WAIT ! The media proclaimed Hillary led in the polls !

The Pollsters also had me winning DQKitty's Poll on me, lookn4boobies, TheEccie214 and Tony Gambino and Tony kicked our asses - go figure...

Fuck the pollsters, two-faced bastards! Originally Posted by ManSlut
the entire vote was based on political correctness......and it fuckin lost........big time....just because you think you are a man....doesn't make it so.....just like the global warming scientists that did the dna tests proved......if you have male dna you are a fuckin man.......but hey what do sci
entists know.....except if you were born with a penis........you ARE a male.........
Duthgar1976's Avatar
she did win the popular vote its the electoral vote she lost, why have an electoral vote or why have popular vote if one does't effect the other? Bush in 2000 won the Electoral and the people voted for Gore so this isnt something new.

i didnt vote for either so no im not on her side and im sure as shit aint on his dumbass side either.