Durham kicked ass and took names

eccieuser9500's Avatar

1b1 and I posting at very same second.
eccieuser9500's Avatar
Lol. Dude. HFRipmany is really going at it. At least you’re semi-entertaining. Originally Posted by 1blackman1

Ask yourself this. Why did Durham, in a trial against Danchenko, who to my knowledge had nothing what so ever to do with filing a false FISA application against Carter Page before the FISA court, ask FBI agent Auten, on the stand, if he agreed that the FBI falsely submitted un-verified information to the FISA court which was un-lawful? Why? Because that was his goal all along, to prove corruption at the top of the FBI.

Durham knew years ago what everybody watching Fox news knew from day one, because Devin Nunez spelled all of this out years ago. Adam "shit for brains" Schiff called Nunes a liar, so of course the MSM called him a liar too.

Now we know the truth.

Why won't a certain posted who shall remain nameless ( so I don't get a warning about calling a poster out by name ) say a word about the Clinesmith conviction? Haven't heard a word but it's possible I missed it though I doubt it.

Why won't this person comment on the Auten admission that the FBI "knowingly" filed an application with the FISA court with un-verified information disregarding the law and their ethical obligation?

Why? Originally Posted by HedonistForever

HedonistForever's Avatar
Like I said, when you can't debate, because you can't debate, snide remarks is all you got. Wish I could return the "semi entertaining"compliment but I'm afraid I can't. Semi-boring is the best I can offer.
Like I said, when you can't debate, because you can't debate, snide remarks is all you got. Wish I could return the "semi entertaining"compliment but I'm afraid I can't. Semi-boring is the best I can offer. Originally Posted by HedonistForever
Durham had nothing. He spent 3 years and got 1 conviction for essentially nothing. A slap on the wrist. And got 2 acquittals. That’s pitiful. Now in some fever dream, the silliest of sillies are claiming he never intended to be successful at prosecuting anyone and all he ever wanted was to get sworn testimony that incorrect information was provided to the FISA court by a DoJ lawyer taking a shortcut. That was his master plan all along. Master plan. Lol.

I’d that was truly what he set out to prove he coulda read the OIG report which stated exactly that. With sworn statements. There was no need to have a failed trial to elicit the testimony of 1 FBI agent. But if silly unserious people want to believe the silliest of theories they heard on Tucker or Fox or wherever, they should feel free. No matter how dumb a theory is, we know someone in the ECCIE political forum will swallow it hook line and sinker.

HFRipmany uses those critical thinking skills deftly.
Jacuzzme's Avatar
There’s no “theory”, regardless of your living in denial.
You’re correct. Durham didn’t even have a fully formed theory. Just complaints by Trump, Trumpys, Trump sycophants and right wing media talking heads. And his lack of even a formed theory backed by even the minutiae of factual support led to failed prosecutions and his embarrassment. At least he’ll be remembered in history as the Trump lackey tasked by Barr that proved nothing. Maybe someone will write a book about him. A cautionary tale on bad prosecutors.