Next order of business for me is wondering what position Bill Clinton will be appointed to in Hillary's administration

Government just handing out checks? Sounds like socialism to me. Originally Posted by UnderConstruction
Well it hasn't happened since 2008 and probably won't ever again. Besides that money was ours anyway. By ours I mean the average working American that draws a legitimate paycheck So that kinda blows out your Socialism theory. Besides this country is inching closer and closer to Socialism all the time that's probably why since Obama has been president more people have been on welfare and food stamps than any other period in American history.

Yssup Rider's Avatar
another thread down the fucking commode.
another thread down the fucking commode. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
I see ya hijacked another avatar. What happened to the one with Obama with his finger up his ass? Oh by the way asshole when are you going to hijack mine, lol.

CuteOldGuy's Avatar
The only thing Bill wants from President Hillary is a pardon for Jeffrey Epstein so he can continue to enjoy Orgy Island.
lustylad's Avatar
You have no idea what in the fuck you're talking about as neither you, ExNyer, or Jimbo understand Geo-politics. Reagan helped Iran against Iraq it was a bad idea then as Saddam (even though he was a bad guy) served as a deterrent to Irans rise to power. Saddam was never a threat to the US its the very reason we gave him mustard gas to use on his own people. Saddam was a US alley until Bushs dumb ass came onto the scene.

With the removal of Iraq (who was never a US threat) in the region what did we allow? We allowed for the rise of Iranian terror with the aspirations of becoming a nuclear Iran. Now we're all scrambling to stop Iran who Reagan first armed setting the stage for where we are today. Originally Posted by Zanzibar789
This is riddled with so much nonsense I cringed and winced a dozen times while forcing myself to read through it. And you have the chutzpah to tell others they don't "understand Geopolitics"? Your ignorance is exceeded only by your arrogance. Every single one of the above statements contains inaccuracies and taken together, they are contradictory. Stop embarrassing yourself by sputtering nonsense. Try to google something halfway intelligent to make your case for you. Then cut and paste it here and maybe we can have an informed debate.

You also get an "F" in US economic history. Bush didn't "deregulate the financial industry". That happened under Clinton. Waco Kid got it right. Look up the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act (1999) and the Commodity Futures Modernization Act (2000). Bush actually ADDED to the regulatory burdens on all publicly held companies when he signed the Sarbanes-Oxley Act in 2002 in the wake of the Enron scandal. But I guess sometimes the real history doesn't conform with the narrative you are looking for, does it zanyzit? When that happens, you think it's fine and dandy to re-write history as you imagine it!

LexusLover's Avatar
Technically Billy Clit Clit .... Originally Posted by Zanzibar789

Bill's Assignments:
1. Design a National Health Insurance Plan;
2. Head up the White Travel Office;
3. Interview and Hire for the White House Staff Positions; and
4. Oversee the Effective Dry Cleaning of All Guests' Visiting Attire.

Bill's Assignments:

2. Head up the White Travel Office; Originally Posted by LexusLover
LLIdiot, why would they have a segregated "Travel Office?"

If you are going to have Billl (whoever the hell Bill is) head up the "Travel Office," let him do it for everybody, not just the "White."

Damn, this Idiot is still living in the 1960's!
Nahhh Sherlock, Bush took office just in time to show what an idiot he truly was. Fact is presidents are judged on policies, business climate and the performance of the economy while in office. Clinton left that wreckless moron a $236 billion surplus. Outside of the normal ebb and flow of the economy it was purely Bush mismanagement that took us from a $236 billion surplus to 455 billion deficit.

He lowered taxes for the rich, deregulated the financial industry, and floated the wars on "terror" instead of funding them through higher taxes. That's how he fucked up this country. Dude was a straight up dummy and apparently you cosign that level of stupidity. Go figure.

Conversely, Bill's policies made for a very strong economy. For example his 1993 budget reduced the federal deficit and lowered interests rates, this in turn stimulated the economy with more tax revenue, personal income increases and big stock market gains.

Go read a book and get back to me. Better yet I have a homework assignment for you. Tell me compared to what Clinton left Bush (which was a $236 billion surplus) what did Bush leave Obama. Originally Posted by Zanzibar789
Nice dodge mope.

You changed the subject from Clinton to Bush rather that respond to what I wrote. I take that as a concession that you don't have any arguments to prove that Clinton created the "glory years".

I'm not defending Bush, he and Congress created another bubble in the housing market as they tried to pull out of the recession cause by the dotcom bubble bursting.

