Thanks Houston =/

simpleton's Avatar
Originally Posted by Houston65
Well, it was almost as bad as my experience. I had tentatively schedule for this AM with December

From someone without a review....LOL
Last time i never had an appointment. I have never had a NCNS, that is something that very few providers can say....and I called December when I wasn't going to show...something not every hobbyist does. I think overall that with my 11 reviews, all those providers would see me again, as well as some I haven't reviewed here. It the the lying providers, like the two (well, actually the SAME girl) mentioned in that thread that have issues. Originally Posted by Houston65
Liar liar pants on fire. .you made a very set appointment, or so I heard . Reading that thread, you contradicted yourself so many times, it's obvious that you're lying. No point in rehashing, so don't even go there dude by making it seem like there's something wrong with me. Everyone that has ever scheduled with me knows that I TCB. The only issue I have is with people wasting my time and then insulting my intelligence. The only issue you had was being called out on it. If providers that NCNS can go in the alert section, so can the fucktards that commit the same crime. If I had've known you were going to pull that stunt, I wouldn't have wasted my time with you and I'm sure December wouldn't have either.
LOL, oh, now you admit you are/were DollyDirtyMoney. So you need 2 ID's. I wonder why? I really don't care because many more men will NOT see you that a provider, which I don't need anyhow, that will not see me. You should never posted an alert for a fantasy NCNS....and my record speaks for itself. Never had a NCNS. May have had a cancellation or 2, but everyone that reads this knows...most people have had cancellations. I am sure if December does return to Houston, that we can meet up. I think you forget to mention that I even CALLED BACK when my vehicle was repaired to see if I could come over (2.5 hours later). What type of dedication is that? You don't know the story, you didn't listen in on our conversation and you didn't see the chat request. You are just a drama causing fucktard and no one should ever see you.
Mojojo's Avatar
From someone without a review....LOL Originally Posted by Houston65
You might not wanna go that route with simpleton . . . just a suggestion.
LOL, oh, now you admit you are/were DollyDirtyMoney. So you need 2 ID's. I wonder why? I really don't care because many more men will NOT see you that a provider, which I don't need anyhow, that will not see me. You should never posted an alert for a fantasy NCNS....and my record speaks for itself. Never had a NCNS. May have had a cancellation or 2, but everyone that reads this knows...most people have had cancellations. I am sure if December does return to Houston, that we can meet up. I think you forget to mention that I even CALLED BACK when my vehicle was repaired to see if I could come over (2.5 hours later). What type of dedication is that? You don't know the story, you didn't listen in on our conversation and you didn't see the chat request. You are just a drama causing fucktard and no one should ever see you. Originally Posted by Houston65
lolz. How defensive we get when called out on our fucktardism. FTR, I had disabled my acct when I had that one, sometimes even Daphne needs a break! But hopefully the next chick you pull this stunt on will read these two threads and put 2x2 together for themselves.. As for reputations mine speaks for itself; I'm not a fucktard but a hooktard, a sweet one at that, that loves to suck dick and fuck. A principle lost on some around here but I digress. ~toodles~

*edit* It was not a fantasy session as I asked others here who have contributed with me in a cuck session to also participate in this one, so I'm not the only person who's time was wasted with your BS.
Again, you admit your lies. Now everyone knows what kind of drama you will pull should they ever even express an interest in scheduling with you. They will have a fantasy appointment and when they don't call (without a number) nor show (without a known time/place) they will get a fake NCNS posted by you or another one of your identities. Your desperation for clients shows as you are a constant source of drama on the board by criticizing others.
caramelqtee mila's Avatar
Yes, you did.........NCNS is not cool on many levels......I wonder if all of her NCNS's are members here.

We are brutal to the hooktards who flake on us.......maybe it is time to be brutal to the fucktards who don't know how to keep a fucking schedule and NCNS.....I will just come out and say it........if you are so fucking poor that you don't have reliable transportation, get a new fucking hobby.......maybe as a mechanic. Originally Posted by dearhunter
DH I agree with you,in any event December that sucks and Im sorry that happened to you. I seriously doubt they were actual car problems. I hope this doesn't put a sour taste in your mouth about coming back,we have some awesome guys down here but we have our fair share of dickwads as most cities do. xoxo
Eccie Addict's Avatar
From someone without a review....LOL Originally Posted by Houston65
Reviews does not equal credibility......

......and Daphne's record speaks for itself.
Again, you admit your lies. Now everyone knows what kind of drama you will pull should they ever even express an interest in scheduling with you. They will have a fantasy appointment and when they don't call (without a number) nor show (without a known time/place) they will get a fake NCNS posted by you or another one of your identities. Your desperation for clients shows as you are a constant source of drama on the board by criticizing others. Originally Posted by Houston65
desperation? lol...yes, I'm so desperate for clients that I speak my mind on the board no matter what and don't advertise every week. That is the true sign of desperation. If I were desperate, I would be kissing plenty ass here and putting up ads constantly, but I'm not, hence I don't. Don't get ur panties in a bunch.
caramelqtee mila's Avatar
Hey Daphne,sorry to hijack just wanted to give you a shoutout and virtual high five chica! lol
Mojojo's Avatar
^ high five's Mila's ass.
thanks Mila, but sorry, I wanna ^5 your booty cheeks too
simpleton's Avatar
^ high five's Mila's ass. Originally Posted by mojojo213

That's what I was thinking. what a nice ASS.
simpleton's Avatar
From someone without a review....LOL Originally Posted by Houston65
Stay focused...

This thread isn't about douchbags that don't write reviews. If you
want to discuss the value of members that don't write reviews on a shmb start a new thread and I will answer that bell.

What you should do is apologize and leave it at that. Bow out gracefully and move on. I have never understood why people think calling minutes before apt. to cancel makes everything good. Yes it's nice you called but still basically the same thing. You didn't show up. I understand things happen but it seems like for you it's becoming a trend.