Texas blows it again.

texassapper's Avatar
Grace Preston's Avatar
That image.. is LITERALLY the kid from Texas. So-- in your book it is a biological female... beating a biological female. So what's the problem?
texassapper's Avatar
That image.. is LITERALLY the kid from Texas. So-- in your book it is a biological female... beating a biological female. So what's the problem? Originally Posted by Grace Preston
Except that she's essentially roided up on testosterone. If she didn't have a doctors note, she would be DQ'd.

I propose she gets DQ'd.

Would Lance Armstrong's doping advantage have been okay with a Dr's note? No of course not, and neither should this "girls".
Grace Preston's Avatar
Except that she's essentially roided up on testosterone. If she didn't have a doctors note, she would be DQ'd.

I propose she gets DQ'd.

Would Lance Armstrong's doping advantage have been okay with a Dr's note? No of course not, and neither should this "girls". Originally Posted by texassapper

Honestly-- the state of Texas should have just allowed Mac to compete with the boys as was requested. While I can see the reasoning behind not wanting a "male" to compete with the girls... I fail to see the justification behind not allowing a girl who wants to compete in the "tougher" boys divisions... the opportunity to do so.

Also-- they don't get "roided up". Their testosterone level would be no higher than any other male... females with genetic conditions that cause an increase in testosterone don't get DQ'd for it... and some natural women with PCOS will have T levels comparable to any other female taking T via HRT.
texassapper's Avatar
Honestly-- the state of Texas should have just allowed Mac to compete with the boys as was requested....Also-- they don't get "roided up". Their testosterone level would be no higher than any other male... Originally Posted by Grace Preston
No higher than any male... look at her trapezius muscle and neck muscles in that pic. You ever seen a girl that age with a neck like that?

You failed to mention that although her T-levels are no higher than the average boy they ARE higher than the average girl. There are acceptable medical ranges for testosterone levels in girls that age, and she is DEFINITELY not in them. End of story.
Grace Preston's Avatar
No higher than any male... look at her trapezius muscle and neck muscles in that pic. You ever seen a girl that age with a neck like that?

You failed to mention that although her T-levels are no higher than the average boy they ARE higher than the average girl. There are acceptable medical ranges for testosterone levels in girls that age, and she is DEFINITELY not in them. End of story. Originally Posted by texassapper

Yes.. which is why they have CONTINUALLY asked to be allowed to compete with the boys..... you keep missing that part because it doesn't fit into that narrative you want to spin. Their preference would be to compete with the boys because they KNOW the hormones give them an unfair advantage with the girls.
texassapper's Avatar
Their preference would be to compete with the boys because they KNOW the hormones give them an unfair advantage with the girls. Originally Posted by Grace Preston
But allowing chicks w/o tits to compete with the boys means we HAVE to let the dudes w/tits compete against the girls because FAIRNESS.

Someone should explain to these children that just because they want something in life doesn't mean they should get it. Life isn't fair. I want the controlling stock in IBM, but I'm unlikely to get it. They want to compete with their preferred gender... Tough shit. If their preferred gender is so important to them they have to make sacrifices... and one of those things is competing against their (sort of) peers.

Nobodys rights are being trodden upon, it's just that a handful of special snowflakes aren't going to get everything that their brave cutting edge pronouns demands.

It's ridiculous that it's even being discussed by rational adults.

Personally, I don't have a problem with the titless chicks competing and getting their asses handed to them by males. They will learn a lot about what it takes to be a man by losing gracefully. But the only way that gets to happen is if the dudes with tits gets to compete against girls... and that, as the father of two girls, is complete and utter bullshit and I'd do everything I could to prevent that from happening.
Grace Preston's Avatar
Well cool.. then girls who are transitioning can just continue to dominate others. I mean.. you thought they were a boy-- enough to post the meme :P
texassapper's Avatar
Well cool.. then girls who are transitioning can just continue to dominate others. I mean.. you thought they were a boy-- enough to post the meme :P Originally Posted by Grace Preston
Your reading comprehension is lacking. The ftm's can compete against normal females only if their hormone levels are within range of a normal female. Otherwise they can be proud of being part of the rainbow of mental disorders from the sidelines of the wrestling mat.
Hank3fan's Avatar
I don’t know how this devolved into a transgender discussion. The original post was about Texas and it’s suppression of women’s rights and voter rights.

That being said I’m totally pro trans/lgbtq……. But I’m not sure about the sports thing because of the genetic predisposition of male genetics being for the most part bigger and stronger than female genetics. That’s a tough question.

No matter what Texas is one of the worst states when it comes to personal freedoms. Hell our AG just admitted that Trump probably would have lost Texas if they hadn’t blocked mail-in ballots.
And I don’t care what lame excuses you give about when life starts. A woman’s body is hers and she should be able to do what she wants with it period the end.
texassapper's Avatar
I don’t know how this devolved into a transgender discussion. Originally Posted by Hank3fan
Then read, but that's probably too much to ask from a liberal.. just go with your emotions, it's the easy path.

