Who is suiram77 express your opinion

mrredcat43's Avatar
About to get some head? Keeping it in the family? No wonder your mom ignored my call
suiram77's Avatar
Up date Mr. Lucas sir, he said about 350. Not bad but along way to go lol
Be sure to ask that gentleman how many sexual partners he's had while he's blowing you. Originally Posted by Lucas McCain
Seems like you are speculating on someone's potential medical condition, just saying....
Lucas McCain's Avatar
Seems like you are speculating on someone's potential medical condition, just saying.... Originally Posted by andymarksman
That's what you got from that post genius? Go look at one of the other million fucking threads the OP has started lately. Specifically this one: https://eccie.net/showthread.php?t=2203623

Nice attempt though to make something out of nothing. Try harder next time. And what kind of medical condition could I possibly be speculating about? Your answer should be funny.
Lucas McCain's Avatar
Geez. Get some better mandles. Your logic makes no sense to me. If I was speculating about anything, it would be about how the fuck you have not been banned with this mandle yet. Look, we both know you were a provider. I hurt your feelings with some comments in another city. Too fucking bad. Keep trying though to make something out of nothing. Your attempts to do so will be funny to me but not to the OP. He wants the attention on himself, not you or me. Now he's going to come on here and request to stay on topic.
That's what you got from that post genius? Go look at one of the other million fucking threads the OP has started lately. Specifically this one: https://eccie.net/showthread.php?t=2203623 Originally Posted by Lucas McCain
He's talking about female partners, but those aren't what you are "interested with", correct?
Lucas McCain's Avatar
He's talking about female partners, but those aren't what you are "interested with", correct? Originally Posted by andymarksman
See my post right above.
suiram77's Avatar
He's talking about female partners, but those aren't what you are "interested with", correct? Originally Posted by andymarksman
Lmao Andy he is new here cut him a break lol. Mr. Lucas is playing nice for now, but he knows a ban is coming for him if he get out of line. Lol
Lucas McCain's Avatar
Lmao Andy he is new here cut him a break lol. Mr. Lucas is playing nice for now, but he knows a ban is coming for him if he get out of line. Lol Originally Posted by suiram77
No ban will be coming for me. I follow the rules. They're not that difficult to follow. You of course will get banned eventually because of your lack of intelligence and I'm sure the mods are sick of dealing with the bullshit that you like to start. Andy, well, that's just a matter of whether the mods want to do some research to realize that Andy is a mandle and then there will be a ban for her. Luckily for her, the mods are busy dealing with all of your silly threads so Andy is probably safe for now.

Oh well, unlike the hooker Andy and you, the fake rich musician, some of us actually have jobs so I need to go to bed now. You guys should PM each other and work on some elaborate strategy on how to get me banned while I'm sleeping like a baby LOL.
suiram77's Avatar
No ban will be coming for me. I follow the rules. They're not that difficult to follow. You of course will get banned eventually because of your lack of intelligence and I'm sure the mods are sick of dealing with the bullshit that you like to start. Andy, well, that's just a matter of whether the mods want to do some research to realize that Andy is a mandle and then there will be a ban for her. Luckily for her, the mods are busy dealing with all of your silly threads so Andy is probably safe for now.

Oh well, unlike the hooker Andy and you, the fake rich musician, some of us actually have jobs so I need to go to bed now. You guys should PM each other and work on some elaborate strategy on how to get me banned while I'm sleeping like a baby. LOL Originally Posted by Lucas McCain
Mods really, have you been listening sir, I’m the COS here Ok, don’t forget it. I’m glad you do know how to act because, if you don’t you will be out of here. So stay on topic and say How you feel about suiram77 that’s within our guidelines and move on. Please don’t be a fool and let a troll like suiram77 beat you, and cause you to get hit with points or ban. I really like you since you join last month, so I’m pulling for you to be around. Thanks Mr. Lucas we appreciate your contribution.
Umm...Looking at your reviews. You're pretty much a nobody. But please, continue to make threads about yourself to make yourself feel important. Mean while, the rest of us will scratch our heads wondering who is this guy.
Look, we both know you were a provider. I hurt your feelings with some comments in another city. Too fucking bad. Originally Posted by Lucas McCain
I do see providers, although I am very selective in whom I chose to spend our quality time together. I just prefer to keep the encounters as discreet as possible, but now I can see you don't possess the least amount of common decencies to respect the most basically accepted decorum here. That tells an awful lot about you, even on this hooker board.

BTW, if I happen to be a provider as you have kept falsely accusing, I would have demanded a "make peace" session with AR.
See my post right above. Originally Posted by Lucas McCain
So you can't answer the question? But you know very well the risk level is so much more exponential with guys, don't you?
Grace Preston's Avatar
Insinuating he was getting blown by a guy is speculation about sexuality, not medical condition. Your attenmpt at that far of a reach is pretty damned comical. I mean hell, if pregnancy is a physical description and not medical speculation-- it'll be damn hard to make your gymnastics stick.

Suiram-- if you are disappointed in the level of response, its because you aren't really that significant. Most of us don't give a fuck about you unless you come for one of us first. You really aren't important to anybody here.
suiram77's Avatar
Lmafo kmsl rofl lmao kmsl rofl omg omg chid please please, lmao. Really sun chip,you just prove to me I’m important boo. Your ass just came into MY thread and said all that bull shit vomit SMDH!! Oh yeah I’m really not important, Ok keep telling yourself that. I was able to get a post from you in MY not so important thread, and it want be the last one from you gracy. Lmfao, kmsl, girl bye child.

Come for one of us, what, really, are you listening to yourself darling. I have already came for you and shredded you like kraft cheese big time SMDH. You just make sure you take care of your responsibilities, so I don’t have to lmfao. I’m busy toady getting money, chat with you later on boo, have a great fucking Wednesday. Yeah babeby

Read my sig line it will help you and others understand.