Hobby phone vs Personal phone???

Hailey you have a tendency to be too nice. You're new to the hobby you need to toughen up. Gotta discipline yourself.

These providers be keeping my ass in line with the infrequent text and email responses.

You shouldn't be giving the man the GFE stimuli outside of his paid sessions. He slipped up however by asking..err..demanding your personal number then revealing that he's in love with just you and needs it to feel special.

See, that extreme feeling of longingness he had toward you, if it were me, would have been subsided by random side pussy I'd be getting. With my deep feelings for you still latent, I'd slowly push and push till I get your personal number without asking for it. I'd even throw in a little "hard to get" myself by not responding back to you as quick. I'll always keep you in a jovial mode, laughing at jokes, etc..keep you believing that my life is all fine and dandy and you're just someone complimenting it. You'll deem me as 'safe' which I am and will always be. Me and your creep may want the same thing but I'm getting at it with a whole lot of ease and patience. My persistance of course will vary based on how I perceive interest level on your end.

With my natural charm we'd find ourselves on a lunch date. I'll probably catch you at weak moment in your personal life so you'll let me in closer. Maybe we chit chat in your car. I may leave a personal belonging of mine either in your car or your spot. This item will remind you of me and will be a focal point in our conversations between the times we meet. This small situation draws us a bit closer to each other.

AT this point, we may or may not have "fucked for free" yet, I'm leaning on the "no" but I'm slowly making my way towards getting the personal digits. Once personal digits are acquired the pussy is then free. Once I'm getting the pussy for free our dealings are lock n key from anyone else to know. So you're not going to get outted on the board privately or publicly.

Oh and by the way, yes, I've had a top notch level provider offer me her personal number before. It really didn't make a difference to me but hey, shit was all good.

Disclaimer: I've more than likely eliminated any chance of me getting to get close with Hailey Ross by putting all that shit up.

Oh well, I hope it was an entertaining read.
Hailey you have a tendency to be too nice. You're new to the hobby you need to toughen up. Gotta discipline yourself.

These providers be keeping my ass in line with the infrequent text and email responses.

You shouldn't be giving the man the GFE stimuli outside of his paid sessions. He slipped up however by asking..err..demanding your personal number then revealing that he's in love with just you and needs it to feel special.

See, that extreme feeling of longingness he had toward you, if it were me, would have been subsided by random side pussy I'd be getting. With my deep feelings for you still latent, I'd slowly push and push till I get your personal number without asking for it. I'd even throw in a little "hard to get" myself by not responding back to you as quick. I'll always keep you in a jovial mode, laughing at jokes, etc..keep you believing that my life is all fine and dandy and you're just someone complimenting it. You'll deem me as 'safe' which I am and will always be. Me and your creep may want the same thing but I'm getting at it with a whole lot of ease and patience. My persistance of course will vary based on how I perceive interest level on your end.

With my natural charm we'd find ourselves on a lunch date. I'll probably catch you at weak moment in your personal life so you'll let me in closer. Maybe we chit chat in your car. I may leave a personal belonging of mine either in your car or your spot. This item will remind you of me and will be a focal point in our conversations between the times we meet. This small situation draws us a bit closer to each other.

AT this point, we may or may not have "fucked for free" yet, I'm leaning on the "no" but I'm slowly making my way towards getting the personal digits. Once personal digits are acquired the pussy is then free. Once I'm getting the pussy for free our dealings are lock n key from anyone else to know. So you're not going to get outted on the board privately or publicly.

Oh and by the way, yes, I've had a top notch level provider offer me her personal number before. It really didn't make a difference to me but hey, shit was all good.

Disclaimer: I've more than likely eliminated any chance of me getting to get close with Hailey Ross by putting all that shit up.

