Famous movie quotes

Judge Smails's Avatar
"Are you crying? There is no crying in baseball!"

BTW MS Elena- any chick who quotes Full Metal Jacket is hot. Matthew Modine has some good quotes
blk07lac's Avatar
You know I can uh eat a peach for hours... Castor Troy from Faceoff
blk07lac's Avatar
"I don’t trust anyone, not even myself, You I give a pass.” Chestor "Ace" Bernstein from Luck
Forrest Gump -
"Life is like a box of choclates, you just never know what you're going to get."
"Stupid is as stupid does"

The Treasure of the Sierra Madrdre - http://www.rudebadmood.com/badges/fullbadges.wav

Scarlett O'Hara ( Vivien Leigh ):
"Sir, you are no gentleman."
Rhett Butler ( Clark Gable ):
"And you Miss are no lady."

Rhett Butler ( Clark Gable ):
"No, I don't think I will kiss you. Although you need kissing badly. That's what wrong with you. You should be kissed, and often, by someone who knows how."

Scarlett O'Hara ( Vivien Leigh ):
"Don't, I shall faint."
Rhett Butler ( Clark Gable ):
"I want you to faint. This is what you were meant for. None of the fools you've ever now have kissed you like this, have they? Your Charles, your Frank. Or your stupid Ashley."

Rhett Butler ( Clark Gable ):
"Frankly, my dear. I don't give a damn."

Joe Dirt: Life's a garden, dig it? not famous, but love the movie
"Are you crying? There is no crying in baseball!"

BTW MS Elena- any chick who quotes Full Metal Jacket is hot. Matthew Modine has some good quotes Originally Posted by Judge Smails

Thanks Judge. I LOVE that movie.
  • stukc
  • 02-18-2012, 08:42 AM
"Listen, smell that?" Ghost Busters..
Judge Smails's Avatar
Full Metal Jacket and Platoon among the best war movies for sure. R Lee Ermey fantastic as the seargeant.
bikebryan's Avatar
"Listen, smell that?" Ghost Busters.. Originally Posted by stukc
Another great set of lines from that movie:

Venkman: "You know, Egon, this reminds me of the time you tried to drill a hole in your head....."
Egon: "That would have worked if you hadn't stopped me."

Or -

Ray: "Symmetrical book stacking."
Venkman: "You're right, no human would stack books like this."
"what we have here is a failure to communicate""
Cool hand Luke

and at 50+ what I had to tell a 20 year old provider during pillow talk.
Clint Eastwood, The Outlaw Josey Wales, "Are you gonna pull those pistols or whistle Dixie?"

Al Pacino, The Godfather, "My father made him an offer he couldn't refuse"
Heelnipper, I LOVE LOVE LOVE The Outlaw Josey Wales.
The DarkSide's Avatar
Heelnipper, I LOVE LOVE LOVE The Outlaw Josey Wales. Originally Posted by MsElena
Lol saw it again last night great movie!
ezgoindude's Avatar
Just saw this today. "She came in smelling like mash potatos and every guy here wanted to be the gravy." - Slow Burn Lol. Cheesy.
I still chuckle about this one, from the Silence of the Lambs.....

"I do wish we could chat longer, but I'm having an old friend for dinner"
ezgoindude's Avatar
I still chuckle about this one, from the Silence of the Lambs.....

"I do wish we could chat longer, but I'm having an old friend for dinner" Originally Posted by vkmaster
Oh, that's a great one. More from Silence of the lambs...

"Have the lambs quit screaming, Clarice?"

or my favorite...

"I ate his liver with some fava beans and a nice chianti... thththt"

From Hanibal...

"On a similar note I must confess to you, I'm giving very serious thought... to eating your wife."