16 Unanswered Questions About The Las Vegas Shooting That Mainstream Media Doesn't Want To Talk About

LexusLover's Avatar
ricochet? Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
Yes! Depending on what they strike and how many objects they strike a round could actually do a less than a "90 degree angle," which means that it would start heading back in the General direction of from which it came.

Play pool much?

It's an issue of escapement in open outdoor ranges and can be a serious issue in closed indoor ranges when the shooter is too close to the "back stop" (one that doesn't absorb the rounds) or bounces a round off the wall, floor, or ceiling.

The point is ... an anecdotal report form a person who wants to believe a speculative scenario .. is not a valid basis upon which to draw any inferences. And since there is speculation .... I suspect that a good number of the people shot were struck by bouncing rounds coming off or from other objects by a ricochet. A round can even pass through a person and be redirected by bone in the first person (rounds are redirected within the same body and travel to other parts of the body).

In fact how many of the 500+ injured were injured from gunshots? And how many were hurt leaping over barricades or being trampled by fleeing concert goers.
Will Cockmuncher stop drunk posting?
Has WTF found all the gays in this forum (Does he own a mirror?)
Has Ekim recovered from his head trauma and does his helper monkey know?
LexusLover's Avatar
Will Cockmuncher stop drunk posting?
Has WTF found all the gays in this forum (Does he own a mirror?)
Has Ekim recovered from his head trauma and does his helper monkey know? Originally Posted by gnadfly
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 10-08-2017, 09:18 AM

The simplistic "motive" is: He wanted them to suffer.

. Originally Posted by LexusLover
Of course, you along with 100's of media "experts" on "motive," might have to explain WHAT THE FUCK difference does it make what is "motive" was
Originally Posted by LexusLover
I've said repeatedly that no one knows his motive. We may never know his motive.

You on the other hand said definitively that you know one of his motives. The simplistic "motive" is: He wanted them to suffer.

You have no idea his motives and if you made your argument in a Court of Law that you do , you'd be laughed out of this Country.

Has WTF found all the gays in this forum (Does he own a mirror?)
? Originally Posted by gnadfly
Do you too know the Las Vegas shooters motive?

It's starting to make more sense. They guy lost a lot of money. Didn't have a wife or kids. Didn't want to start over. Was a heavy drinker. Was having psychotic episodes. Just wanted to go out in a blaze of "glory" depending on what a soaked brain told him.

. Originally Posted by gnadfly
Oh wait , it appears you think you do....you need to get on that plane with LL and dilbert....the Las Vegas Police need your expertise! He lost all his money! But did he also want his victims to suffer? what about notoriety as dilbert suggested? So he bought all those guns years ago because he was planning on making people suffer and to become famous for money he did not know he had lost yet? Hmmmmmmm

For years, my generation could not come to grips with the fact that one insignifant piece of human shit like Lee Harvey Oswald could take down a President of the United States. There had to me more to it.

Years from now, this generation will still never come to grips with the fact that one man, for reasons only he knew in his warped mind, could stick multiple weapons out the widow of a hotel room and with no discrimination kill and maime multitudes of innocent people. Originally Posted by Jackie S
This generation won't EVER come to grips with the fact that shrilLIARy lost !
Will Cockmuncher stop drunk posting?
Has WTF found all the gays in this forum (Does he own a mirror?)
Has Ekim recovered from his head trauma and does his helper monkey know? Originally Posted by gnadfly
Have the three gaymigos picked their dingleberry quota for their next bottle of wine to share at their next reach around crew MEATing ?
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 10-08-2017, 09:40 AM

Of course, you along with 100's of media "experts" on "motive," might have to explain WHAT THE FUCK difference does it make what is "motive" was.

! Originally Posted by LexusLover
I think Clinton tried that defense....


What's your "motive" for lying about me in your signature line?

! Originally Posted by LexusLover
Lie? Why would I lie?

What was your motive for taking quote of mine out of context and putting it in your signature line for months before I ever responded in kind?

Look you fucking hypocrite....my best guess is that if you were to remove any reference of me in your signature line, yours too would disappear.

LexusLover's Avatar
Those "We" watch too many "Law and Order" shows!

