death visits Pittsburgh on Easter weekend

the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
Over the weekend there was a BLM protest in Pittsburgh. Andy Ngo, pghcitypaper and thepostmillenial reported on an officer attempting to arrest two protesters when a third (Vuestro Merced) tried to intervene. Mind you, this is a crowd chanting F*the Police.

Not sure if the cop was of Russian decent or not, but he landed a resounding Nyet!, aka left-cross, to the kisser of Vuestro Merced, who landed in a heap on the street.

See if you can answer this simple question about the attacker:
WTF is that Heap on the street?!? Seriously

BLM ain't sending their best or is it?
Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do
I saw that video and maybe I'm old but I couldn't tell if it was a man dressed as a woman or a very ugly woman. Then again, maybe I'm woke and didn't know it.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
or close enough .. bahahhaaaaaa

speaking of the real Abby ..


Hoffman was found dead in his apartment in Solebury Township, Pennsylvania, on April 12, 1989, age 52. The cause of death was suicide by overdose from 150 phenobarbital tablets and liquor. Two hundred pages of handwritten notes were nearby, many detailing his moods. He had been diagnosed with bipolar disorder in 1980.[12] He had recently changed treatment medications and was reportedly depressed when his 83-year-old mother was diagnosed with cancer (she died in 1996 at age 90). Some who were close to him claimed that he was also unhappy about reaching middle age,[43] combined with the fact that the liberal upheaval of the 1960s had produced a conservative backlash in the 1980s.[43] In 1984, he had expressed dismay that the current generation of young people was not as interested in protesting and social activism as the youth had been during the 1960s.[12]

His death was officially ruled a suicide. Hoffman's fellow Chicago Seven defendant David Dellinger disputed this; he said, "I don't believe for one moment the suicide thing" and said that Hoffman had "numerous plans for the future."[44] However, the coroner stood by the ruling, saying, "There is no way to take that amount of phenobarbital without intent. It was intentional and self-inflicted."[43]

His memorial service was held a week later in Worcester, Massachusetts, at Temple Emanuel, the synagogue that he attended as a child, with 1,000 friends and family members in attendance.[44]

when the left can't win, the left commits suicide .. just like they are now. they never learn.

bahahahahhaaaaa Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
so, hoffman offed himself due to the fact his mother had cancer? she out lives him at the age of 90 inspite of cancer? damn. talk about lack of faith.
