Marcus Bullshitious

Marcus Aurelius's Avatar
LOL do you really want to start that dude?
Marcus Aurelius's Avatar
Where is Kay? Where are the gals that hate me? Let's have it. I can take it.
Then where are the gals that smell like old lady garden? White Linen is cool.
I have my silent fan club I'll wager.
12blue4u's Avatar
I am not going to get into this mess but it is very arbitrary as to the calls. I also tried to pm for an explanation to where the mods said to. And of course no reply. Kinda like the refs in college football.
Marcus Aurelius's Avatar
Eh? PM me and I will give you an answer. Perhaps not what you like but I don't give a fuck sir. I'm a hobbyist like you sir.
  • Rigin
  • 04-28-2014, 04:20 PM
Being a forum mod is a thankless f**king job, I mod on two other sites, one is a lifestyle board and when you combine message boards and this type of activity things can sometimes get a little heated and people seem to get their panties in a bunch pretty quickly.

I appreciate the job the mods do here, they are pretty fair all things considered. I know I've made a couple missteps and been asked politely to tread a little more carefully.

Sorry you feel the way you do, but if you take a step back, count to 10 and really look at the way that they apply the rules you'll see that it's pretty fair all the way around.

Btw, MA, it's refreshing to see you not back away from the trashing, not lock or delete the thread and take the comments with a grain of salt and even some self depreciation.
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
I think MA should install a popcorn machine next to the whiskey keg.
Both would easily pay for themselves.
Marcus Aurelius's Avatar
Tell us how you really feel.
I've always liked Marcus's moderating and I've never heard of Tdot before.

However, I think the supporting point to both Tdot and 12blue4u is the way John Bull jumped in right away on this thread and closed the thread to stop any free speech criticism in this thread. Then he obviously got upbraided and had to reopen the thread. Any mod who would try to do that shows his weakness in my opinion.
Ms.Lady Y's Avatar
Although I have cursed MA at times I think he is one of the fairest mods around.
How he has lasted this long doing this work is beyond me.
MA are you still a Mod here?? I see CK doing all the Mod work as of late.
Marcus Aurelius's Avatar
Yes. I asked for help because of real world demands.
Netx9's Avatar
  • Netx9
  • 04-30-2014, 08:36 AM
Hey, we could all use a little help at times. I'll admit, when I first saw this thread back up, I didn't realize it was from April 2013. Not sure what led to its resurrection but it shows a lot of class moving it to coed and letting it loose! Good on you, sirs!
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
Due to traveling a bit, I frequent a few of the local boards.
MA is fair, and Northern Plains can count themselves lucky. Seriously.
There's an art in being able to deal with folks, let alone doing it remotely on a board, and more so on this type of board, and he has it.
Marcus Aurelius's Avatar
I have a nice table saw.
I need a router I guess. I want to make my own cabinets. Solid doors of course. Should I go with veneer or all out for the rest? Cherry is pricey.
Don't go for veneer.
Marcus Aurelius's Avatar
Don't go for veneer. Originally Posted by farmstud60
Fuck. I knew that was going to be the answer. lol.