I suspect, since Nevada is a "Model Penal Code" state, that there is no legal requirement to prove the "motive" as an element of the crime of murder.

The simplistic "motive" is: He wanted them to suffer.

Some didn't. Hopefully the rest of the 58 didn't suffer long.

The rest and the friends and family left behind will for a very long time and there will be psychological problems. Originally Posted by LexusLover
Since WTF enjoys slicing up what people post so he can look "correct" ... there's my entire post. Of course he adds his own take and interprets what others say and do ...

but WTF can't "interpret" the actions of a person firing down indiscriminately on a crowd of unarmed concert goers as have a PURPOSE ("simplistic motive") of causing those persons to suffer!


I suspect, since Nevada is a "Model Penal Code" state, that there is no legal requirement to prove the "motive" as an element of the crime of murder.
Then I post the Nevada "murder statute) ... no "motive" listed as an element ...

.. but WTF now believes that the shooter DIDN'T have the "motive" of causing as many people to suffer as he could in the short period of time he would have to shoot indiscriminately into the crowd below ....

... so was his "motive" to disrupt the concert?

... so was his "motive" to check out his rifles?

... so was his "motive" target practice?

... so was his "motive" noise making?

Can WTF figure why this person broke out windows and started firing at the crowd below? Was it to SHOOT PEOPLE?

Show the FACTS that demonstrate he DIDN'T WANT people to suffer?

"Motive" = "a reason for doing something,.."!!!!!

WTF ... there are sharks in the water off Galveston Beach!

If you don't believe me, when you're in your next "period" then go swimming beyond the surf when the water is warmer.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 10-08-2017, 10:00 AM

Can WTF figure why this person broke out windows and started firing at the crowd below? Was it to SHOOT PEOPLE?

Show the FACTS that demonstrate he DIDN'T WANT people to suffer?

"Motive" = "a reason for doing something,.."!!!!!

. Originally Posted by LexusLover
Yes we all know wtf motive means. You are the one having trouble with it. You are confusing it with an action. Very common error many simplistic thinkers make. "He drove a car drunk , therefore he must have wanted to kill someone!" So yes LL, the shooter wanted to kill folks , we just at this time do not know his motive! Fuck.

The whole city of Las Vegas and the country for that matter is looking for this man's motive .....yet you , dilbert and gnad have found the reason(s) this man went on a shooting rampage....yall did that sleuthing right here in the eccie political forum!

Trump needs to appoint you head of the FBI, dilbert the head of the CIA and gnad to the head
of all gay mens dicks.

LexusLover's Avatar
Not really. You are a perfect example of the dire consequences of not having a motive to create acceptable life forms.

But your lameass speculation on all things criminal are the source of legends in your own mind,


But if I said the Sun was going to rise in the East you'd start a dumbass argument about it.

What's your "motive" for lying about me in your signature line?

What was your motive when you accused me of being LE?

And more importantly ... where is your "proof" to the truth of any of the shit you've lied about regarding me?
Originally Posted by LexusLover
WTF, you haven't answered it, I noticed.

Since you have "defined" the word "motive"!

Please explain to AssUp about the sharks in the water you can't see!
Yes! Depending on what they strike and how many objects they strike a round could actually do a less than a "90 degree angle," which means that it would start heading back in the General direction of from which it came.

Play pool much?

It's an issue of escapement in open outdoor ranges and can be a serious issue in closed indoor ranges when the shooter is too close to the "back stop" (one that doesn't absorb the rounds) or bounces a round off the wall, floor, or ceiling.

The point is ... an anecdotal report form a person who wants to believe a speculative scenario .. is not a valid basis upon which to draw any inferences. And since there is speculation .... I suspect that a good number of the people shot were struck by bouncing rounds coming off or from other objects by a ricochet. A round can even pass through a person and be redirected by bone in the first person (rounds are redirected within the same body and travel to other parts of the body).

