is america as bad as Donnie say it is?

PrettyBoyG's Avatar
Not to mention the growth of ISIS. These people are crazy and we need a strong leader like Trump to deal with them. Not a pussy like pun intended. Originally Posted by Austin Ellen
You just called Trump a strong leader. That made my day. I needed a good laugh.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
You'r right Speed Racer. I stand corrected. But I'm still voting for Trump Originally Posted by Austin Ellen
I wasn't trying to change your mind as to for whom you are voting. Trump is going to win in Texas. Clinton will win in N.Y. and California. Worry about Florida, Ohio, Colorado , NC, Pennsylvania, and Virginia. Pretty much every other state is meaningless in the election.
Yes, that's true. Those are the battleground states. Although, I think Florida will go Trump. Just my feeling.

I wasn't trying to change your mind as to for whom you are voting. Trump is going to win in Texas. Clinton will win in N.Y. and California. Worry about Florida, Ohio, Colorado , NC, Pennsylvania, and Virginia. Pretty much every other state is meaningless in the election. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
Sexy Snake's Avatar
Yes, that's true. Those are the battleground states. Although, I think Florida will go Trump. Just my feeling. Originally Posted by Austin Ellen
Indiana as well. And don't forget Arizona too.
Sexy Snake's Avatar
Good points. I think what people fail to understand about radicalization and ISIS is that the real problem is not happening on an actual border, so devoting all your (our) time and energy on physical space won't be terribly effective. They are recruiting on the internet. This is a borderless war, and yes, they are already here. I think the other thing that is important to remember regarding ISIS is that they are losing the war in the middle east. They lost almost 30 percent of land in Syria this year and are getting their asses kicked in Iraq. They are gonna go down, but they aren't gonna make this easy. The more lose they over there, the more they are going to expand their guerilla tactics over here. Making these young people, which these recruits appear to me to mostly be, feel more angry and disaffected probably won't help. Originally Posted by helenasweets
Honestly, we do need to close our borders. Drug runners, terrorist, etc are coming into our country and who's fault was that? The Bush regime with George Sr, Bill Clinton, George Jr, and Obama.

We let these people in our country to pillage from us and now we are nothing more than open targets to these monsters.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
Indiana as well. And don't forget Arizona too. Originally Posted by Sexy Snake
Arizona and Indiana went Republican in 2012 and are expected to do so again. The states I mentioned, other than NC, went Democratic in 2012 and are have the best chances for Trump to turn red in 2016. Trump needs to gain 63 electoral votes that were blue in 2012 in order to tie.
This election is like being told you'll be raped but you can pick who'll rape you: On one end we have a guy with a 15" dick and on the other end we have a guy with a 14.9" dick. You get to pick who'll rape you but regardless of who does it'll hurt like hell, and no lubricants allowed. To be nice you can pick a blue condom or a red condom, if that makes you feel better. The guys defending the blue condoms will be happy to get fucked and the guys picking the red condom will also be happy to get fucked. That's how fucked up this election is.
This election is like being told you'll be raped but you can pick who'll rape you: On one end we have a guy with a 15" dick and on the other end we have a guy with a 14.9" dick. You get to pick who'll rape you but regardless of who does it'll hurt like hell, and no lubricants allowed. To be nice you can pick a blue condom or a red condom, if that makes you feel better. The guys defending the blue condoms will be happy to get fucked and the guys picking the red condom will also be happy to get fucked. That's how fucked up this election is. Originally Posted by icuminpeace

Sounds about right.