Clarence Thomas Goes To Heaven

The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Sheriff David Clarke a staunch Trump supporter in his praise of the white man. LMAO question is why take it this far. Why can't he just be himself? lol

Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel

He’s labeled Attorney General Eric Holder an “a-----e.” and he is.

He’s slammed gun control supporters as "freedom-loathing gun-haters." and they are.

He’s ripped the Black Lives Matter movement as “Black lies Matter.”
But to the city’s largest police union, Milwaukee County Sheriff David Clarke is America’s finest lawman.

Trump: Hillary 'panders to' blacks, who should vote for me

The Patrolmen's Benevolent Association has named Clarke its person of the year — drawing fire from civil rights groups and other critics. all of which are racist assholes

“I think of Mr. Clarke the same way I regard Bull Connor, the same kind of law enforcement officer who would sick fire hoses and dogs on elderly women,” said Kirsten John Foy, northeast regional director for the National Action Network.

“I think he has a disregard for people of color. He has allowed the power that comes with the badge or the gun to cloud his true mission or perspective. “
Milwaukee County Sheriff David Clarke has become a hero of the right for publicly taking on black activists.

(J. Scott Applewhite/AP)
Marquez Claxton, a retired NYPD detective and former member of the 100 Blacks in Law Enforcement group, called the PBA’s decision to honor Clarke “surprising and disturbing.”
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“This is a guy who is beyond polarizing, who has zero empathy at even understanding about police community relations, who has even less respect for communities of color,” Claxton said.

“He really is often times nothing less than a hate-monger.”

PBA President Pat Lynch offered a vastly different take on Clarke, an unabashed Donald Trump supporter who has become a hero to the right for taking on black activists.
“During this challenging and dangerous period for police officers across the country, Sheriff Clarke has stepped into the national spotlight as a passionate defender of our profession, appearing frequently on TV programs and at high-profile events such as the Republican National Convention to push back against the rising tide of anti-police sentiment,” Lynch wrote in a letter to his members.

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The selection of Clarke represented a sharp turn from last year when Gov. Cuomo was honored as the PBA’s person of the year.
Patrolmen's Benevolent Association President Pat Lynch sang Clarke's praises.

(James Keivom/New York Daily News)
The NYPD declined comment. The 60-year-old Clarke didn’t return a request for comment.
Clarke’s response to the violent protests in Milwaukee earlier this month cemented his standing as one of the nation’s most divisive law enforcement figures.
After protesters took to the streets following the police shooting of an armed black man, Clarke, who is black, blamed the unrest on “tribal violence.”

"What happened Saturday night and again Sunday night had little to do with police use of force — it was a collapse of the social order where tribal behavior leads to reacting to circumstances instead of waiting for facts to emerge," Clarke wrote in a column published in The Hill newspaper.

“The law of the jungle replaced the rule of law in Milwaukee Saturday night over an armed career criminal suspect who confronted police."
While Clarke’s political views have gained him a chorus of critics — including rapper Talib Kweli — his police bonafides are unassailable.
Republican U.S. presidential nominee Donald Trump speaks with David Clarke after a recent spate of violence against police.

The cowboy hat-wearing Clarke spent 24 years at the Milwaukee Police Department, rising to the rank of commanding officer of the department’s intelligence division.
Since becoming sheriff of Milwaukee County in 2002, the 60-year-old lawman has won re-election three times — by margins exceeding 70%.
But even before he started sounding off on black protesters, Clarke’s office courted controversy.

In 2006, two sheriff’s deputies and their union successfully sued Clarke after he invited an evangelical Christian group to proselytize to a group of officers.
Clarke was found to have violated county procurement rules six years later when an audit revealed he used money from government seizures to buy workout equipment for his command staff.

Reached Thursday, Lynch sang Clarke’s praises.
"Sheriff Clarke is a passionate and vocal defender of police officers, at a time when our job is more difficult and dangerous than ever before,” Lynch said.

“That is exactly what the PBA does for New York City police officers, so it has been encouraging to hear Sheriff Clarke make the same case on a national stage. We should be hearing that type of support from elected leaders in both parties and at all levels of government."

so .... what's the problem here pisstine??? are you upset there is at least one black law enforcement official who thinks you are a lazy ignorant racist?? don't be hating the TRUTH, bitch
  • DSK
  • 08-25-2016, 08:46 PM
Mate, I happen to not be an American citizen, so I get to look at your country on a different view point. Especially shocking is the magnitude of a misinformed loud mouthed generation that exists here. You are a prime example of a mass black ideology group that argues like 7 year olds.

You have it so good here you cannot imagine. It is almost too good, because you are a weak stupid populace that is so easily manipulated it is appalling.

The good side of all this (heh) is that it can't last and it will come crashing down. The amount of money being printed and the corruption is staggering. You believe their is nothing wrong because POTUS tweeted you're OK.?

There is no reasoning with you, because to do so would mean you would have to be productive and contribute something of substance to the equation. Instead you idolize Kanye and a host of other dumbasses who have nothing to contribute to you and you quote their lyrics as the basis for the shit that comes from you.

I believe you are correct saying Clarence Thomas wishes he were white.... if being black is like you and your worthlessness. You can't grasp the idea that a black man would do you over like he has. He's a brotha... right? No way man, it's us against them. Grow a pair mate.

Ought to let bullying be legal again. Because when dumbasses like yourself rise up when they're young like this, the right kind of man can punch you in the nose, tape your li'l mouth shut and stuff you in the gym locker.