In fact how many of the 500+ injured were injured from gunshots? And how many were hurt leaping over barricades or being trampled by fleeing concert goers. Originally Posted by LexusLover
There seems to be several videos from cellphones circulating now. I've tried to view as many as I possibly can. In all of the videos I've seen, I hear what appears to be gun shots in rapid succession with an occasional pause. People attending the concert are seen running away once they realize that someone is shooting in their general vicinity. I have yet to see in video or in photo any obvious evidence that any of the five hundred plus shots fired struck and did damage to any person or inanimate object such as concert stage, vehicles, street signs ect. One thing that is for sure something definitely happened at that concert. I am convinced at this point so far the Main Stream Media isn't giving the public an accurate account of this incident. Too much information has been put out too quickly and much of it is contradictory. First Paddock is just a regular guy that went off the deep end, then ISIS admits they were involved, a government sting gone wrong, Paddock was working for the CIA. Just too much bullshit too quick to make any reasonable assessment of a motive. We may never really know the truth.

LexusLover's Avatar
There seems to be several videos from cellphones circulating now. I've tried to view as many as I possibly can. In all of the videos I've seen, I hear what appears to be gun shots in rapid succession with an occasional pause. People attending the concert are seen running away once they realize that someone is shooting in their general vicinity.

I have yet to see in video or in photo any obvious evidence that any of the five hundred plus shots fired struck and did damage to any person or inanimate object such as concert stage, vehicles, street signs ect.

I am convinced at this point so far the Main Stream Media isn't giving the public an accurate account of this incident.

Jim Originally Posted by Mr MojoRisin
I've got a pretty good camera on my phone ... and I am convinced it would not be able to record a bullet traveling through the air and striking anyone or anything ... and most of the video I've seen has been while someone is running and/or waving their phone around in the excitement of the "EVENT" ... WHICH would further "blur" any images and do.

I did listen to an early (that night) interview of an off duty firefighter who left his family to flee while he ran to the locations where bodies were lying about with various entry and exit wounds from what he described as a high powered weapon and he determined some were beyond hope of saving and/or already obviously dead, while at the same time helping to get those who could be salvaged to the medical tent that was converted to a "field hospital" for gunshot casualties. His description was accurate IMO of what amounts to an ambush of 1,000's of people from random firing into the crowd ... and the carnage he described and didn't want to detail was also consistent with heavy weapon fire ...

Again, I appreciate the conspiracy theories of the government slaughtering 100's of innocent U.S. citizens and concert goers, but if that is what our government is about the people in the government who are responsible for orchestrating such an "event" predated the arrival of Mr. Trump and I believe he would "tweet" about it!
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 10-08-2017, 10:57 AM

The simplistic "motive" is: He wanted them to suffer.

. Originally Posted by LexusLover
You have no idea of his motive.

And you like the rest of us may never know.

Give LE time , maybe they will find something.

. Originally Posted by WTF

WTF, you haven't answered it, I noticed.

Since you have "defined" the word "motive"!
! Originally Posted by LexusLover
I've answered your lies about you knowing the Shooters motive and I've answered why I put what I put in my signature line. You put a distorted quote of mine in your signature line months ago. I have responded in kind after waiting several months for you to take it out. You sir are a Cry Baby and a Hypocrite.

The Shooter killing these people has not been linked to any evidence that he wanted anybody to suffer. Was Lee Harvey objective to make Kennedy suffer? Or was there some much more complex motive? We have never found his motive but I've heard no credible person with a ounce of sense say that it was to make JFK suffer.

LexusLover's Avatar
What's your "motive" for lying about me in your signature line?

What was your motive when you accused me of being LE?

And more importantly ... where is your "proof" to the truth of any of the shit you've lied about regarding me?
HERE, I'll make it red so you it be more obvious to you.
bambino's Avatar
I've answered your lies about you knowing the Shooters motive and I've answered why I put what I put in my signature line. You put a distorted quote of mine in your signature line months ago. I have responded in kind after waiting several months for you to take it out. You sir are a Cry Baby and a Hypocrite.

The Shooter killing these people has not been linked to any evidence that he wanted anybody to suffer. Was Lee Harvey objective to make Kennedy suffer? Or was there some much more complex motive? We have never found his motive but I've heard no credible person with a ounce of sense say that it was to make JFK suffer.

. Originally Posted by WTF
I guess the shooter wanted the victims and their families to feel good. Not suffer.