The original post was about Texas and it’s suppression of women’s rights and voter rights. Originally Posted by Hank3fan
Alternately known as protecting the rights of unborn babies. You have your beliefs, others may disagree.

That being said I’m totally pro trans/lgbtq……. Originally Posted by Hank3fan
Pro trans? So you want to promote being transgendered?

But I’m not sure about the sports thing because of the genetic predisposition of male genetics being for the most part bigger and stronger than female genetics. That’s a tough question. Originally Posted by Hank3fan
WHoa, a member of the hive begins to question its dogma!! Be careful you may end up canceled for thinking for yourself.

No matter what Texas is one of the worst states when it comes to personal freedoms. Originally Posted by Hank3fan
You are welcome to leave at any given time... yeah, that's pretty darn oppressive alright. We're practically drowning women as witches in the public square...

Hell our AG just admitted that Trump probably would have lost Texas if they hadn’t blocked mail-in ballots. Originally Posted by Hank3fan
Of course, the cheating here would have been the same as everywhere else.. (Hint: More to come on this subject little Johnnie.

And I don’t care what lame excuses you give about when life starts. Originally Posted by Hank3fan
Yes protecting the rights of the innocent is all about excuses. You'd have made a damn fine National Socialist pal...

A woman’s body is hers and she should be able to do what she wants with it period the end. Originally Posted by Hank3fan
Nobody is disagreeing. What if it's a baby girl? Does that female baby have the right to self determine what is done to her body? No? Why do you hate females? Why are you pro death? Why not start with yourself if you think the proper way to control the population is abortion?
Hank3fan's Avatar
First of all sapper I’m hardly a liberal. Unless being liberal means that everybody should have a fair play in a fair shake. I’m definitely pro gun I used to be pro GOP when it came to economic reasons but they’ve been blowing it so bad the last 20/30 some odd years it’s hard to get behind them on their economic policies. The Republicans spend and break it and the Democrats come in and fix it. It’s like the world is upside down. It’s hard to believe the Democrats are the most fiscally financial of the two parties. I mean in my lifetime there’s been no president that had a better economic financial impact than President Clinton.

And as far as protecting the rights of the unborn. I’m more for protecting the rights of the already here. And 50 years ago the law of the land was made that abortion is legal and should be available to anybody who wants or needs it. Your belief system has nothing to do with it or your religion. There will always be abortion, The difference is do you want back alley abortions were women will get killed or severely injured. Or do you want it in safe clean environment where you know they’re going to be OK.

And yes I am promoting transgendered. What do I care or anybody else care what make somebody happy.As far as I’m concerned as long as they’re not hurting anybody else it doesn’t matter. As far as how they feel in their gender identity. It doesn’t hurt you and if it bothers you that much you know what Freud said, usually the people that are most vocal about being anti-gay or anti-trans they’re probably gay themselves. It don’t hurt you in any way shape or form so why do you care what somebody wants to be called.

And I’m not a member of the tribe so I don’t care if I get kicked out of any circle. But yes I do think that the sports thing is something that really needs to be discussed because it is a fact of the matter. And if Dwayne the rock Johnson had decided he was a woman back in high school or college and he joined the women’s wrestling team he would’ve been unstoppable. So yes there are questions to mull over. And as far as thinking for myself yes that’s what I do. I don’t jump on the back bandwagon with a freak that has bad hair and says he likes to grab women by the pussies that is more concerned with his Twitter feed that he is in running the country. Or the anonymous completely baseless rumor mill starter of Q anon.

I can leave anytime I want you’re right. But the ability to leave or go hardly addresses the extreme of civil liberties stripping that is going on in the state of Texas. With things like tort reform and all the other things that we’ve discussed in this thread. I find it funny that our governor is the king of tort reform when that’s how he got all his money was by Suing somebody and collecting millions over the last 20 some odd years. So it was all right for him but bad for everyone else. Hypocrite.

Every court in the land every independent every Republican and every Democrat party that looked into the alleged cheating said there’s nothing to go on it’s completely baseless. As a matter of fact in all the recounts they only found one dead person that voted on the role and he voted for Trump. Oh and then there was that one other incident that is confirmed voter fraud when Trump call the Governor of Georgia and told him to find me 60,000 more votes I don’t care where you look. And that was caught on tape. So was there cheating going on yes probably but it turns out it was all Trump.

Again I’m not about protecting the rights of an unborn. I’m more concerned with the rights of the born. Because those people are going to go get abortions whether You want them to or not is just a matter of are they going to be safe when it happens or they gonna let somebody jam a coat hanger up there snatch and possibly kill them. I think if it was your daughter or wife or mother or sister and they had to have an abortion whether it be through medical issues or personal issues. Would you want them to go get a back alley abortion or someplace where you know they’d be safe?

