Iowa democrat stupidity

dilbert firestorm's Avatar
The whole impeachment thing was to distract from Harvey Weinstein. Originally Posted by the_real_Barleycorn

ol harvey has diddly squat to do with what the dems are doing
the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar bought into the elaborate hoax that was hatched in the kitchen of Hillary Clinton. She has to save Bill to save herself. Or do you think that only Bill and Epstein were pals?
  • oeb11
  • 02-07-2020, 07:30 AM
TBC - Please - to accuse H...of an "elaborate hoax" over epstein is possible.
To allege it happened in her "Kitchen" - Does anyone even think H... has functioned in a kitchen in many years???????
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
and the blame games continues. now it's those nasty trolls on 4chan!! the number is openly published on the Iowa Democratic party's website. so the blame rests right there as far as who had access. everyone and anyone had access. of course if their app had worked the hotline wouldn't have been needed.

Trump supporters, 4chan trolls added to Iowa caucus hotline chaos, Democrats say

The Iowa caucus hotline number is posted publicly (and prominently) on the state Democratic party website. It’s also easy to find with a quick Google search.

But after that phone number spread more widely online — including on the messaging board 4chan, according to NBC News — calls from internet trolls and supporters of President Trump reportedly started overwhelming workers answering the hotline.

“The Iowa Democratic Party experienced an unusually high volume of inbound phone calls to its caucus hotline, including supporters of President Trump,” party spokesperson Mandy McClure said in a statement to McClatchy News on Thursday. “The unexplained, and at times hostile, calls contributed to the delay in the Iowa Democratic Party’s collection of results, but in no way affected the integrity of information gathered or the accuracy of data sets reported.”

Staff and volunteers started flagging and blocking repeat callers suspected of purposefully clogging the lines, according to the party. Party officials said veterans of caucus operations “described the volume of calls as highly irregular compared to previous caucuses.”

The disruptive hotline calls were first reported by Bloomberg on Wednesday.

Results from the Iowa caucuses — the first voting in the 2020 Democratic presidential primary race — were delayed on Monday because of problems with an app designed to report the outcome. As of Thursday, Sen. Bernie Sanders of Vermont and former Mayor Pete Buttigieg of South Bend, Indiana, were vying for the lead in state delegate equivalents, while Sanders claimed victory in the popular vote tally.

One 4chan poster was quoted by NBC as writing “they have to call in the results now. Very long hold times being reported. Phone line being clogged” — to which another poster responded: “Uh oh how unfortunate it would be for a bunch of mischief makers to start clogging the lines.”

NBC reported that 4chan users “repeatedly posted the phone number for the Iowa Democratic Party ... both as screenshots and in plain text, alongside instructions.”

Sanders declares Iowa popular vote victory, but party says it’s not what matters most

“A lot of calls came in at a certain point where it was clear somebody had published the hotline number somewhere,” said Iowa State Auditor Ron Sand, who noticed calls spurred by an internet post, according to NBC. “If I picked up the phone and it was clear after the first handful of words that someone was not calling to report the results, I just hung up.”

NBC reports that Sand “said he did not get any calls that said they were from Trump supporters.”

Trump campaign officials said they were unaware of supporters apparently inundating the hotline, Bloomberg reported.

“Don’t know anything about that but maybe Democrats should consider using an app of some kind next time,” campaign spokesman Tim Murtaugh said in a text, according to the outlet. “Democrats are engulfed in the worst election embarrassment in modern history and they’re looking for someone to blame. It’s pathetic.”

There were 77 phones used on caucus night, including 45 for answering calls and 32 landlines that could call to collect various precincts’ results, according to the party.

Does impeachment make presidents more popular? Trump approval poll repeats history

Iowa Democratic Party Chair Troy Price said Tuesday that “while I fully acknowledge that the reporting circumstances on Monday night were unacceptable, we owe it to the thousands of Iowa Democratic volunteers and caucusgoers to remain focused on collecting and reviewing incoming results.”

On Thursday, Democratic National Committee Chair Tom Perez called for Iowa Democrats to recanvass, which he said would amount to “a review of the worksheets from each caucus site to ensure accuracy.”
Enough is enough. In light of the problems that have emerged in the implementation of the delegate selection plan and in order to assure public confidence in the results, I am calling on the Iowa Democratic Party to immediately begin a recanvass.
— Tom Perez (@TomPerez) February 6, 2020
“Enough is enough,” Perez said on Twitter. “In light of the problems that have emerged in the implementation of the delegate selection plan and in order to assure public confidence in the results, I am calling on the Iowa Democratic Party to immediately begin a recanvass.”

HoeHummer's Avatar
LexusLover's Avatar
Idiots. Originally Posted by HoeHummer
Is this a self-admission? Or is that why you fled to Canada ...

... in hopes at being able to be more competitive there? Mentally!

We know the physical part is too much to expect .... since you can't even remove a thong from a rub girl .... or persuade her to do so!
rexdutchman's Avatar
ICU 812's Avatar
The 2020 Iowa Cauces debacle reminded me of the Broward County Butter Fly Ballot circus during the Bush/Gore election.

How hard can this be?

Setting aside all left-right/blue/red stuff; The USA should be the example to the world of how a legitimate election is run. We wre better then that, I don't care what side you are on in this.
The 2020 Iowa Cauces debacle reminded me of the Broward County Butter Fly Ballot circus during the Bush/Gore election.

How hard can this be?

Setting aside all left-right/blue/red stuff; The USA should be the example to the world of how a legitimate election is run. We wre better then that, I don't care what side you are on in this. Originally Posted by ICU 812
The characteristics of the election workers is the unifying theme. They are democrats, or in democrat dominated precincts(Broward county, Iowa, Chicago, New York, )

Elections have been going on for a long time, but the US has a history of bad electoral behavior in processes set by Democratic run governments.

My family has deep history of being poll workers. That sort of shit would have never worked in a precinct they were in.

This is a strong reason we have a electoral college. Because of the electoral college, I don't have to worry about the fascist racebaiting bigoted thugs running the elections in Chicago(or California). If it weren't for the electoral college, I'd have to ensure every precinct had an accurate count. Now I only have to worry about my own.
rexdutchman's Avatar
Bernie wants a recount---------