Cheers Originally Posted by Sig9er
Keep on speakin' the truth my brotha!!
  • DSK
  • 08-25-2016, 08:57 PM
Sheriff David Clarke a staunch Trump supporter in his praise of the white man. LMAO question is why take it this far. Why can't he just be himself? lol

Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel
What if he really believes what he is saying?
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Fisting Chap is an idiot. He'd rather post stupid, meaningless videos than address Hillary's massive corruption and assault on freedom. Can't blame him. There is no defending Hillary, the soulless, amoral, sociopath, most corrupt, dishonest and incompetent candidate to ever stand for POTUS. Keep posting your stupid vids with inane comments, Fister, it will keep you from addressing reality.
  • DSK
  • 08-26-2016, 07:51 AM
Fisting Chap is an idiot. He'd rather post stupid, meaningless videos than address Hillary's massive corruption and assault on freedom. Can't blame him. There is no defending Hillary, the soulless, amoral, sociopath, most corrupt, dishonest and incompetent candidate to ever stand for POTUS. Keep posting your stupid vids with inane comments, Fister, it will keep you from addressing reality. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
A very accurate portrayal of that troll.
MT Pockets's Avatar
Hey its all good. I did not know it was against the rules. I do not have a problem playing by whatever rules they make here. I am truly sorry if I offended any of you guys. I guess we are not the same. Some have thinner skin.

That being said I was directed to read the rules for posting here. So now that I have read the rules I will do the same in kind.

I was reprimanded for breaching rule #2
In the future I will keeping these rules in mind and using the RTM button as suggested by the Moderator in or conversation. In the past I have been guilty of breaking several of the rules when responding to comments made to me. In the future I will refrain from that and use the RTM. Lets see how well this goes.
TheDaliLama's Avatar
Hey its all good. I did not know it was against the rules. I do not have a problem playing by whatever rules they make here. I am truly sorry if I offended any of you guys. I guess we are not the same. Some have thinner skin.

That being said I was directed to read the rules for posting here. So now that I have read the rules I will do the same in kind.

I was reprimanded for breaching rule #2
In the future I will keeping these rules in mind and using the RTM button as suggested by the Moderator in or conversation. In the past I have been guilty of breaking several of the rules when responding to comments made to me. In the future I will refrain from that and use the RTM. Lets see how well this goes. Originally Posted by MT Pockets

You weren't offensive. You'd have to be significant first.
LOL! MT head! that is so imaginative! And a blown out tire analogy.
Thanks you for sharing one of your alembicated expressions with me.
I do not side with anyone. I either agree or disagree. Typically I agree with him. Originally Posted by MT Pockets
Well you both are a couple of "Cookie Cutters" anyway so it's understandable that you tend to agree with him.

Hey its all good. I did not know it was against the rules. I do not have a problem playing by whatever rules they make here. I am truly sorry if I offended any of you guys. I guess we are not the same. Some have thinner skin.

That being said I was directed to read the rules for posting here. So now that I have read the rules I will do the same in kind.

I was reprimanded for breaching rule #2
In the future I will keeping these rules in mind and using the RTM button as suggested by the Moderator in or conversation. In the past I have been guilty of breaking several of the rules when responding to comments made to me. In the future I will refrain from that and use the RTM. Lets see how well this goes. Originally Posted by MT Pockets
You can't offend anyone. If you keep pushing your luck some of us in here will reduce you to nothing but a crying shame. Just like in real life you have no power in here either. So just keep to your keyboard and your juvenile imagination.

MT Pockets's Avatar
You weren't offensive. You'd have to be significant first. Originally Posted by TheDaliLama
Well you both are a couple of "Cookie Cutters" anyway so it's understandable that you tend to agree with him.

Jim Originally Posted by Mr MojoRisin
You can't offend anyone. If you keep pushing your luck some of us in here will reduce you to nothing but a crying shame. Just like in real life you have no power in here either. So just keep to your keyboard and your juvenile imagination.

Jim Originally Posted by Mr MojoRisin
Wow! That went pretty well. Seems as if others may need to read the rules.

#4 - Blatant insults or hostility toward another member will be met with staff intervention. This applies to using our coed forums for name calling, personal attacks, or vulgar slang terms to describe fellow members. If you have legitimate concerns about another member here, share them tactfully in the appropriate private forums or with staff.

Hey , If I am such a threat that you need to call names and make comments of what you think my stature in life is that's cool with me. Its just that under the rules of this forum it is not allowed.
Wow! That went pretty well. Seems as if others may need to read the rules.

Hey , If I am such a threat that you need to call names and make comments of what you think my stature in life is that's cool with me. Its just that under the rules of this forum it is not allowed. Originally Posted by MT Pockets
You're not a threat. You're an annoyance.

MT Pockets's Avatar
You're not a threat. You're an annoyance.

Jim Originally Posted by Mr MojoRisin
Mission accomplished!
I don't even see you as that. Your kinda entertaining actually. Most of your comments seem like an old Cliché you read somewhere.
Mission accomplished!
I don't even see you as that. Your kinda entertaining actually. Most of your comments seem like an old Cliché you read somewhere. Originally Posted by MT Pockets
MT Head ,you've never accomplished anything in your life.

MT Pockets's Avatar
MT Head ,you've never accomplished anything in your life.

Jim Originally Posted by Mr MojoRisin
I did not know you knew me personally, Small world.
Since you have taken the time out of your busy world to evaluate me maybe you can give me some pointers. What can I do to improve?
Are you my mentor now?
I have always been amused by Wordsmiths.
They are all talk and no action.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
I did not know you knew me personally, Small world.
Since you have taken the time out of your busy world to evaluate me maybe you can give me some pointers. What can I do to improve?
Are you my mentor now?
I have always been amused by Wordsmiths.
They are all talk and no action. Originally Posted by MT Pockets
we are amused only by the stupidity of ... YOU.
