Very good question. Ya know, used to be, guys that were pre-marriage, would date and go to clubs etc.. Single meat market places, and eventually get married or knock her up, Very few in there twenty's, were pay for play preferred. It was definitely not customary, nor even considered a option to replace dating. You met someone, got married whatever, but you didn't commit to being a "John/Hobbyist". On the same note a chic didn't really come out and tell the family at dinner she was not going to college or getting married; but was gonna be a Escort/Provider/ Hooker/Porn got the picture. I did not hide my career choice when i was premiering, and OH BOY! They seem to except it 15 years later, and it's not a disgrace, I think it's becoming more excepted.
I consider young; 25 and under,that is when guys are supposed to chase free tail, and be grateful for bad dry blowjobs! Sure the occasional trip to the chicken ranch or the local in call, but many young ins are opting out of dating to score.
There is a huge spike in the under 30 hobbyist ranks. And many of them have sworn off normal old school traditional sexual relationships. This will and is already effecting our society. There are more women than men regardless, but most of the women are not of "Provider Breed", I call us Mistress Types.
The majority are "Wifely Types", and now there are high numbers of single and lesbian ones, not to mention the Wifely converts.
But all the men are hobbyist! See my train of thought on this? The Hobby is huge these days, and not even a secret to society, Hell my Dad hobby's!
Also, being around a long time, you learn what you think you want and need are two different things, and you gain wisdom. Men generally don't mature as rapidly as us. Gentleman, is a characteristic that is not only taught, but refined over years. A young man that presents himself exceptionally well, polite, well spoken, and sure of his request; I would see, and have.
He is a gentleman in training.
But an arrogant, loud, aggressive, dominant, and overbearing young man; who wants whatever for whatever, etc... He is in training too, but I am not the one, he will agree! I did my time, and it boils down to, age , color , size have noting to do with your manners and the way you present and conduct yourself. But few of the younger ones have the years, or experience to have developed or refined anything outside of high school.
Its just like the NBA policy I see all over. To me, I know better. It has nothing to do with color or race whether someone is "bad" or "good". In fact, it is quite sad and offensive to me even that there are still people in the world who separate and segregate groups of humans based on a generic label borrowed from a box of crayons! White or black? I have white skin, but the KKK says I need not apply being a Jewish girl. Food for thought.
Generally age is irrelevant, but just as women my age are "specialty", we like to be able to connect to the client. Young ones learn from trial and error.
Amy has spoken her piece.