What's so hard about this ?

Showers, all this over damned showers. Who here still believes these ladies really like you, really friends. Cannot even take a shower, lol, and her not get.paid for it. Damn!! I take shower before I show, but damn if I need when I leave and time is up, guess I ams screwed and who here believes they are not clock watchers, lol. "Get out your time is up, pay if you want to clean up." I always allow friends to shower at my place if they need, no charge. But I know the definition of a friend.You
Madeline Tze's Avatar
Seeking p.
What I'm saying is. We are ready when client arrives. And YES they should specify before hand that they need to shower.
They ask before hand what services we provide. So why not say hey. Btw i need to shower.
That way every thing will be ready. I offer a shower afterward. But that's ME who is allowing it. If that makes sense. I have no issue on the time going over. But IM ALLOWING IT. If its not forced or expected.
So if I go over time. Its ok because it's MY TIME but not for the client to drag his feet in a sense because he's paying for sex.

And of course I want my client to be CLEAN. But LET ME OFFER
Madeline Tze's Avatar
Lol. Really all of this over a shower statement but nothing about ETIQUETTE.
And plus. Its not up to me to watch the clock. We all know what an hour is or half hour. We've been to 2nd grade
Gotcha! It's your rules. Maybe specify it somewhere in your ad or showcase etc. so the client will know.

I post my rules/directions so there's no confusion with the client. He had better inform himself before his arrival on the way I like things to be done, but that's just me, I have issues.

Thank you!
Well, at the very least this thread has given me more questions to ask someone upfront. I now know I have to ask about showering time policy. Maybe I just took it for granted. And I have always warned them that I will need to clean up. Our location it just HOT most of the year. You can get sweaty just in a walk across a parking lot. I have only run across one lady that wanted to know why I was showering first, and I just got off an 18 hour shift. Needless to say there wasn't going to be a lot going on here with that kind of hygiene policy.

I get it everyone runs their business differently. And I should not complain about someone's policy. I will just choose not to visit someone that's going to clock me for cleaning up. No harm/no foul on any provider that wants to. It is your business, run it as you see fit.
Do you hear how the women talk? They do not want you there and want you to act like some of these lonely and pathetic men that think women having sex with them for money are doing him a favor, lmao! We are the customers, as in ALL business, cater to our needs and she will prosper heavily. When I shop at Home Depot, they provide restrooms, with soap and warm water, no charge, I am not even requaried to buy anything. They want my money and appreciate me shopping there and they act like it. Never heard them complain. Do you women understand every time you post you speaking to your potential clients? Listen to your selves, "your time starts when you walk in the door, not when you get out of the shower." "It is not up to me to watch the clock." Do you realize how this comes across? Coca-cola never advertises that their product is not healthy, when discussions of diet or health arise they stay quiet. Learn from that next time you want to complain about customers. What we know now is you two are all about business and that's cool, but do not state it. Coca-cola never says we sell products because we like your money, and lots of it!! They tell you to enjoy the taste, because taste is their biggest asset. And we all know Coca-cola loves our money, but they don't say it in any form.
dj8rocks's Avatar
It's very simple discussions like these that really help us decide if a lady is a good match for us or not. Contrary to popular belief, not all of us guys are pathetic losers that can only get pussy if we pay for it. Sure, we all should get it that the respect of time should be mutual and beneficial for both parties, but when it gets down to complaining about 5-10 minutes for a shower, that's a little bit over the top for me. The little things like that in my opinion are the things that make the difference between a transaction and an experience that I will either repeat....or not. Just my thoughts. dj8
Or, we could just wash our smelly asses before an appointment to avoid this problem altogether. Honestly, I am not usually comfortable showering at the provider's location for a number of reasons involving security, but if a provider requires it, I can make that decision beforehand. I am a long showerer by nature. I can't stand being smelly in any way in any area, so 10 or 15 minutes won't cut it for me. I need to make sure all cracks and crevices are clean. So, why not go home, shower, and set your appointment for an hour later, or choose a provider who includes a shower as part of the visit. I, for one, prefer a shower before.
Or, we could just wash our smelly asses before an appointment to avoid this problem altogether. Honestly, I am not usually comfortable showering at the provider's location for a number of reasons involving security, but if a provider requires it, I can make that decision beforehand. I am a long showerer by nature. I can't stand being smelly in any way in any area, so 10 or 15 minutes won't cut it for me. I need to make sure all cracks and crevices are clean. So, why not go home, shower, and set your appointment for an hour later, or choose a provider who includes a shower as part of the visit. I, for one, prefer a shower before.
It's not always easy or convenient to leave work, run home, get washed up, then head out for our time together. I mean, first of all, I don't know about everybody else, but it can take me an hour or more in traffic to get home. If I've got easy access to a shower that I can hop in and out of before an appt, great! That's what I'll do! If not, then yeah, I'd rather just use the provider's.

I don't think most guys that want a shower at a provider's incall are doing it to rob the provider of time or anything. And if somebody is egregious about making the provider wait, I totally get wanting to be compensated. You can't take a 15 minute shower, so yeah...you probably don't need to expect to be accommodated. I just need to freshen up from my morning shower.

