Senile Biden's Weakness - Chinese Spy Balloon

bambino's Avatar
What a feckless idiot

China’s brazen disregard for U.S. sovereignty is a destabilizing action that must be addressed. You know China would not have pulled this shit with Trump in charge and if they did, that spy balloon would have been blasted out of the sky long ago Originally Posted by berryberry
Maybe in your MAGAland fantasy realm. But here in reality that doesn’t seem to be the case.

Trump allowed not one, but three Chinese spy balloons to transverse the U.S. during his presidency. Didn’t even have the common sense to have it shot down like President Biden did. Trump is a feckless idiot indeed.
berryberry's Avatar
Maybe in your MAGAland fantasy realm. But here in reality that doesn’t seem to be the case.

Trump allowed not one, but three Chinese spy balloons to transverse the U.S. during his presidency. Didn’t even have the common sense to have it shot down like President Biden did. Trump is a feckless idiot indeed. Originally Posted by Mistershark
False. More lies from the DNC news media presented with ZERO evidence

Trump, top national security officials refute claim that Chinese spy balloons transited US under last admin. There ZERO Chinese Spy Balloons during President Trump’s administration. China owns Biden and everyone knows why.
berryberry's Avatar
Have to laugh at the people who fall for the DNC media fake news based on zero evidence and "anonymous sources". You would think they would have learned their lessons from all the other Fake News including the big Russia Hoax

FORMER DIR. OF NAT'L INTELLIGENCE: There were no Chinese spy balloon incursions under President Trump's watch.

Where are the videos? Where are the pictures? Where are pilot reports? They have no evidence because it never happened.

berryberry's Avatar
False. More lies from the DNC news media presented with ZERO evidence

Trump, top national security officials refute claim that Chinese spy balloons transited US under last admin. There ZERO Chinese Spy Balloons during President Trump’s administration. China owns Biden and everyone knows why. Originally Posted by berryberry
Thought you like things with zero evidence? Widespread election fraud anyone? I believe it was 60 cases that were thrown out of court because Trumps lawyers didn’t present any evidence.

Trump officials saying they do not recall this happening? That gives them an easy out when evidence it did happen is presented. I believe MAGA hero Marjorie Taylor Greene made that famous. Of course trump just prefers to plead the fifth, which he did some 400 times during one of his recent trials.

I wouldn’t put much stock into Furher Grab them by the Pussy calling this Lugenpresse. He tends to lie a lot.
berryberry's Avatar
Trump officials saying they do not recall this happening? That gives them an easy out when evidence it did happen is presented. Originally Posted by Mistershark
Just admit you were wrong and got fooled by utterly false reporting by the DNC media from an "anonymous source" with zero evidence presented.

Anyone with any common sense can see this is the DNC media carrying out their marching orders from Senile Biden and the other crazy ass leftists to try to provide political cover for Senile Biden's ineptitude.

I mean to think they are really running with the 'Trump did it too' narrative and hoping poor saps will believe it when they don't have even one photo, video from the ground, local media reports, etc. of any balloons

Everyone would remember this had it happened. You can't hide the big ass balloon in the sky.

This has been a great litmus test for who can spot propaganda and who guzzles it

By the way, you may want to watch this:

Reporter Brooke Singman spoke with Esper, Bolton, Grenell and other DOD and intel officials who all deny the anonymous reports of Chinese spy balloons during the Trump administration
berryberry's Avatar
Senile Biden was tested on the world stage and abysmally failed.

The Chinese spy balloon should never have been allowed to cross into our sovereign nation gathering intelligence.

Senile Biden has the State of the Union in 2 days, and he’s got Chinese spy balloon fragments all over his face

Cody69's Avatar
Why is it on here that those Orange Turd Followers lie for him every single day? They lied for Trump winning the election, they lied that his taxes were being audited when in reality he wasn't audited for 8 years. Everyday they lie for him. WHY?

Trump about one out of every three stories he tells. He is nothing but a liar. Here is more proof from a real news company.

Donald Trump Tries to Deny That Spy Balloons Also Flew Over U.S. During His Presidency (
berryberry's Avatar
Why is it on here that those Orange Turd Followers lie for him every single day? Originally Posted by Cody69
The only lie is the DNC media pushing a blatantly false story based on one "anonymous source" and ZERO evidence and getting ill informed gullible people to fall for it

Meanwhile it has been refuted by multiple REAL people who have firsthand knowledge

Reporter Brooke Singman spoke with Esper, Bolton, Grenell and other DOD and intel officials who all deny the anonymous reports of Chinese spy balloons during the Trump administration


FORMER DIR. OF NAT'L INTELLIGENCE: There were no Chinese spy balloon incursions under President Trump's watch.

Where are the videos? Where are the pictures? Where are pilot reports? They have no evidence because it never happened.

berryberry's Avatar
And for all those gullible people who got fooled by the fake news DNC media news story, just answer this question

So you are trying to tell everyone Chinese Spy Balloons flew over the US while Trump was President and you want us to believe that Schiff, Swalwall, Pelosi, Schumer or any of the DNC simps in the media never mentioned it when they unfairly attacked Trump on everything else?