Bill Clinton did NOTHING to create the tech revolution in the 1990s. It was well underway before he ever took office.

"Outside of the normal ebb and flow of the economy"? Do you really expect us to believe that the bursting of the dotcom bubble was the NORMAL ebb and flow of the economy?

Name a policy that Clinton enacted in 1993 that made a strong economy. There was a brief recession of about three quarters (9 months) under the first Bush that ended before Clinton took office. So the economy was already growing when he took office (but too late to save the first Bush).

But if you really want to have your bullshit ideas debunked, read this Forbes article:

Note the difference in economic growth AFTER he lost Congress in 1995. Capital gains taxes were CUT from 28% to 20% and revenue still increased.

Rebut THOSE numbers mope.

With facts this time. Not broad assertions about how everything Bubba touched turned to gold.

Clinton had the good fortune to be sitting in the White House when a fundamental change in technology (i.e., computers) revolutionized the economy in ways not seen since the creation of the automobile.

So, if Hillary wins in 2016, what new technology is going to revolutionize the economy again?

We have had 15 years of slow growth and stagnating wages since the dotcom bubble burst. Neither Bush II, nor Obama, nor any Congress has been able to restore high growth rates, improve wages, or achieve low unemployment.

Under Obama, we are just borrowing huge amounts of money we will never pay back. Another crash is coming. Far worse than the last two.

So, maybe it will be a good thing if the Democrats win in 2016. After holding the White House for 8+ years, they won't be able to blame Bush for anything.
gfejunkie's Avatar
I think I will opt for two more liberal seats on the Supreme court. Originally Posted by Zanzibar789
The only thing Bill wants from President Hillary is a pardon for Jeffrey Epstein so he can continue to enjoy Orgy Island. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Yeah... All we need is a pedophile on the Supreme Court.
Did Bill ever even get his license to practice law back?

The Hildabeast's bid for the White House is about to come to a close anyway.
Even the far lefties like Warren don't cotton much to influence peddling...

Clinton was such an elusive crook Liberals just can't help but tote this story of the Clinton surplus. It turns out there may never had been a surplus. Below is a link to one of many articles out there shooting down the Clinton Surplus idea.

JD Barleycorn's Avatar
It's time to start thinking ahead folks. Obama done won twice it's a done deal it's time to secure our next victory.

Technically Billy Clint Clint could challenge the constitution and run as her Veep but it's too risky. I think I will opt for two more liberal seats on the Supreme court. As for the position I think Bill would make a great secretary of state or even chief of staff Originally Posted by Zanzibar789
So you're not going to take the No Bush-No Clinton pledge? As for the rest of your post, return to your room. The attending nurse will be with you shortly with your medication.

and I got your selfie.....thanks???

LexusLover's Avatar
You are correct exNYer, the "Clinton surplus" was no more by the end of 2000. . Originally Posted by gnadfly
If I don't pay the bills in January my bank account has a "surplus" in February.

Current events are on point with "Homeland Security" .....

.... Back then it was INS/ICE, except he didn't spend the money he was authorized.

Now they don't want to spend it on "enforcement" they want to spend it on AMNESTY!
Yeah Glory years from what? How about his involvement with South American Drug Cartels. You must be out of your mind. Haven't you had enough of the criminal element running this country. That's the first thing that comes to a dupes mind when it comes to Clinton. " Oh but he had a surplus" big deal did you reap any of it?

Jim Originally Posted by Mr MojoRisin
And, the second thing is some crazy bullshit about a criminal element running the country. Get real.

There's not one POTUS ever elected that wouldn't envy the economic expansion that took place during Clinton's presidency. We can argue til the cows come how whether or not he had anything to do with it....but, it happened on his watch.
And, the second thing is some crazy bullshit about a criminal element running the country. Get real.

There's not one POTUS ever elected that wouldn't envy the economic expansion that took place during Clinton's presidency. We can argue til the cows come how whether or not he had anything to do with it....but, it happened on his watch. Originally Posted by timpage
How sad. Clinton could tell you to your face what a corrupt fuck he is and you wouldn't believe it. That's how duped you've gotten to be.

How sad. Clinton could tell you to your face what a corrupt fuck he is and you wouldn't believe it. That's how duped you've gotten to be.

Jim Originally Posted by Mr MojoRisin
Ditto for you and Bush. He could bust a nut on your face and tell you it's raining and you'd grab your umbrella