Is there a provider you want to see that will not see you?

Tetas's Avatar
  • Tetas
  • 08-10-2010, 08:25 AM
Not to be a jerk NWB, but did you tell the lady about your illness?
A lot of people just don't handle that kind of info very well, maybe she lost someone very close to her to cancer and just doesn't think she can handle being intimate with you.
We all have our own hang-ups and deal with them different ways.
As others have said, wish her well and move on to the next one.
And don't feel guilty for "wasting" a beautiful woman's time, that's what we're paying for, take your time and enjoy yourself!
First, my heart goes out to the OP. Thank you for sharing with us, and reminding us that no matter the cross you bear, the next guy/gal might just have a heavier one.

Second, I think maybe some of you are coming down a little hard on the lady that won't see him. I have turned down clients before, and not given a reason. For example, if I talk to your refs and they tell me something less than desirable, I'm sure as hell not going to tell you "Well, so and so told me x about you, so I'm not going to see you." Most of the time, no matter the reason, I'm just going to say "I am flattered by your interest, but I think perhaps I am not the right lady for you." And leave it at that. It's my body, after all, and I have the right to say no for any or no reason at all. Just as you fine gents have the right to not spend a dime on any lady you choose not to, for any or no reason at all.

Anyway, I am sure there are a plethora of fine ladies that would be super happy to see you. No sense in fretting over the one that won't. It probably wouldn't have been a great time anyway. Consider the fact that she might have saved you money that you can now spend on a lady that is excited to spend some time with you. Silver lining, people. It's almost always there.
Very sorry to hear about the health situation NWB. Best wishes for a full recovery.

As to your question, it really could be a million different things. Maybe it's something you posted in the past. Maybe a prior provider gave you a bad reference. Maybe there's something that seems totally innocuous to you that she has a hang up with--like won't see guys with a beard or won't see libras or won't see guys named Tim. Or, maybe she just has you confused with someone else. If it's really bothering you, you might politely ask her why. But, chances are you won't get an answer. Anything beyond asking once is a waste of your time and mental energy. Sometimes there are things that just don't make sense and it's best to forget about them and move on.

So sorry to hear, I do a lot of volunteer work for cancer causes, and hope that you do recover.

You pay for the time, and the time is yours to use, if the lady is agreeable. I will be the first to admit that the PPE had occasionally not achieved liftoff every time. I take quite a few meds so they do affect that for me. The ladies I see do understand that sometimes it is what it is and I always enjoy the time.

As to a lady not seeing you, hell, it has happened to me with no explanation before, and I have learned from making an ass of myself trying to figure out why that I will never know why. Move on, forget her, and go see others. Calling her out here is not a good idea, can only make it worse....

Mister Tudball's Avatar
There are plenty of ladies on here that won't see me. I think it may have to do with them wanting money and me not having enough of it.

Seriously though, in the end it doesn't really matter why she wouldn't see you. Just move on to the next lovely lady on your list, and enjoy your time with her. And I wish you the best in your battle with the big C.
Nitwitboy, I won"t belabor the obvious but let me thank you and your brothers especially at Kodiak station. Given your age it could not have been you but a very long time ago a swimmer fished my young ass out of the Barring Sea. Let's just say our neighbors up there have a very different attitude about border security than we do.

So thank you Sir for them.

Get Well My Man!

Semper Paratus

I do hope for the best for you. As far as the lady who will not see you, who knows. I can't answer that.

Forget the drinks, forget the girl, forget the illness. When I come back home, if you are game, I would love to see you. For those 30 minutes I want you to be totally stress free. Not a care in the world. Only a smile on your face and the boys shriveled up from satisfaction. Oh, it's on me. No donation required.

creekby's Avatar
there is one that will not see me unless i am a p411 member, no matter how many ref...i have. Is that strange?
pyramider's Avatar
Nah, she is relying on P411 to do all her screening.
Wow Hotlips....That is awesome and my hat goes off to you. Not too many ladies would put that out there. You sure took a major leap up in my faith in humanity!
There is a provider here I want to see and have thought about for a long time. This particular provider will not see me and I am not sure why. Thoughts? Originally Posted by Nitwitboy
The only way around it is to keep your P411 life separate from your hobby site life.
syeira pink's Avatar

Hope you dont mind........but............... .....I have seen you, and will see you again and again. You are so sweet, and funny and damn you- you do lick my toes great!!

If just looking at you ( not bad to look at all ) you would not know about the cancer, you are very positive about life, and I know that it gets the best of you- as far as the lady not wanting to see you- well hun-- we do have the choice to see or not to see someone.........but hey NWB-- dont worry, I mean it's her lose, not yours.

I hope you are doing well and tell the pups I said hey!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Now-- my toes?? what about my toes?

Randy4Candy's Avatar
nwb, a lot of the ladies go out of their way to say "you are just paying for my time....etc. etc. etc." and we all know that it's mostly hobby b.s. but, and this is especially true in a 30 minuter, you have absolutely no reason to feel that you are wasting any lady's time by taking the slow lane out of the door after a 10 minute nutt. In fact, I suspect some of the ladies actually prefer some talk and a little connectivity diversion mixed with the standard issue bump and grind. Believe it or not, many of the women here can be very nice and remember that during the "professional time" most providers and hobbyists are on their better behavior - which is good.

All I can offer, and it is a lot less than many of the ladies who have posted, is advice to move past this lady. Your time is limited in the short term due to the impending start of chemo and you will come back from that eventually.

Chin up, hoss. You've been trained well.
I have never had the pleasure of meeting you nitwitboy. But I would love to have the chance to meet a special guy like you. I have heard sooo many wonderful things about you. It is her loss.
PoppyToyota's Avatar
I have asked a few ladies to see me who for whatever reason declined my invitation to meet up. Age is one reason, Im 29 till October 1st. Weight is another, I had two say they prefer not to see bigger guys. I'm in the same boat as you NWB, I have a brain tumor that's inoperable. I am very fortunate though because it hasn't grown since they found it. Best of luck in your recovery!!

When I first started I almost gave up before I even began. Getting started in our little world can be difficult sometimes. I haven't found another hobby as fun as this one though (Except Maybe Fishing) and it's definitely worth the effort.