Obama floats plan to tax cars by the mile

You know, Doove, when somebody calls you a stupid, patronizing, mendacious bore, it is usually a hint that you may not want to continue to behave that way, so let us see how you did.

Doesn't seem like a fair deal since you seem to have more than 1 identity on here. Originally Posted by Doove
One lie.

That brings the grand total up to about 6 or 7 of your 86 posts i've responded to. Originally Posted by Doove
A second lie. You said one, maybe two.

I guess that's pretty close to "every one". Originally Posted by Doove
Lie #3. I didn't post that you responded to every one of my posts. I said that I expected you to.

Oh lookie here, i found another thread where i responded to you. You win!!!!! Originally Posted by Doove
Lie#4. I didn't want you to admit you were a liar. I already knew that. If I won, the deal was that you quit posting here. So you didn't keep your word, which is another lie.

I'll leave it to others to determine if those responses of mine from September and February (or in your words, every time you post) are stupid, patronizing, mendacious and inaccurate. Originally Posted by Doove
Do you think the people here are going to have a hard time distinguishing between one maybe two and up to six or seven. By the way, probably half or more posts of my total posts weren't even here.

Just so you know, I expect stupid, patronizing, mendacious boring behavior from you, so I am not in the least offended. Getting upset about it is like getting mad at a mosquito wanting to bite me.

Remember my main point. You shouldn't feel like you have egg all over your face for being inaccurate because no one expects accuracy out of you and with that I am done. There is nothing left to say.
I B Hankering's Avatar
I'm still looking up "mendacious" Originally Posted by pjorourke

men • da • cious
1. telling lies, especially habitually; dishonest; lying; untruthful: a mendacious person.
2. false or untrue: a mendacious report.

men • dac • i ty
1. the quality or state of being not truthful; a lie; falsehood

It’s a good word and very apropos here.

“What's that smell in this room? Didn't you notice it . . .? Didn't you notice a powerful and obnoxious odor of mendacity in this room? . . . There ain't nothin' more powerful than the odor of mendacity!”

“Mendacity . . . I could write a book on it. Mendacity. Look at all the lies that I got to put up with. Pretenses. Hypocrisy ... Boy, I've lived with mendacity ... You've got to live with it. There's nothin' to live with but mendacity. Is there?”

Harvey ‘Big Daddy’ Pollitt from “Cat on a Hot Tin Roof” by Tennessee Williams.
Doove's Avatar
  • Doove
  • 05-08-2011, 05:54 AM
Woody, i think you're losing it, and i can't believe i have to deal with your f'ing nonsense.

You know, Doove, when somebody calls you a stupid, patronizing, mendacious bore, it is usually a hint that you may not want to continue to behave that way, so let us see how you did. Originally Posted by woodyboyd
Great, let's review.

Doesn't seem like a fair deal since you seem to have more than 1 identity on here. Originally Posted by Doove
One lie.
First, you need to learn to differentiate between a "lie" and an "assumption".

That brings the grand total up to about 6 or 7 of your 86 posts i've responded to. Originally Posted by Doove
A second lie. You said one, maybe two.
Secondly, you need to learn to differentiate between "I've responded to you in 1, maybe 2 threads." and "6 or 7 or your 86 posts".

So at this point, you're 0 for 2 Woody. Continuing on....

Lie #3. I didn't post that you responded to every one of my posts. I said that I expected you to.
Here's what you said: "You have been remarkably consistent. Every time I post, I expect you to make some stupid, patronizing, and mendacious reply, and you have always come through."

0 for 3.

Lie#4. I didn't want you to admit you were a liar. I already knew that. If I won, the deal was that you quit posting here. So you didn't keep your word, which is another lie.
I never agreed to the bet, Woody. 0 for 4.

Do you think the people here are going to have a hard time distinguishing between one maybe two threads and up to six or seven posts.? Originally Posted by woodyboyd
Fixed that for ya. And to that, i would respond: not most people. But you, on the other hand....

Just so you know, I expect stupid, patronizing, mendacious boring behavior from you, so I am not in the least offended.

Getting upset about it is like getting mad at a mosquito wanting to bite me.
And do you spend this much time chasing that one mosquito around the yard so you can swat it before it bites you?

Remember my main point. You shouldn't feel like you have egg all over your face for being inaccurate because no one expects accuracy out of you and with that I am done.
0 for 4 Woody, 0 for 4.

There is nothing left to say.
I think i speak for everyone when i say, we can only hope.
I need a new dictionary.