These Sons of Bitches Denied Barry Bonds Hall of Fame Entry Again

TryWeakly's Avatar
fooking r.i.d.i.c.u.l.o.u.s !
[QUOTE=Sistine Chapel;1060424635]
Bonds is top 2 baseball All Time player.[QUOTE]

Top Five perhaps.

I go with the lists compiled by Bleachers, Sporting News, Baseball Almanac, etc...they have all the numbers, etc....

1. Ruth
2. Mays
3. Aaron
4. (Ted) Williams
5. Bonds
Sistine Chapel's Avatar
None of those guys are better than Bonds...they have name nostalgia only...they played in a weaker era...smaller parks, weaker pitchers, inferior talent overall. I give Mays and Aaron credit for playing in a more direct racist era where they endured all the cat calls / derogatory names but I think Bonds could have endured that as well...I would have to put Bonds at the top of that heap..while recognizing he was an asshole.
LexusLover's Avatar
Just go toss a bottle of wine through a big screen and get over it!
chicagoboy's Avatar
#PeteInTheHall Originally Posted by R.M.
Fuck Pete Rose, with Johnny bench's bat.

...I would have to put Bonds at the top of that heap..while recognizing he was a supreme asshole. Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel
VitaMan's Avatar
Roger Maris should be in the hall of fame.

Without him, the whole place should be torn down. Useless sports writers had it out for him.
chicagoboy's Avatar
Maris - career .260 hitter, with 275 HRs. Dale Murphy had better stats (.265/398), and the same number of MVPs (2).
DEAR_JOHN's Avatar
bonds is a fucking cheater and doesn't belong in he Hall of Fame. Get over yourself.
R.M.'s Avatar
  • R.M.
  • 01-29-2018, 02:09 AM
[QUOTE=chicagoboy;1060435134]Fuck Pete Rose, with Johnny bench's bat.
With a little bit of Mythos sprinckles on it.
chicagoboy's Avatar
Even cheaters likes sprinckles.
R.M.'s Avatar
  • R.M.
  • 01-29-2018, 06:54 AM
Even cheaters likes sprinckles. Originally Posted by chicagoboy
She does
VitaMan's Avatar
Doesn't matter. He broke the most heralded stat in baseball - 61 home runs in 1961. Plus the record was held by Babe Ruth, the sultan of swat. If that is not fame, what is ? The duel between him and Mickey Mantle was epic.

George Springer got the mvp of the world series, for the home runs.
Sistine, I have a wager for you in the Political Forum. Please respond.
None of those guys are better than Bonds...they have name nostalgia only...they played in a weaker era...smaller parks, weaker pitchers, inferior talent overall. I give Mays and Aaron credit for playing in a more direct racist era where they endured all the cat calls / derogatory names but I think Bonds could have endured that as well...I would have to put Bonds at the top of that heap..while recognizing he was an asshole. Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel
I've warned you about venturing into topics of convo where your knowledge is extremely limited, Douchie.

Which is pretty much most if not ALL topics....but in this case, SPORTS HISTORY is one area you need to totally avoid, dude....this is an area you're clearly unprepared to discuss logically. Your own bias and prejudices blind you to the facts.

That said, I've neither the time nor the patience to teach a sports idiot such as yourself anything about the great game and its history. The very fact you actually think Bonds was a better baseball player than Ruth, Mays, Aaron, and Williams shows you know nothing next to nothing.
TryWeakly's Avatar

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