Oh well, I hope it was an entertaining read. Originally Posted by coefficient

This is too freaky funny how your mind created this story......Just bc im new please don't get it twisted i'm not naive.....Clearly you don't know me, never met me, and no one would ever get this pussy for free!! Good Day Sir!!
Phil A.Cheaux's Avatar
This is too freaky funny how your mind created this story......Just bc im new please don't get it twisted i'm not naive.....Clearly you don't know me, never met me, and no one would ever get this pussy for free!! Good Day Sir!! Originally Posted by Hailey Ross
No one ever gets pussy for free babe.
No one ever gets pussy for free babe. Originally Posted by Phil A.Cheaux
Now this is a good topic.....I think we can start another thread on this topic...I know plenty of ladies who have given their pussy up for free by choice or they were trick out their puss y
proper's Avatar
The golden rule of hobby - keep it separate from your personal/professional life. Easy to walk away when you need to. I think OP did good by resisting the request at the expense of losing a client who should have been kicked to curb (as SMI put it so well) in the first place for his request.
Now this is a good topic.....I think we can start another thread on this topic...I know plenty of ladies who have given their pussy up for free by choice or they were trick out their puss y Originally Posted by Hailey Ross

Now, how are you going to "trick" someone out of their pussy...........That's a Jedi Mind Trick, I need to work on..............LOL
Fast Gunn's Avatar
You did the right thing in separating your personal life from the hobby with two phones and now you need to stay the course.

Clearly this guy is an expert manipulator who now wants to worm his way into your personal life too.

You are feeling bad because he is laying a guilt trip on you and you are falling for it. Don't fall for that old trick!

. . . Lay out the ground rules for him and make it clear that if he cannot abide by them then to take a hike!

I told him No and he said he didn't want to see me again bc I didn't make him feel special and give him my personal number. I was so upset bc I think I went above and beyond to make him feel special. Geesh, we talk and texted multiple times a day. I don't understand why it was so important for him to have my personal number if we talk all the time on my hobby number.

I haven't spoken to him in two weeks and I am feeling bad about the situation. I strive to make all my clients happy and feel special. Originally Posted by Hailey Ross
Now, how are you going to "trick" someone out of their pussy...........That's a Jedi Mind Trick, I need to work on..............LOL Originally Posted by SOULMANIKE
About to start another thread.....bc I have some crazy stories of girls getting tricked out of their pussy lol.

You did the right thing in separating your personal life from the hobby with two phones and now you need to stay the course.

Clearly this guy is an expert manipulator who now wants to worm his way into your personal life too.

You are feeling bad because he is laying a guilt trip on you and you are falling for it. Don't fall for that old trick!

. . . Lay out the ground rules for him and make it clear that if he cannot abide by them then to take a hike!
Originally Posted by Fast Gunn
Yes he thought I would give in but I told him he was crazy if he thought he would get my personal number....I can play my role as your fantasy gf but never think it will become a reality.....but then it could become a reality but that comes with a big price tag!!!
This is too freaky funny how your mind created this story......Just bc im new please don't get it twisted i'm not naive.....Clearly you don't know me, never met me, and no one would ever get this pussy for free!! Good Day Sir!! Originally Posted by Hailey Ross
Hailey it's too late I already spilled out my game on the message board there's a 0% chance of me getting the free puss from you.

what, you thought I was going to come on here expecting you to be like "oooh, coeff, you're so player..I might take you up on that.."

or expect a private message for you?

lol Naw.
Personally, I have 1 phone number and if you have it you can do a google search and find out where I live, my name, my home address and probably some other stuff................I don't care. I'm not running for the senate or president.

As far as the ladies giving personal numbers, I wouldn't suggest it.
carkido45's Avatar
Now, how are you going to "trick" someone out of their pussy...........That's a Jedi Mind Trick, I need to work on..............LOL Originally Posted by SOULMANIKE
Satin does it all the time
Satin does it all the time Originally Posted by carkido45

Yeah, I have seen that in action............LOL

The Strip Club King is one of a kind.......LOL
I would simply remind him that while u still enjoy his company this is still what you do. and There are personal things that must be kept separate. I mean U wouldnt make personal calls to him on his work phone now would you...It would be unprofessional and unnecessary.But I mean I guess in the end its up to you and how you feel about it..
I bet hes already called you back
Jack Flash's Avatar
Girls trick me out my cock all the time... My money too... WTF?