Salty might have just posted his first right thing on here.

... I'll explain things below.

#### Salty
... See, mate? ... Biden has stated that he is running again
to IMPROVE on his great success of the last 3+ years.

... Biden's "success"?? That's loco!
Joe running again for "success" is a loco motive.
Trump is stronger than that. ... Much more Powerful.

So we've seen that Trump is faster than a speeding bullet!
And that Trump is More Powerful than a loco motive!

... TRUMP is SUPERMAN! ...

#### Salty
ManSlut's Avatar
Did you catch the final prayer last night at the convention? There was Vance, head bowed, eyes closed, listening to the words of the prayer. Then there was Trump -- sitting straight up, looking from side to side, not even acknowleding that there was a prayer being given. If Trump is a true Christian he does not show it in his everyday life. But Jesus still loves him.

BTW, both my wife and I noticed a drastic change in Trump's persona during the convention. He has acted very humble the last few days, as if the shooting has given him a new outlook on life. He supposedly has changed his acceptance speech from one of bitterness and acrimony and divisiveness to one of unity. Makes me wonder why. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
Trump is an AntiChrist, I have been saying it since before his 2016 run for the Presidency…Christ calls them ‘the great deceivers’…Nostradamus predicted the 3rd AntiChrist wound suffer some sort of head wound and have a wrapping on his head. A lot of people interpreted that it would reflect a turban wearing middle eastern type…Nope, it’s a fucking narcissistic, sociopathic American!

Your head might be on a swivel too if you’d very recently by a matter of inches been JFK’d, as in your brains blown out!!

That mother fucking con-man AntiChrist couldn’t quote a single passage from The Bible.

Orange fat fuck has tempered his uncontrollable mouth since the debate. I can’t imagine anyone on his team convincing this narcissistic, turkey neck, fat fuck to do this, and he doesn’t have the intellect or restraint to do this on his own, so it is definitely a big head scratcher to me…I think he sees the writing on the wall, since his last guilty verdict, The Public sees you now as a CONVICTED FELON, better eat some crumbs of ‘the humble pie’ because you damn sure won’t eat the whole thing, much less a slice of it!!
ManSlut is Trump Kryptonite!
... See? ... WINNING! ...

#### Salty
Precious_b's Avatar
I ain’t buying into any of the Devine intervention aspect of this.

Trump was damned lucky.

But that does not change the FACT that he took a bullet, and rather cowering down under the protection of his SS crew, rose with a clinched fist in the air, inspiring his followers to fight, and fight.

During the debate, the entire Country saw Biden stumble and fall simply because he was as asked questions.

The entire Country just saw Trump rise with strength after a near death experience.

The entire World saw it too. Originally Posted by Jackie S
That action risked alot of lives.
But we all know you don't care about that.
G'day to those who are for Truth, Justice and the American way!

... As we see the 2004 election cycle play out - and we
see the polls show us that Trump is in the lead -
can there really be any doubt?

... Any doubt that Trump is SUPERMAN?! ...

... Yep, the facts are clear... He's not Batman
or that famous fellow Elvis - though the popularity
of Trump might be Greater!

... Trump is just SUPERMAN - fighting for American values.

... Who else could expose the DC "Swamp" and all its lawlessness
and corruption... Who else could point out the weaponing of
the FBI and DOJ - who even pushed a false "dossier" in a sad
attempt to destroy His presidency?

... Who else is fighting for the American people by
pushing back in court at all the corruption and the
two-tiered system of justice that has surely damaged
the reputation and standing of those once fine institutions.

... SUPERMAN Trump is the one!

... No wonder Trump's leading nationally, and in almost all
of the swing-states... The people want Trump back on again
- to save the nation from the disaster of Biden's presidency.
Where personal choices of what cars you buy, and what
gas stoves you want to use... All the way down to what
you even say - as your "Free Speech" rights are surely
being taken from you.

... The American people are making a choice.
As more and more of them show their support!

... Peace, Prosperity and Strength with Trump
over war, poverty and weakness with Biden.

... Trump - a TRUE American Hero!

#### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again

... Blimey! ... 10 months later - STILL TRUE! ...

#### Salty
Lucas McCain's Avatar
Yeah, not a thing has changed in 10 months. Still true (your truth). LOL
txdot-guy's Avatar

This is severely messed up. This is not the Super Friends, but rather some version that escaped from bizarro world.

Trump wants to be Super Man but I’m betting he is going to be the Super Loser instead.
... Thanks, mate! ... That's Perfect!

Super Trump and the Super Friends! ...

#### Salty
txdot-guy's Avatar
I’m going to stick with Bizarro Trump and the Injustice League.
Lucas McCain's Avatar
All I know is that I've seen a lot of actors cast as Superman in all of these different movies over the years. I don't recall ever seeing a 78-year-old obese one who shits in his pants cast as one of them though. Did I miss that movie or was that the one movie not released to the public because it was so bad?
eyecu2's Avatar
All I know is that I've seen a lot of actors cast as Superman in all of these different movies over the years. I don't recall ever seeing a 78-year-old obese one who shits in his pants cast as one of them though. Originally Posted by Lucas McCain
That's Trumps super-power!!
... Trump's "Supreman" powers are - being faster than a speeding bullet.
And MORE powerful than (Kamala's) loco motive. ...

#### Salty