I hardly hate females. Again I’m the one that says they should be allowed to do what they want with their bodies not some man that if he was the one that had to carry the child abortion would definitely be legal and undisputed. I personally think that anybody that wants to control somebody else’s actions is the hater and the oppressor.

What was it John Lennon said “woman is the Nword of the world”.
Because no matter how far you down on the Socio economic ladder and social ladder if you’re a man you could still boss a woman in your class around.
Tx Noob's Avatar
As an old middle school coach of mine once said, "If a girl can throw an 80 mph fastball, she's welcome on any team of mine."
texassapper's Avatar
First of all sapper I’m hardly a liberal. Originally Posted by Hank3fan
Republicans spend and break the economy, Democrats fix it, Clinton was responsible for the economy of the 90’s (forget that Congress thingy). Yeah, sure you’re NOT a liberal lol. I love it when people who can’t even understand the roots of their own political beliefs, try to explain that they have deep thoughts about stuff and how they’re not just a drone that repeats what they’re told by CNN. FFS, if you can’t explain your own political beliefs and be honest about them, why try to convince anyone of anything?

Unless being liberal means that everybody should have a fair play in a fair shake. Originally Posted by Hank3fan
That’s it? That’s all you’ve got? Liberal = fairness for all? So then the obvious argument is that beingConservative does not equal fairness for all? Again, great job on examining your political foundations. Just write,” MSNBCNNBCBSABC told me to say….” It’s easier and more honest.

And as far as protecting the rights of the unborn. I’m more for protecting the rights of the already here. Originally Posted by Hank3fan
News flash… an unborn child is “already here”. Do you think a womb is an alternate universe or something?

And 50 years ago the law of the land was made that abortion is legal and should be available to anybody who wants or needs it. Originally Posted by Hank3fan
Ah SCOTUS ruled therefor your arguments are false!! Always great to see this trotted out. You do realize that slavery was also “The law of the land” right?, same with women not voting? The law of the land often has no relation to morality or justice…. It is after all man made, and mankind is pretty prone to fcuking up things.

There will always be abortion, The difference is do you want back alley abortions were women will get killed or severely injured. Or do you want it in safe clean environment where you know they’re going to be OK. Originally Posted by Hank3fan
Another argument of the retarded. There will always be bank robberies, shouldn’t we make it safe for bank robbers to steal?

And yes I am promoting transgendered. Originally Posted by Hank3fan
You obviously need to review the definition of promote… you are advocating… but hey you do you.

What do I care or anybody else care what make somebody happy.As far as I’m concerned as long as they’re not hurting anybody else it doesn’t matter. Originally Posted by Hank3fan
There’s the money quote…. As long as it’s not hurting anybody else…. Can you apply that to abortion for me? Does abortion harm anyone? Why is it okay?

As far as how they feel in their gender identity. It doesn’t hurt you and if it bothers you that much you know what Freud said, usually the people that are most vocal about being anti-gay or anti-trans they’re probably gay themselves. It don’t hurt you in any way shape or form so why do you care what somebody wants to be called. Originally Posted by Hank3fan
Where did I say people can’t be gay or trans if they like? It’s irrelevant to me. This discussion was about abortion than trans rights to compete against other genders. As the OP, you should probably try to stay on topic more.

And I’m not a member of the tribe so I don’t care if I get kicked out of any circle. Originally Posted by Hank3fan
You are, but when they come for you it won’t be of any matter to them. You either toe the party line or you get disappeared like a bad bolshie in a Stalin pic.

But yes I do think that the sports thing is something that really needs to be discussed because it is a fact of the matter. And if Dwayne the rock Johnson had decided he was a woman back in high school or college and he joined the women’s wrestling team he would’ve been unstoppable. So yes there are questions to mull over. And as far as thinking for myself yes that’s what I do. Originally Posted by Hank3fan
The Rock is your example of athletic excellence? Smh. Whatever.

I don’t jump on the back bandwagon with a freak that has bad hair and says he likes to grab women by the pussies that is more concerned with his Twitter feed that he is in running the country. Or the anonymous completely baseless rumor mill starter of Q anon. Originally Posted by Hank3fan
Politics, Q, wow you can’t even stay on topic in a single post let alone the whole thread… but sure yeah you’re NOT a liberal… lol

I can leave anytime I want you’re right. But the ability to leave or go hardly addresses the extreme of civil liberties stripping that is going on in the state of Texas. Originally Posted by Hank3fan
What civil liberties have you been stripped of?

With things like tort reform and all the other things that we’ve discussed in this thread. I find it funny that our governor is the king of tort reform when that’s how he got all his money was by Suing somebody and collecting millions over the last 20 some odd years. So it was all right for him but bad for everyone else. Hypocrite. Originally Posted by Hank3fan
Now you’re talking about tort reform? Seriously, what has that to do with banning abortions after there is a heart beat from th baby?

