Bashing Leslie Lane

Leslie Lane's Avatar
Hi, my name's "007"...Leslie "007" Lane, not to be confused with Leslie Lane. She's gone fishing.

I'm here to assure you that security was Leslie Lane's top priority and still is. That's why Lil Bubba was denied and didn't pass Leslie Lane's screening. Ooops...was that supposed to be you and L.L.'s little secret???

Who's your granny???

"edm_fw".....It sounds like 2007 was a good year. PM me...let's see if we can make 2010 even better. At my introductory rate of course....I guess it doesn't suck being you after all!!!

**Offer exclusive only to edm_fw...WHY, you ask?? Because I can, I will, and I just did. And because I can make and break my own rules. There's meaning behind this....THINK.
oh dear sweet baby jesus...
not possible security was your top priority....its just not

im not sure what you are calling 'screening' post an AD saying 'email if you are interested'. so i send an email saying 'interested'. even lil bubba was curious at your intro rate.
im not sure what you are calling screening. not seeing me based off of you not likeing me cuz i call you on your bullshit and keep it just a wee bit to real for hardly screening
pay attention boys....edmfw proved being a WK really can pay off. a $$ payoff
and LL proved once again she cant stick to shit she says...posting again...taking a new client...going back on old rate...guess shit going as well as you thought???

at this rate you will not make 2010 any better for him...2011 if he is lucky.
you are both past your with it.
im done for tonight...i have a bid day tomorrow
edm fw...stick with your "22 (really!!)" year old girl from your review. im sure you would be better off seeing her 3 more times...than making the drive all the way down here...oh wait...2 more times, with your WK discount
Leslie Lane's Avatar
Lil Bubba needs a couple of these right now. Nuglet...where are you???

Btw...Lil Bubba, you're cute. You do realize you're this kitty's yarn don't ya? All in good fun
Fucking awe-sum.

I'm freaking speechless.

You, girl make the rules, then break them, and remake them. You are totally fucking with the industry, and I like it.

Who here is ready to cast the next stone?

C'mon Whispers... What say ye to Leslie 007?.....
still a silly girl...what do i need a WK for? cant answer that.
gang bang
i would hate to see the cost of that one...
Elephant's Avatar
Retired....unless you're already booked. Originally Posted by Leslie Lane
Let me translate.... "Retired, until my eccie SD's get tired of me" or "Retired, unless I don't live up to my first appointments expectations"

Leslie Lane's Avatar
Nope....I'm retired. No sd for me. You gentlemen are stuck with me until December 1, 2010. Let the countdown begin....
cheater's Avatar
This dam thing still going?
Elephant's Avatar
I wonder if Leslie double O's during a 90min session.....

***** drama queen
***** GPS

nough said
  • Vyt
  • 11-15-2010, 08:25 AM
As far as posts, I will NO longer be posting. Originally Posted by Leslie Lane
I promise...NO MORE POSTS!!!! I'm serious THIS time, goodbye, adios, ade, ciao, tschau, ahoj, ja ne, sayonara, farvel, adeus, get the picture. Originally Posted by Leslie Lane
So, this will be my very last post. Originally Posted by Leslie Lane
No, this is my last post. Originally Posted by Leslie Lane is my very last post. Yup this one's it. My very last one. Ahhh...who am I kidding?? lol Originally Posted by Leslie Lane
So, I'll bow out while I'm on top. Originally Posted by Leslie Lane
This will be my final post, as I will be completely under the radar. Originally Posted by Leslie Lane
Farewell's been a pleasure. Originally Posted by Leslie Lane
No......this is my final post. Originally Posted by Leslie Lane
Elephant's Avatar
Pssss... I don't know if it's true or not, but I heard that LL, AA and LM were involved in a nasty love triangle earlier this year.