Only people brainwashed by the lame-stream media believe Trump's statements are "racist". Lefties are throwing around the same comments all of the time, but no one on the left imagines for a minute that they are "racists". Do you imagine they are being dishonest when they call Trump a racist but do not so label someone on the left a racist for expressing those exact same words?
Originally Posted by I B Hankering
I did not call Trump a racist. He made comments that were deemed to be racist by people on both sides of the aisle. Although most Republicans in Congress have not condemned Trump's comments, very few have come out in support of him either. That speaks volumes.
You are an old white man, as am I. Most old white men are clueless as to what statements might be considered racist by AA/black people. Trump's statements were racist. He may not have meant them to be racist but they were. You will find very few saying they were not racist.
The statement by Omar was perfect. She is an American. You and I are American. In all likelihood none of us are Native Americans. So if
it is appropriate to send Omar "home" it is just as appropriate to send everyone else who emigrated to this country home.
The article I cited shows the negative impact of Trump's statements on voters.