Every court in the land every independent every Republican and every Democrat party that looked into the alleged cheating said there’s nothing to go on it’s completely baseless. As a matter of fact in all the recounts they only found one dead person that voted on the role and he voted for Trump. Oh and then there was that one other incident that is confirmed voter fraud when Trump call the Governor of Georgia and told him to find me 60,000 more votes I don’t care where you look. And that was caught on tape. So was there cheating going on yes probably but it turns out it was all Trump. Originally Posted by Hank3fan
Still not a liberal huh? I could explain to you how it works, but it would be a waste of time since you’ve got your talking points and you’re going to stick with them. Hope they work well for you when the Miaricopa audit finds 500K missing ballots… on a supposed Biden victory margin of 10K. You just stick to what the liberal news outlets allow you to think.

Again I’m not about protecting the rights of an unborn. Originally Posted by Hank3fan
Well at least you’re finally back to the discussion topic. What is “it” exactly an unborn “what”?

I’m more concerned with the rights of the born. Originally Posted by Hank3fan
You already indicated that above… but as you’ve alluded to, the rights of the born end when they harm others…. Do you think abortion is NOT a violent life ending procedure for at least ONE of the participants?

Because those people are going to go get abortions whether You want them to or not is just a matter of are they going to be safe when it happens or they gonna let somebody jam a coat hanger up there snatch and possibly kill them. Originally Posted by Hank3fan
Again with the same argument. Since people are going to do it anyway, let’s just make it legal!! YAY!! I’m from simple town where we have simple answers to everything! YAY. Smh. I won’t bother to repeat the argument from above because hopefully you’ve already read it. I’m not going to expect comprehension…

I think if it was your daughter or wife or mother or sister and they had to have an abortion whether it be through medical issues or personal issues. Would you want them to go get a back alley abortion or someplace where you know they’d be safe? Originally Posted by Hank3fan
I would hope my mother, sister, and CERTAINLY my daughters would have better fcuking sense than to have unprotected sex and get pregnant. If they didn’t I would expect them to step up to the responsibilities that THEIR ACTIONS might result in. Maybe the difference between you and I is that, I understand the concept of personal responsibility. If you BBF a hooker and got HIV, would that be their fault or yours?

I hardly hate females. Originally Posted by Hank3fan
You hardly hate them implies that you do hate them just not a lot… I’ll just assume dealing with complex words in sentences is something that as a liberal you are unfamiliar with.

Again I’m the one that says they should be allowed to do what they want with their bodies not some man that if he was the one that had to carry the child abortion would definitely be legal and undisputed. Originally Posted by Hank3fan
A bit incoherent… I’m just gonna pass, since I don’t want to mis-represent what you might be trying to actually say.

I personally think that anybody that wants to control somebody else’s actions is the hater and the oppressor. Originally Posted by Hank3fan
I wonder how you feel about the vaccines and mask mandates.. LOL… (yeah go check the media for your thoughts)

What was it John Lennon said “woman is the Nword of the world”. Originally Posted by Hank3fan
If you don’t know, maybe use a search engine to find out.

Because no matter how far you down on the Socio economic ladder and social ladder if you’re a man you could still boss a woman in your class around. Originally Posted by Hank3fan
The social ladder… hmmm you do understand what the “socio” part of socio-economic ladder stands for right?

At the end of all this gibberish, I remain unconvinced that you are not a liberal, that you give two shits about the moral rights of anyone other than how it relates to your own desires to avoid personal responsibility for anything you might do. You’re a typical guy… you’re all for abortion rights because YOU don’t want to face the music if you knocked some chick up. You don’t care about the lives of others simply because the most important thing to you is…. You.
Hank3fan's Avatar
Sapper I’m not going to keep arguing with you. You have bad reading comprehension and obviously don’t really understand some of the nuances of what I’m trying to say. Like with the John Lennon quote, and when someone says “what is it someone said” it’s to add emphasis to what you’re trying to verbally illustrate.
So to avoid us both getting assessed points and maybe a ban I’ll let you stay in your own little myopic world.

And as proof that you don’t really understand things very clearly I wasn’t going to mention it but in you last post you basically told me to go and kill myself which I believe is not only against the rules here it’s also a good indicator of your lack of intelligence.

P.S. I don’t watch CNN or MSNBC or any of the alleged “news” channels. Except the actual news desk of the various channels including FOX.
The shows are all opinion based (which is obviously how you choose to get informed) and have almost no information value. They are just pandering to small minded people who want validation for their own beliefs. Someone once told me they shouldn’t even be allowed to be called news channels because they actually disseminate very little real news. They are just trying to generate ratings and money. Which is not the news. Again it’s just pandering.