debt ceiling government shut down

bambino's Avatar
Study history and you will understand Originally Posted by VitaMan
Like you have.
HedonistForever's Avatar
Do any of you really believe that the “average” American gives a shit about the deficit or the national debt.

It’s just some huge number that means absolutely nothing in peopl s everyday lives. Originally Posted by Jackie S

If the people I meet are "average", they don't know shit about anything having to do with government, how it is structured ( ask the average citizen how many branches there are in the government ) or government spending.

I tried to Google it but I guess it's long gone, remember "Obama money and Obama stash"? A woman was asked where Obama gets all the money he is giving way and the woman said from his "stash" .

Hell, even Democrats with decades of service like Biden and Pelosi don't seem to understand the concept either being criticized for saying all this spending will cost zero.

I've got news for you Democrats that think that way. Just because you think you have a way to pay for this, ( you don't ) doesn't mean it is free. Nothing is free, somebody has to pay for it and anybody that believes nobody that makes less than $400,000 will see their "costs go up, is either naive or ( my guess ) simply don't care.
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
If the govt shuts down and defaults, does that mean we can get it into bankruptcy and liquidate it?

Then replace it with an elected dictator for a 5 year term, who at the end of 5 yrs, is subject to a vote of being executed, or not.
rexdutchman's Avatar
You must mean the elected dictator we have now,, The feds will never shut down is a politico show that's all folks <We have bigger issues there ignoring
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
Strokey_McDingDong's Avatar
Study history and you will understand Originally Posted by VitaMan
LOL dude you said that the "America first" policy implies that the US shouldn't have gotten involved in WWII.

That makes absolutely no fucking god damn sense.

This is just politics ( make the other look bad ).

No person in power with millions to lose if the economy goes into the crapper will allow the default of the US debt. The increase in interest rates alone would cause a recession.

Remember most members of congress are multi-millionaires. They days of public servant are LONG gone.

My favorite tidbit about this topic is this. The currant DEM budget proposal is 2% of the debt. The reason why we have Fucked the next 2 generations is YEARS of over spending by both parties.

A pox on both of the major parties houses.

Simpsons and Bowles tried to give them a plan, but they couldn't resist the drug of staying in power. A true statesman cares about what is best for the USA as a whole, not just what his district or state wants from it's rep.

God bless the USA, we need it.
VitaMan's Avatar
LOL dude you said that the "America first" policy implies that the US shouldn't have gotten involved in WWII.

That makes absolutely no fucking god damn sense.

TTZ Originally Posted by Strokey_McDingDong

You have no idea what you are talking about. Clearly you no nothing about the history during that period.
Strokey_McDingDong's Avatar
VitaMan's Avatar
Spend some time studying history, then make another post
Strokey_McDingDong's Avatar
I see you are now quadrupling down. I don't have to study history to know your post about WWII was dumb. A second grader could have told you that.
VitaMan's Avatar
Study history. Here is a starting place for you.
It is at second grade comprehension level, so you can easily get through it

Numerous groups advocated against American involvement in World War II. Some, like the National Council for the Prevention of War (founded in 1921 to promote neutrality) and Keep America Out of War Congress (founded in 1938 to oppose Roosevelt’s foreign policy), predated the war. Others united multiple constituencies after the war began to lobby more effectively. Mothers who did not wish to send their sons to war, Americans of German or Italian descent, Americans of Irish descent (who opposed helping Great Britain), socialists, students, pacifists, and a host of prominent businessmen, intellectuals, and average citizens took action to prevent US intervention. Though more Republicans than Democrats advocated non-intervention, these groups were not split along partisan lines. Many antiwar advocates did not appreciate the term “isolationist” commonly used to describe them. They often argued for a strong national defense and broad economic spheres of influence, even as they tried to persuade felt the United States to stay out of war.

The largest and most influential non-interventionist group was the America First Committee, founded in the summer of 1940 by a group of Yale University law students. By September 1940, the students, led by R. Douglas Stuart Jr., had gathered prominent Americans to serve on the organization’s board, including the president of the American Olympic Committee Avery Brundage, Hormel Foods chief executive Jay Hormel, Ford Motor Company founder Henry Ford, late President Theodore Roosevelt’s daughter Alice Roosevelt Longworth, and General Hugh Johnson, who had been the director of the National Recovery Act, one of President Franklin Roosevelt’s early New Deal programs. Democratic senator Burton Wheeler (Montana), and Republican senators Gerald Nye (North Dakota) and Robert Taft (Ohio) also served as important spokesmen for the organization.

The America First Committee (AFC), which may have had some 800,000 members and at least 450 local chapters, encouraged civic engagement, such as letter-writing campaigns to elected officials, and sponsored rallies and speeches throughout the country. Charles Lindbergh, who achieved international fame in 1927 for piloting the first solo nonstop flight across the Atlantic Ocean, became the committee’s most prominent speaker. Even before AFC’s founding, Lindbergh had given radio speeches opposing US involvement in the war and warning of Germany’s military superiority. During a September 11, 1941, speech in Des Moines, Iowa, Lindbergh warned listeners that “the Jewish people” had too much influence on American media and government and were “war agitators.” Newspapers throughout the country denounced Lindbergh’s speech as antisemitic. Even though the America First Committee did not officially promote antisemitism, the organization tolerated these sentiments among its members.
eccieuser9500's Avatar
This is never going to happen because both parties are addicted to debt. It would be interesting though to see what would happen if the debt ceiling were not raised. As long as the government kept making its interest payments and convinced people that was its first priority, I don't buy the doom and gloom. It would be like having a balanced budget amendment -- the government would be forced to live within its means. Or taking a credit card away from your 16 year old who went wild with it.

That said, people who know more about economics than I do could probably shoot to hell what I'm saying here. And I imagine in the event of a recession or periods of high inflation like we're having right now, they'd be right. Originally Posted by Tiny
I'm addicted to pussy.

I was right just before I was banned last. Inflation is zeroing-out the higher wages!

You know a shit load more about this than I do. If you feel deflated, think how I feel about economics and money. I'm just a foot soldier with a view from the ground. Let's not disappoint the Lusty one or the Captain. I'll let the New School speak for me.

I don't think I explained that very well. We wouldn't default in the scenario I described. We'd continue to pay on our debt. Instead we'd cut other expenditures -- military, corporate and farm subsidies, and a whole lot more. If you don't raise the debt ceiling, it's the same as having a balanced budget. When times are good, when the economy is growing and there are lots of jobs out there, like now, that might make sense. Although admittedly it would be difficult to engineer overnight. And like I said, it's a moot point, both parties are addicted to debt. Originally Posted by Tiny
Inflation does not let the good times roll. Sir Chiquito.

And we both know defense spending, corporate tax cuts and farm subsidies are just never going away. Farmers can't feed themselves, corporations are reliant on uncle Sam and the military . . . . Who wants to be the politician to be labeled unsupportive of the troops.

Such a crock of shit!

they know, they just don't care. Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm

As long as I can eat tomorrow.

winn dixie's Avatar
You on the wagon tonight?
eccieuser9500's Avatar
You on the wagon tonight? Originally Posted by winn dixie

Do you know what that means? The wagon is the dry wagon. To fall of the wagon is where I be.