Colorado secession won't go away

How many democrats joined them before the roll out? How many more would join? Why did Obama have a almost secret meeting with all the Senate dems up for reelection next year? Deceit and deal cutting again? Or is it threats and savagery?

The truth be acknowledged by the left, after 19 executive changes to the law this is not the original law voted upon by the House and Senate and Obama wants to make more illegal changes. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Are you hijacking your own thread?

Why don't you just admit Colorado secession was a stupid idea right from the start and drop the topic.

Right now you are doubling down on stupid.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 11-07-2013, 10:03 AM
doubling down on stupid is ALL the Professor has left
doubling down on stupid is ALL the Professor has left Originally Posted by CJ7
It's his specialty!

Everyone has to be good at something, right?
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 11-07-2013, 11:12 AM
I hate to bash a guy that isn't here. He must be grading coloring book assignments.
This thread should be mandatory reading for Professor JD Idiot's Potty Maintenance 101 class.
BJerk's Avatar
  • BJerk
  • 11-07-2013, 08:16 PM
Jail? Or WORSE?

Lemme get this straight: If someone is - in your mind - bigoted because they don't agree with the whole redistributionist agenda, you are going to IMPRISON them or KILL them?

Yup, you're a "progressive".

I have no desire to "share" my wealth with people who did not produce it. Confiscatory taxes just cause people to not work or invest.

France has sky-high taxes and they are nearly broke. A 75% income tax is merely chasing people out of the country. Soccer players are talking openly about leaving and playing for other countries.

The government represents 57% of the economy in France. If the government didn't hand out phony make-work government jobs, their unemployment rate would be about 25%.

Share that wealth. Originally Posted by ExNYer
I was referring to the white insurrectionists who are going to get shot during their half baked revolution. They are finding out they have nothing left and feel backed into a corner, so they are revolting - first, by not funding the government, second, with this talk of secession, and who knows what they will try to pull next. Seditious traitors to the US government should end up the way the Rebels did - 6 feet under.
I was referring to the white insurrectionists who are going to get shot during their half baked revolution. They are finding out they have nothing left and feel backed into a corner, so they are revolting - first, by not funding the government, second, with this talk of secession, and who knows what they will try to pull next. Seditious traitors to the US government should end up the way the Rebels did - 6 feet under. Originally Posted by Bert Jones
White insurrectionists? Lemme know when you see one.

And "not funding the government" is not "revolting". It is politics and democracy, even if you don't like it.

And "the talk of secession", in case you have forgotten, is not secession from the US, it is secession from Colorado to form a 51st state that is STILL IN the US.

It is a stupid idea, but no one is talking about sedition against the US.

Except you.
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 11-07-2013, 09:46 PM
I was referring to the white insurrectionists who are going to get shot during their half baked revolution. They are finding out they have nothing left and feel backed into a corner, so they are revolting - first, by not funding the government, second, with this talk of secession, and who knows what they will try to pull next. Seditious traitors to the US government should end up the way the Rebels did - 6 feet under. Originally Posted by Bert Jones
While I agree many of these are half-baked nuts who refuse to acknowledge this isn't 1952 anymore--I DISAGREE that they are revolutionaries. They are misguided, think they have more supporters than they do, and will find their ideal state of "freedom" would be an abject failure for most the people in the counties they drag with them, but to call them traitors for separating from a STATE seems excessive.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
I was referring to the white insurrectionists who are going to get shot during their half baked revolution. They are finding out they have nothing left and feel backed into a corner, so they are revolting - first, by not funding the government, second, with this talk of secession, and who knows what they will try to pull next. Seditious traitors to the US government should end up the way the Rebels did - 6 feet under. Originally Posted by Bert Jones

Gather around, lets pick these thoughts apart and see who we have. We have an under handed attack by calling American citizens "white insurrectionists". I guess Bertie is totally unaware that La Raza has a plank to secede from the United States and they are not "white" (except for George Zimmerman).
Bertie inaccurately calls it a revolution. It is a demand that government return to what it was and what it was meant to be. The demand of the citizens.
Here is the biggy and very revealing; "Seditious traitors to the US Government..." notice, not the country but the government. Soldiers take an oath to protect and preserve the Constitution, to protect the country against all enemies foreign and domestic, and to obey the LAWFUL orders of those appointed above them. There is no direct mention of government. Bertie is a voluntary slave, he has sold himself to the government (and probably pretty cheaply). He then makes a direct threat about killing those he determines are traitors. 80 years ago Bertie would have been a party man and probably in the SS if he had the balls. At the very least he would have volunteered as a camp guard.
You could move there JD an throw all your resources behind the movement.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 11-08-2013, 06:18 AM
You could move there JD an throw all your resources behind the movement. Originally Posted by i'va biggen
What? Have JD to use his government pension to help a county's secession from a state!

JD is a big state rights guy who wants a county's succession from a state to then join back into the program as the 51rst state, makes perfect sense!
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Pension? What the fuck are you talking about moron? I don't get any pension. I left the military after an entire career with a medical ending injury. Maybe someday you can learn to think before you post. I get an entire $400 a month for the pain and suffering, loss of mobility, artificial body parts, and a reduced life expectancy you stupid piece of shit!
BJerk's Avatar
  • BJerk
  • 11-08-2013, 07:51 AM
Pension? What the fuck are you talking about moron? I don't get any pension. I left the military after an entire career with a medical ending injury. Maybe someday you can learn to think before you post. I get an entire $400 a month for the pain and suffering, loss of mobility, artificial body parts, and a reduced life expectancy you stupid piece of shit! Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Under the circumstances, I feel badly if I have insulted you in any way, or you feel I have called you a white insurrectionist or implied you were seditious. You have served your country far beyond most, and paid a high price. I'm referring to other people who wish to harm the United States, which is clearly not your intention, though I disagree with your politics.
BJerk's Avatar
  • BJerk
  • 11-08-2013, 07:52 AM
White insurrectionists? Lemme know when you see one.

And "not funding the government" is not "revolting". It is politics and democracy, even if you don't like it.

And "the talk of secession", in case you have forgotten, is not secession from the US, it is secession from Colorado to form a 51st state that is STILL IN the US.

It is a stupid idea, but no one is talking about sedition against the US.

Except you. Originally Posted by ExNYer
How about the entire Tea Party and the states rights people? (OK, just 95% of them)
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Don't take this the wrong way but I don't need a pity fuck. I have already beaten expectations and I intend to keep on beating them.