Who is responsible for two officers being shot?

Is that kinda like trying to illustrate ....

....................... the entire law enforcement profession in two videos?

Actually, I believe you are the "truly fucking ignorant" one in the discussion.

The Ferguson issue was about one cop against two criminals.

One criminal died, and the other one lied. That's all.

Now to save "face" holder uses funny math to accuse a whole department of racism.

So what happens. Two police officers had their careers ended by worthless pieces of trash. Originally Posted by LexusLover
Did I say that was the entire law enforcement profession? I know you like putting things in people's mouths but don't put words in mine.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar

Obama or Holder? Your choice.... Originally Posted by andymarksman
Democratic city council hiring democrat police chiefs in a town ran by a democrat in a state ran by a democratic legislature with a democrat governor....I think I see a pattern here?

Ferguson, MO: a democratic city council in state ran by a democrat (who promised to prosecute the cop before the investigation began) who invited a democrat Attorney General who represents a democrat President.

New York, NY: a democratic city council in a town ran by a socialist (see modern democrat) in a state ran by the democrats.

Yep, there is some kind of pattern here.
Democratic city council hiring democrat police chiefs in a town ran by a democrat in a state ran by a democratic legislature with a democrat governor....I think I see a pattern here?

Ferguson, MO: a democratic city council in state ran by a democrat (who promised to prosecute the cop before the investigation began) who invited a democrat Attorney General who represents a democrat President.

New York, NY: a democratic city council in a town ran by a socialist (see modern democrat) in a state ran by the democrats.

Yep, there is some kind of pattern here. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
The South kinda puts a kink in your theory...

BTW, I see you're just regurgitating the party line as per Faux News.

Democratic city council hiring democrat police chiefs in a town ran by a democrat in a state ran by a democratic legislature with a democrat governor....I think I see a pattern here?

Ferguson, MO: a democratic city council in state ran by a democrat (who promised to prosecute the cop before the investigation began) who invited a democrat Attorney General who represents a democrat President.

New York, NY: a democratic city council in a town ran by a socialist (see modern democrat) in a state ran by the democrats.

Yep, there is some kind of pattern here. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
I don't see city council members, police chiefs, governors or legislators shooting a homeless man... looks like cops. I thought republicans preached individual responsibility? I guess that only applies in certain situations...
LexusLover's Avatar
Did I say that was the entire law enforcement profession? I know you like putting things in people's mouths but don't put words in mine. Originally Posted by UnderConstruction
I asked a question. In fact I asked two of them. You didn't answer either one.

Let me try again ....

So, did you bring up a cop story from Mississippi in this thread?

If so, what does a copy story in Mississippi have to do with Ferguson?
  • shanm
  • 03-13-2015, 12:39 PM
Democratic city council hiring democrat police chiefs in a town ran by a democrat in a state ran by a democratic legislature with a democrat governor....I think I see a pattern here?

Ferguson, MO: a democratic city council in state ran by a democrat (who promised to prosecute the cop before the investigation began) who invited a democrat Attorney General who represents a democrat President.

New York, NY: a democratic city council in a town ran by a socialist (see modern democrat) in a state ran by the democrats.

Yep, there is some kind of pattern here. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
More Bullshit, from the chief BULLSHIT creator on this forum.

You people talk about big government and being controlled by the government, yet you jump to support the police at every instance. Cops here in America act like thugs and do whatever the fuck they want. This system is slowly becoming into Marshall law. We should not be afraid of the FUCKING police. NO other country in the world allows cops to treat citizens like they treat us here. And then we have the gall to call ourselves freedom fighters. The government spies on us, the entire world thinks we're akin to shit and you all are just happy blaming that on Obama.

The reason why every officer has a gun is because every idiot in this god damned country also has one. In the UK, the citizens have no guns and guess what? None of the cops carry guns! Then shit like this does not happen!
"Oh no we need our guns! How else are we going to go hunting on the weekends?" Next time, weigh that in with someone losing their life over a petty squabble, see if that changes your mind.
LexusLover's Avatar
NO other country in the world allows cops to treat citizens like they treat us here. Originally Posted by shanm
How would you know little boy?
  • shanm
  • 03-13-2015, 01:35 PM
How would you know little boy? Originally Posted by LexusLover
I've traveled the world, unlike your sorry old ass. I also grew up in the UK. Didn't you notice how my education trumps yours? Thats not saying much though. KKKlan westboro Baptist Sunday school is obviously the only school you went to
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
More Bullshit, from the chief BULLSHIT creator on this forum.

You people talk about big government and being controlled by the government, yet you jump to support the police at every instance. Cops here in America act like thugs and do whatever the fuck they want. This system is slowly becoming into Marshall law. We should not be afraid of the FUCKING police. NO other country in the world allows cops to treat citizens like they treat us here. And then we have the gall to call ourselves freedom fighters. The government spies on us, the entire world thinks we're akin to shit and you all are just happy blaming that on Obama.

The reason why every officer has a gun is because every idiot in this god damned country also has one. In the UK, the citizens have no guns and guess what? None of the cops carry guns! Then shit like this does not happen!
"Oh no we need our guns! How else are we going to go hunting on the weekends?" Next time, weigh that in with someone losing their life over a petty squabble, see if that changes your mind. Originally Posted by shanm
You're not well educated, can't spell, and a poor person to advance any argument.
"YOU PEOPLE" who are you talking about? Conservatives or anarchists? Sounds like you confused a mainstream right wing movement with a fringe left wing movement. Conservatives want smaller government. A responsive government that obeys the law and respects our rights as citizens of this country. Why are you opposed to that?

