the TRUTH regarding the "57 states" and this is your response? Idiotic.
It happens all the time. Originally Posted by lustylad
I would agree.

However, what solutions does Ann Coulter actually suggest for the key issues of today?

I really don't see anything but hate-filled rhetoric from her.