Please help me understand the nazi references in Coed?

boardman's Avatar wasn't DGs fault.

He was a drinker and got drunk and fell out of a guard tower Originally Posted by tbone2u
Who allowed the schnapps in the camp in the first place?
DG's GG that's who.
If you can't enjoy mixed are dark humor...this board is not for you
Russ38's Avatar
Who allowed the schnapps in the camp in the first place?
DG, that's who. Originally Posted by boardman
C’mon bm.....Jägermeister didn’t just invent itself...word in the bunker said it was a joint effort with that Dr. Mengele dude....
CurvyKatie's Avatar wasn't DGs fault.

He was a drinker and got drunk and fell out of a guard tower Originally Posted by tbone2u
OMG Tbone! You're crazy!
boardman's Avatar
C’mon bm.....Jägermeister didn’t just invent itself...word in the bunker said it was a joint effort with that Dr. Mengele dude.... Originally Posted by Russ38
What's that? An attempt at jew pickling juice that had unexpected benefits?
I'm not so sure tbone's grandfather would approve. But then again...anything to advance the final solution. Perhaps he would approve if he was a loyal Nazi.
There is no humor about genocides ever. It’s not funny. Then someone states , I forget who, that there’s humor in 911. I didn’t come here to make pals, got plenty of those, I came here to enjoy the gorgeous ladies and so far it’s gone well, but I sort of stay clear of Coed. It’s only a small clique of people anyway and the antagonist sistine and I guess his side kick shine( thankfully he’s banned and hopefully never returns to the board). Although, I think Sistine is a troll, he is the only one who said anything in this thread that makes any sense. I’m surprised the mods allow it, like if anyone really spends time with anyone who is Jewish or anyone with an empathetic heart that pain still runs deep so in my opinion if you find that funny, what’s not off limits? Would you make a joke about the shooting in Walmart? How about the genocide in Rwanda or present day Sudan? Would you make a joke about the shooting at the country festival in Las Vegas? At least have enough respect to just leave it alone, but to each his own and I’m not here to tell a grown man or woman how to act. But the mods shouldn’t want that here and should curb that shit in my honest opinion. I don’t even know how to participate here, Sistine gets ridiculed for spam and possibly pointed, but anything nazi related, hate related, is totally accepted. I don’t ever want to understand that. I got my answer so thank you to everyone. Goodnight.
Sistine Chapel's Avatar
^ the only thing I will add is that when serious I tell people say what you say and mean what you say without the "proverbial" smiley faces or LOL...or in your case use of the word "Sistine" as a qualifier to sort of soften the blow...Go hard like Iron Mike
Russ38's Avatar
^^^^^ Yeah ok.....anyway.....

What's that? An attempt at jew pickling juice that had unexpected benefits?
I'm not so sure tbone's grandfather would approve. But then again...anything to advance the final solution. Perhaps he would approve if he was a loyal Nazi. Originally Posted by boardman
Tbone’s grandfather was always loyal to the cause....perhaps he enjoyed the product a little too much but who are we to judge? Tebow knows we’ve all been there....Dr. M has always been a bit shady...especially with those late night Jew experiments but Dorian has that bitch under control.....jew pickling juice is gonna be way more profitable than the labor intensive task of picking out all those gold teeth fillings from a mountain of skulls.....
Slitlikr's Avatar
Welche nazi referenzen?
Sistine I think nothing if you, just observant. A person with any kind of life wouldn’t be on here as much as you are along with the resident lifer tbone. I said what I said and meant it. Now I’m done, you’ll can have this shit show of coed
This board is about the darkside of peoples lives.
It's not a church service and I we don't have come to Jesus meetings.
I don't see a steeple above the login area.
Everyone one us has beliefs we hold dear.
The dark humor most of us share here is just that...dark humor.
People that come in here and get all butt hurt about their momma, there religion or being called a whitey, a blacky, a brownie....or a chink.....don't belong here.
We are here to have fun
The do-righters don't fit here.

People,don't need to be here if they can't accept the humor.

Know what Mr.Flintstone? Maybe it is good that you leave.
Either one of us could leave and no one would miss us.
It's that simple
VitaMan's Avatar
Not exactly.......unless this is what the founders of eccie intended - the darkside ?

"Don't give in to the darkside."

Arnold Schwarzen-vader you like to fuck girls?
Do you realize each one of these girls are some one's daughter? Maybe someone's sister or baby sister?. Do you realize some are moms and have loving little ones that adore them? Probably have loving fathers and mothers? And you want to pay to fuck them. You want to stick your dick in there mouth and ass. You want to squirt your dribble inside them and outside them.
That's not a little on the dark side?
You need to crawl out from under your rock. You're not near as righteous as you think.
Be careful
Throwing stones and don't give me this hollier than thou shit.

And the same goes for Mr. FLINTSTONE
Interesting about the butt hurt comment sir, I’m the least bit butt hurt, I honestly could care less about what is said here, but I see mods come on threads and warn commenters about points for insults, but freely allow nazi humor to rule. You sir, get away with numerous thread hijacks without any repercussions. I am a Jewish male and I find it highly offensive but I also understand that different rules apply for different people period. A nice comment by the mods saying hey guys 6 million people died in a horrendous fashion, like this is not acceptable, but it’s allowed to exist. Makes no sense. I’m not pro church, the way you’ll hound Sistine shows you’ll are not pro freedom of speech you are pro your clique, and your clique with this nazi bullshit is not a group I want to ever be a part of. Thank you.
  • A1.
  • 08-21-2019, 11:31 PM
Nazi chic is the use of Nazi-era style, imagery, and paraphernalia in clothing and popular culture, especially when used for taboo-breaking or shock value rather than out of genuine sympathies with Nazism or Nazi ideology.

Its use began in the mid-1970s with the emergence of the punk movement in London: the Sex Pistols' first television appearance occurred with a person of their entourage wearing a swastika.[1] Nazi chic was later used in the fashion industry.