The word is "martial" law. Marshall is someone that I served with on a ship.

You continue with a lie. Conservatives have been record from years ago having problems with the militarisation of the police which the left only noticed a couple of years ago. Remember Waco, Ruby Ridge, and the Bundy ranch?

You info is out of date, there are some police in England who do carry weapons now. Not many but some. They also have a law we don't have here. You strike an officer in the performance of his duties....you're going away for a long time and it won't be plea bargained down. How much violence would be avoided in this country if you got a 20 year sentence for just punching a cop.

According to the FBI, most killings are the result of a criminal act and not because of a "petty squabble". You watch too much MSNBC.

Take some time off and educate yourself.

Oh, and the Westboro people.....all democrats.
you all are just happy blaming that on Obama.

. Originally Posted by shanm
we are not just happy blaming it on obama

we are sadly blaming it on Obama

the mess of ferguson is what im referring to, it is obama's doing

I truly believe he's quite happy with the ruckus

oh maybe not anyone getting hurt

but I wouldn't doubt he has elation at strikes on what he feels is white cracker arrogance
  • shanm
  • 03-13-2015, 02:43 PM
The word is "martial" law. Marshall is someone that I served with on a ship Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
That's obviously auto correct you fucking idiot. You take issue with that because you think it makes your ignorant argument more credible. It doesn't, but that's fine with me.

"YOU PEOPLE" who are you talking about? Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Im talking about idiots like you, who will argue all day and any which way, as long as it supports their party's political agenda. You are a classic example of a brainwashed idiot.

According to the FBI, most killings are the result of a criminal act and not because of a "petty squabble". Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Again you show how ignorant you really are. Define "criminal act"? do you think possession of marijuana is a good enough reason for some one to lose their life over? You are a huge fucking DOLT, if you think that there is no difference between a criminal act and murder. Most gun related deaths DO happen over petty squabbles like drug deals gone bad, drunken arguments. Yes, they are also criminal acts but not every crime is punishable by death. You've been watching too much Faux news.

Oh, and the Westboro people.....all democrats. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Firstly, that's obviously not true. Secondly, if you think you're getting under my skin by shitting on democrats then you are, once again, guilty of being ignorant (story of your life, isn't it?). I am not a democrat and don't identify myself with one party over another. I vote for ideas. I think both parties are evil. But would I want to be slapped by Satan's right hand (republicans) over his left hand (democrats)? Hell fucking no. Everyone knows Satan wipes with his right.
In my case having a lying, cheating and spying government that wants to give blacks, womens, gays and other minorities their basic fucking rights is better than a lying, cheating and spying government that doesn't. That is pretty much the only reason I vote democrat.

You info is out of date, there are some police in England who do carry weapons now. Not many but some. They also have a law we don't have here. You strike an officer in the performance of his duties....you're going away for a long time and it won't be plea bargained down. How much violence would be avoided in this country if you got a 20 year sentence for just punching a cop.

Take some time off and educate yourself. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn

Well look at that! JD idiot thinks he knows better than someone who's actually lived there! The arming of police has been one of the biggest debate issues in UK for the past few decades. So don't trivialize it if you don't know jackshit about it. Apparently, while we were busy killing ourselves over dems vs repubtards, they were busy focusing on the real issues. Police disarmament was in direct response to public fear of the police being too powerful and becoming a "Marshall" Law instrument. It stems from back in the old days, when the imperial army used to maintain order with firearms, in very similar fashion to what our cops do now in the good old USA. Only Ireland police carry firearms. In the rest of the UK, only special firearms units carry weapons so they can also respond appropriately when needed to a terror threat. Yeah you can go to jail for 20 years for punching a cop but you also get to live for the remaining 40. Classic brainwashed republican. I bet you are one of those "white-trash" republicans that lives in a trailer but doesn't want the government to raise taxes on the rich.
Obviously, the only ones who need education here are you and LLIdiot.
I asked a question. In fact I asked two of them. You didn't answer either one.

Let me try again ....

So, did you bring up a cop story from Mississippi in this thread?

If so, what does a copy story in Mississippi have to do with Ferguson? Originally Posted by LexusLover
If I seriously have to explain what a culture of racism is to you, you're worse off than I thought.
rioseco's Avatar
Goddamn you people are ignant. And yes I said ignant. Since you lack any true ability to empathize of your own accord, I wish you could be black just for 24 hours. It would blow your fucking mind. Originally Posted by UnderConstruction

Yes I agree.
Often when alone in quiet thought I find myself wishing to be the token victim and have a world of idiots at my beckon call.
rioseco's Avatar
I've traveled the world, unlike your sorry old ass. I also grew up in the UK. Didn't you notice how my education trumps yours? Thats not saying much though. KKKlan westboro Baptist Sunday school is obviously the only school you went to Originally Posted by shanm
Grew up in the UK ?
They may explain a lot of what is eating at your ass.
One side of my ancestry had little education, yet in 1886 he was smart enough to flee that country.
LexusLover's Avatar
I've traveled the world, .... Originally Posted by shanm
I didn't meant TUMA on folks. I was asking about your experience in evaluating LE around the world. And as for me, you listen to bigtex too much.

You talk a lot for a little know-nothing.

But if it makes you feel like a "big man" on campus, have at it.