How Much Would It Cost for You to Go on a Trip with me?

It is hard to believe that so many providers would not jump at the chance to go on an all expense paid vacation, especially if the hobbyist gave spending money and paid for other activities while vacationing.

I understand the "not working, not getting paid" thought......But, that is the definition of a vacation.

I travel often, all over the world. My advice to everyone reading this thread is to re-evaluate your views on vacationing. Everyone wants to go one day, but that day for most rarely comes. When it does come, for many, it is NOT 1st class.

The opportunity of going should be enough, with some payment (IP, Dannie) so that the person can experience a new place.

Life is short, most don't think about this until one has health problems. Live life to the fullest. Take advantage of every opportunity possible.

Work will always be there when you get back. Put on a great special, and Amy money lost by not working, can get made in the future.

Just a thought

I've not regretted a single trip out of the country. Many times cost, made me wonder if it was worth it, but new places always seem to make up for the money spent.

I know what many people reading this response are thinking, but most of you have not been many places. The world is huge, 1000's of places to go.


Especially if it is free

Just my 2 cents
luv2luv's Avatar
This is very interesting and it seems to me the pendulum is swinging. I don't expect to go on a vacation and come back with more money than I had when I left. I'm in a similar boat to the providers here; I am a consultant. I provide services. If don't work, I don't get paid. I have to take time off to go on a vacation. Doesn't it make some kind of sense that providers sometimes take vacations too? And they don't make money on vacations -- not ones they take by themselves or with family, etc. So the fact that I will pay all airfare and expenses makes it an attractive vacation, I would think.

Just me, but it seems pretty egregious to me to want to charge your overnight rate plus first class travel and spending money and .... wait, let me catch my breath here.

If you can afford that, good on ya. I can't. I can go to San Juan and find a lady there rather than take one with me. Not my preference, but maybe my necessary choice.

Having said all that, I have heard what some of you ladies have said, and next time I'm travelin' to Puerto Rico, etc., I may be in touch....
KRiggins: Great post. Nothing opens your mind like travel.