Here is one of her quotes made for trumpys.
"We can evade reality, but we cannot evade the consequences of evading reality"
Pretty open of you to admit your 5th stepdad was a liberal.
Pretty typical though, of a trumpy, to blame his mom's sperm donor (whoever that was) for all his problems.
Since you brought up shutting the fuck up, why don't you?
No one gives a fuck what kind of women you wish you had or that your liberal stepdad used you as a spitoon.
You know the average trumpy's education level and propensity for working in a job field that is now offshore precludes paying taxes.
Originally Posted by Munchmasterman
Thank yo mm - very good summation of the elitism and intellectual disdain for the hard working honest Americans the DPST's suppose they represent as their proletariat.