But if my taking 5 minutes to rinse off is going to start the countdown, you're probably not a provider I wanted to see. I don't need a shot clock, we're not playing basketball. I don't expect free time, but I also don't get upset if we finish 5 minutes early. Nor do I expect to get $20 back if that's what's happened. I don't think that expecting the same courtesy to be provided to me is too much to ask, especially when it's just due to me wanting to be a little more clean!

It's any provider's prerogative to charge for whatever time and services that they want to. But I personally will avoid the ladies that have expressed this opinion. No biggy, we just don't see eye to eye.

My $0.02.
thecooldude's Avatar
I once posted a thread called "grace period". Asking questions such as spending extra time talking, having a drink, shower time, or being a little late. As I recall most of the responses were your time starts when you walk through the door. But I have also experience that every provider is different. Most providers love it when a guy request to take a shower and will not hold it against their time. Now if a guy is haggling time in the shower then I can see the OP's point. 5 to 10 minutes shouldn't be a problem. But then again, it's all about attitude. If you expect good services then you should be kind and respectful of their time.
Showers are a must. Especially for nuru sessions. Thats why clients prefer to get at least 90mins. Clients always shower before and after.
I think its appropriate to expect the client to be refreshingly clean .. I expect the same from the lady.
There isn't anything more disgusting to me than to think all a lady did is take a wet wipe to herself after her previous client...
The same goes for me..the lady hands me a warm wash cloth is nice .. And appreciated but pure class is to run a warm shower and have complimentary soap and mouthwash waiting..it would be hot to even crawl in the shower and offer to scrub. There wouldn't be anything more disgusting than to go to my SO and lean over to give her a kiss and have her sniff realizing the faint aroma of another lady present.

I had one experience where after my appointment had ended and was walking to the exit someone was entering as I reached the exit. Needless to say I wasn't sure if that was her next client or her traveling companion but imade a mental note to never see her again.
Do you hear how the women talk? They do not want you there and want you to act like some of these lonely and pathetic men that think women having sex with them for money are doing him a favor, lmao! We are the customers, as in ALL business, cater to our needs and she will prosper heavily. When I shop at Home Depot, they provide restrooms, with soap and warm water, no charge, I am not even requaried to buy anything. They want my money and appreciate me shopping there and they act like it. Never heard them complain. Do you women understand every time you post you speaking to your potential clients? Listen to your selves, "your time starts when you walk in the door, not when you get out of the shower." "It is not up to me to watch the clock." Do you realize how this comes across? Coca-cola never advertises that their product is not healthy, when discussions of diet or health arise they stay quiet. Learn from that next time you want to complain about customers. What we know now is you two are all about business and that's cool, but do not state it. Coca-cola never says we sell products because we like your money, and lots of it!! They tell you to enjoy the taste, because taste is their biggest asset. And we all know Coca-cola loves our money, but they don't say it in any form. Originally Posted by gentlemantoo

Right on target.. If you have scheduled your clients so close together that a five minute quick shower will potentially cause a run in with the next client then your not allowing enough time to prepare for them as well.
Especially in this type of personal seevices where cleanliness is especially essential towards one's own health and well being.. I actually carry my own bathing supplies so that when I return to my SO I will be refreshed with familiar smells when I meet with those around me on an everyday basis .
One lady I met when I first joined as a client asian luxury is her handle now it was Scarlett before insisted every client must shower when arriving and before leaving she had bathing supplies available along with mouthwash and tooth brush.. None of that time went against the appointment time after the activities she just ran a shower brought a warm wet cloth and grabbed my hand to walk me into the shower it was hot as hell and the closest I have ever came to get a second erection..along with that she was willing to shower with you both times..to bad she doesn't visit here any more..pure class
I agree with you Madeline Tze. Showers, before or after the session, them on their phones, taking a smoke break, whatever the case may be, is not getting them extra time for less money. I set an alarm on my phone that sounds like a text msg. It's my 15 minute warning to start wrapping things up. I ask the clients if they will need the facilities afterwards. If they do I tell them know in a nice way we have 15 to finish up so they have time to freshen up before leaving. Most clients are and have been respectful of this. The ones who have not appreciated this simply won't see me again or I won't see them. I don't want to see anyone who can't respect and value my time the same way I respect and value theirs. And I refuse to let anyone take advantage of me, my time or services. The ones who have been upset that I won't let them stay longer for no extra money are not people I want to see again anyway. I have to ask myself with those "Where does it end?" They just keep expecting more and more for less and less!

Let me say though, I don't expect to be tipped because they took a shower! I actually provided washcloths, unscented, hypoallergenic body wash, disposable razors, throw away toothbrushes, toothpaste, mouthwash, Qtips, and small deodorant for my clients to use if they so choose upon arrival or exit. I don't expect to be tipped for that. But I do expect them to arrive on time and leave within the scheduled time. If they request more time and I have it, I don't mind letting them stay longer. Most times that isn't the case though.
Stuck to your guns and stay Safe Ladies! Originally Posted by Sexy Sophia

Sounds like your a four G.girl..
Get in
Get on
Get off
Get out

I am so glad the ladies I have met have been less time sensitive..