Only someone completely lacking in common sense would believe that
berryberry's Avatar
Tom Cotton: Biden Was ‘Paralyzed For Entire Week By A Balloon’ Because He’s Afraid Of ‘Chinese Communists’

“What began as a spy balloon has become a trial balloon, testing President Biden’s strength and resolve. And unfortunately, the president failed that test. And that’s dangerous for the American people. The president was paralyzed for entire week by a balloon,” Cotton said. “We should have shot this balloon down over the Aleutian Islands. We should have never allowed it to transit the entire continental United States. And I think there’s a lot of open questions that the administration needs to answer to Congress on behalf of the American people about why they didn’t.”

Cotton said that part of why Biden did not want to shoot down the spy balloon is because he did want to take any “provocative or confrontational” actions against “the Chinese communists.”

Cody69's Avatar
CBS, NBC, ABC are not small nobody networks. They tell the truth. Unlike those news sources you come up with. It is a shame when someone actually posts the truth you continually bash them. Why did Fox go to court of there lies and make up stories of why they lied? Like the stolen election. They went to court for that and lied as usual.

You know it is like a bad marriage, married for 30 years and nothing good at all to say of the partner they lived with. Biden has to have done something good. One thing it is not a constant source of firing people when anything don't look politically correct like Trump did weekly. He fucked up fired someone, you guys love him.

Trump is stage two Hitler. Only one more stage to go. Whats next killing the Jews?
berryberry's Avatar
CBS, ABC, NBC are DNC mouthpieces.

We all saw their lies with the Russia Hoax.
We all saw their lies with a host of other things Trump related

But this thread is about Senile Biden's weakness exposed over the Chinese Spy Balloon. It is just laughable how Senile Biden got exposed for the feckless baffoon he is and then the White House tried to blame Trump and got caught in their own web of lies

First Lie - Oh it happened under Trump's watch too. Nope, multiple high level officials, some of whom are not friends of Trump, went on record and exposed that lie

Second Lie - Oh it happened under Trump's watch but the Secretary of Defense, James Mattis, did not inform Trump because he was worried Trump would show the Chinese not top fuck around with America while he was in charge. Nope, perhaps realizing that that lie exposed Mattis to committing treason, Mattis is on the record denying that lie and making an excuse, well maybe there was a balloon but we thought it was an ice storm - OVER Florida !!!!!!! LOL

Third lie - Oh it happened under Trump's watch but no ne at Norad, the Dept of Defense or anyone in the country saw it or knew about it and we only discovered this now - 2 to 6 years after the fact but we can't tell you how.

Do these idiots really think the American people are dumb. Well, I guess they are counting on their ill informed leftist base to eat up these lies not knowing any better and spread them. But it is just laughable how the Senile Biden admin has lied to try to cover up his ineptitude, their lies been exposed, and they keep doubling down with even more outrageous lies. And yet some leftists still believe this crap. unreal
Cody69's Avatar
CBS, ABC, NBC are DNC mouthpieces.

We all saw their lies with the Russia Hoax.
We all saw their lies with a host of other things Trump related

But this thread is about Senile Biden's weakness exposed over the Chinese Spy Balloon. It is just laughable how Senile Biden got exposed for the feckless baffoon he is and then the White House tried to blame Trump and got caught in their own web of lies

First Lie - Oh it happened under Trump's watch too. Nope, multiple high level officials, some of whom are not friends of Trump, went on record and exposed that lie

Second Lie - Oh it happened under Trump's watch but the Secretary of Defense, James Mattis, did not inform Trump because he was worried Trump would show the Chinese not top fuck around with America while he was in charge. Nope, perhaps realizing that that lie exposed Mattis to committing treason, Mattis is on the record denying that lie and making an excuse, well maybe there was a balloon but we thought it was an ice storm - OVER Florida !!!!!!! LOL

Third lie - Oh it happened under Trump's watch but no ne at Norad, the Dept of Defense or anyone in the country saw it or knew about it and we only discovered this now - 2 to 6 years after the fact but we can't tell you how.

Do these idiots really think the American people are dumb. Well, I guess they are counting on their ill informed leftist base to eat up these lies not knowing any better and spread them. But it is just laughable how the Senile Biden admin has lied to try to cover up his ineptitude, their lies been exposed, and they keep doubling down with even more outrageous lies. And yet some leftists still believe this crap. unreal Originally Posted by berryberry
I know you would never watch any of the hearings related to the insurrection cause to you they are all lies because they are telling how the Biggest piece of Shit President we have ever had lied about everything and still is.

The hearing were no hoax, The trial had mostly all GOP members telling how much of a Douchebag Trump actually was and is. Don't worry they won't do anything to him. They all stick together both sides. That is only for the public benefit.

One day I hope you wake up from your dream and notice what is the truth and what is not. Oh by the way, when is Trump going to be reinstated like you said over and over from two years back? You remember they stole the election from him.

You had all of your same news sources even saying so. The mouthpieces that I watch daily said it wasn't stolen and its been over two years and Biden is still in there.

So I guess my fake news groups have been telling the truth and yours haven't Just saying. They always say time will tell and it has been written Biden won far and square. AHHHHHH

Don't worry your news groups might get sued again and say something different like they always do. You remember those moments.