I'd be Foolish to See Her

onehitwonder's Avatar

I disagree. If you felt "it" that strong you should look into it. I ended up married to a guy for 25 yrs (until the day he died) that I thought I could'nt have. My mama always told us "closed mouth don't get fed, if you don't ask, you don't know"

just sayin'......
PATRON will do that shit to you every time my friend.

Fuck all the "rules", man. Go for it. Fall in love. Do all the shit that we say never do. There is no high like falling in love and it being returned, even if just for a short while.

Take a risk. You do that already in so many areas of your life already. Let your heart breathe and quit protecting it. It heals.

What's the worst thing that could happen? A few alerts, some stalking charges, private shit dragged out into the public boards for the mods to mop up, a couple of hacked email accounts, etc.. etc..

So what?
onehitwonder's Avatar

That's what I'm talkin' about! Go for it. Nothin' beats a failure but a try!

again, just sayin'..........

side note- cpi3000: remember Da Bear from aspd and his "was this wrong?" threads? Thats who we need to straighten this out.........
daddyo67's Avatar
My 2 cents

the only thing worse than having love and pain and suffering is having no love at all
Sometimes reality just doesn't live up to the fantasy. I say follow your instinct. H

You miss all the shots you never take. Ok I know, not the best advice. I consdier you as a friend and know exactly what you are going through. I knew a provider some time ago that I thought hung the moon, she was all I ever wanted in a woman. Our time together was short and she has long since left the hobby and found true love in the arms of another man. But I would romance her all over again if given the chance.
Love? There ain't no such creature.
I TOTALLY agree with Dannie.......make an appointment.....and make it a very long one as she is worth nothing less!
Jasser's Avatar
Jfred, I say go for it! You only live once my man so LIVE. I am in a similar situation with someone who I think is the most beautiful creature. I won't mention any names, but she is out of Fort Worth and works out vigorously.

When I see her pics, I think "damn, this one could actually have me sprung"! We have a lot in common and I think we would hit it off well. I honestly think that the first kiss will do it for me. Am I worried about where it could go? Not at all.

I hope the ladies here don't take offense to this next statment...

I don't worry about where things "could" go with a lady I see simply because I would never think a lady I meet under these circumstances would look at me for anything more than a "session". All the ladies I've seen have been professional and never made me think that they would actually have a true feeling for me, other than friendship.

Most of the ladies here keep their guard up, and rightfully so. Now, I know I'm fully capable of falling for someone if the chemistry is right, regardless of how I met them, but the idea of a lady in this biz "falling for me" never crossed my mind.

Will Boner's Avatar
JF........you know that if this thread was started by someone else you would be the first to tell them to not wade into dangerous waters. Heed your own advice.
Guest100610-2's Avatar

You are such a sweet guy. Ive seen you a couple of times.
I say go for it!! Life is too short to spend your life wondering " what if "

Don't let life pass you by because your afraid of the " what if "
If she makes your heart melt then go for it.... the worst that can be said is " NO! "

If it doesn't work out well then " It was fun while it lasted "
and if your love is unrequited.....

She must be lesbian!
wow. This thread calls to me.
Jfred.....dude.....I think you deserve a thump on the head!
People!.....do not encourage this man to take the leap!
It truly is jumping off a cliff.....!!

Listen......I've been there....in a big, big way.
The dedication from both parties in a serious relationship is .... well....I should say....a little fucked up.....when it comes to hobbyist....and providers?
Promises...and wishes.....and hopes....and dreams....can all be made, but the reality is.....until all the wash has been hung out to dry.....and the goods are nicely folded and put away.....then there aint no comfort. In addition....there will be much heartache, anguish and in the end.....mucho hard work.

Love is something that happens when you give the nutrients for it to grow.....it is not something that is "encountered upon"...an aaahhhhaa moment.....and then life is sweet as candy.

We all know this!

So....Jfred.....see the girl....give it a chance....but keep your guard up (diligently)! Notice if there is promise.....and evaluate hers and your personality.
You can't be a Knight in Shining Armor if the girl is not willing to get on the horse!

Luv to all,
PoppyToyota's Avatar
I will say this as far as advice goes....If you choose to see the lady who is already tugging at your heart strings. Don't bring it up as soon as you talk. Well if she's a member of this board it may be a little late for the last piece of advice.

Go in it with an open mind and let it happen. Don't press or try to be different. Enjoy your time with the lady you want to see. Feel free to fall in love for however long you booked with her. I can't remember who said it, "I fall in love with each provider I see 60 minutes at a time."
Lana Warren's Avatar
Love? There ain't no such creature. Originally Posted by looiecypher

LOOIE, don't make me come bitch slap you! LOL!

Love comes when you least expect it! Don't fight it because if you do, you will regret it later down the road! I, like alot of folks on here, used to discourage couples in the hobby from getting together, but I have since changed my mind! Why? I'm really not for sure, but I do know that true love can find anybody, good or bad!